3 research outputs found

    Poređenje dijagnostičkih kriterijuma kod bolesnika sa amiotrofičnom lateralnom sklerozom - doprinos elektromiografskih nalaza

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    Diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is based on combination of clinical signs and electrophysiological correlates of pathological process which takes place in general. New electrophysiological criteria Awaji-Shima (AS) additionally qualify the complex fasciculations and neurogenically modified potentials of motor units as signs of active lesions of peripheral motor neuron, contrary to previously valid revised El Escorial criteria (rEE). The objective of this research was to determine the clinical significance and advantages of using the AS criteria in patients with ALS. Methods. Thirty patients (59.2 Ā± 10.9 years, 57% of them with spinal form of the disease) with clinically suspected ALS were monitored from the time of diagnosis until reaching the category of definitive diagnosis or death. The clinical evaluation and electromyographic (EMG) examinations were carried out at 3-month intervals. Results. By applying the AS criteria, the category of probable or definite diagnosis was achieved in all patients with ALS, except in one (96.6%), as contrary to the rEE (33.3%), after 6 months of the follow-up period. The subclinical affection in more than two body regions has been defined through detection of denervation potentials (80% of the patients by using the AS, or 67% by the rEE criteria). The complex fasciculations were registered particularly often in small muscles of the feet (37- 40%). Conclusion. Application of the AS criteria improve the achievment of category of probable or definite diagnosis of ALS by 2.7 months earlier compared to the rEE. This outcome is particularly affected by a higher frequency of positive EMG findings, when the AS criteria were employed. Early determination of diagnosis provides the better perspective and more frequent participation of the ALS patients in pharmacotherapy studies intended to establish new therapeutic options.Dijagnoza amiotrofične lateralne skleroze (LS) zasniva se na kombinaciji kliničkih znakova i elektrofizioloÅ”kih korelata patoloÅ”kog procesa koji se odvija u osnovi. Novi elektrofizioloÅ”ki kriterijumi, Awaji-Shima (AS), dodatno kvalifikuju kompleksne fascikulacije i neurogeno izmenjene potencijale motornih jedinica kao znakove aktivnih lezija perifernog motornog neurona, nasuprot ranije važećim revidiranim El Escorial kriterijumima (rEE). Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi klinički značaj i prednosti primene AS kriterijuma, kod obolelih od ALS. Metode. 30 bolesnika (59,2 Ā± 10,9 godina, od kojih 57% sa spinalnom formom bolesti) sa klinički suspektnom ALS, praćeno je od vremena postavljanja dijagnoze do postizanja kategorije definitivne dijagnoze ili smrtnog ishoda. Kod bolesnika su obavljane klinička evaluacija i elektromiografski (EMG) pregledi u tromesečnim intervalima. Rezultati. Primjenom AS kriterijuma, nakon 6 meseci praćenja, kategorija verovatne ili pouzdane dijagnoze postignuta je kod svih bolesnika sa ALS, izuzev jednog (96,6%), nasuprot rEE kriterijuma (33.3%). EMG nalazi bili su pozitivni u ā‰„ 2 telesna regiona kod 80% bolesnika primenom AS, odnosno 67% primenom rEE. Kompleksne fascikulacije zabeležene su posebno učestalo u malim miÅ”ićima stopala (37-40%). Zaključak. Primenom AS kriterijuma kategorija vjerovatne ili pouzdane dijagnoze ALS postiže se za 2,7 meseca ranije, u poređenju sa rEE, na Å”ta posebno utiče veća učestalost pozitivnih EMG nalaza. Ranije utvrđivanje dijagnoze donosi perspektivu veće zastupljenosti obolelih u farmakoterapijskim studijama sa novim terapeutskim agensima

    Neurophysiological evaluation of patients with degenerative diseases of the cervical spine

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    Bacground/Aim. Diagnostic protocol for patients with degenerative diseases of the cervical spine demands, in parallel with neuroimaging methods, functional evaluation through neurophysiological methods (somatosensitive and motor evoked potentials and electromyoneurography) aiming to evaluate possible subclinical affection of spinal medula resulting in neurological signs of long tract abnormalities. Considering diversities of clinical outcomes for these patients, complex diagnostic evaluation provides a prognosis of the disease progression. Methods. The study included 21 patients (48.24 Ā± 11.01 years of age) with clinical presentation of cervical spondylarthropathy, without neuroradiological signs of myelopathy. For each patient, in addition to conventional neurophysiological tests (somatisensory evoked potentials - SSEP, motor evoked potentials - MEP, electromyoneurography - EMG, nerve conduction studies), we calculated central motor conduction time (CMCTF), as well the same parameter in relation to a different position of the head (maximal anteflexion and retroflexion), so-called dynamic tests. Results. Abnormalities of the peripheral motor neurone by conventional EMNeG was established in 2/3 of the patients, correponding to the findings of root condution time. Prolonged conventional CVMPF were found in 29% of the patients, comparing to 43% CVMPF abnormalities found with the dynamic tests. In addition, the SSEP findings were abnormal in 38% of the patients with degenerative diseases of the cervical spine. Conclusion. An extended neurophysiological protocol of testing corticospinal functions, including dynamic tests of central and periheral motor neurons are relevant for detection of subclinical forms of cervical spondylothic myelopathy, even at early stages. In addition to the conventional neurophysiological tests, we found usefull to include the dynamic motor tests and root conduction time measurement in diagnostic evaluation

    Vascular comorbidities in patients with multiple sclerosis and their impact on physical disability

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    Aim Given the impact of vascular comorbidities (VC) on the diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of multiple sclerosis (MS), we examined the incidence and correlation of VC and risk factors for vascular disease in people with MS (PwMS) compared to the general population, and the impact on the physical disability of patients. Methods Cross-sectional study involved 100 patients with MS and 50 healthy people from the general population, matched by sex and age. The values of demographic, biochemical, and anthropometric parameters, the presence of VC and risk factors for vascular diseases in both groups, and clinical parameters in PwMS were analysed. Statistical analysis included methods of descriptive statistics, Ļ‡2 test, Student's t-test, analysis of variance, correlation and regression analysis. Results Groups differed by a higher frequency of transient ischemic attack in the control group (p=0.024), and the treatment of hypertension (p=0.038) and smoking frequency (p=0.044) in the MS group. Normal triglycerides levels were statistically significantly more prevalent in the MS group (p=0.000). Total body weight and BMI were statistically significantly higher in the control group (p=0.000). The increase in Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) score was associated with higher levels of total (p=0.001) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (p=0.003), and activated partial thromboplastin time APTT (p=0.002). Conclusion In PwMS it is necessary to pay attention to the higher frequency of smoking than in general population, and the impact of total cholesterol, LDL and APTT levels as significant parameters that affect physical disability