110 research outputs found

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    Les polítiques de seguretat i de prevenció a França

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    Die Polizei als Abbild der Gesellschaft? Prozesse der Diskriminierung bei der Rekrutierung von Frauen und ethnischen Minderheiten für die französische Polizei

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    "Trotz Verlautbarungen der französischen Regierung Ende der 1990er, dass zur Erreichung von mehr Bürgernähe gerade auch junge Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund aus den Vorstädten in der Polizei vertreten sein müssen, sind ethnische Minderheiten hier nach wie vor unterrepräsentiert. Um zu überprüfen, ob dies auf Aspekte ethnischer Diskriminierung in der Einstellungspraxis zurückzuführen ist, wurden die Auswahlverfahren bei zwei verschiedenen polizeilichen Einheiten (adjoints de securite/ gardiens de la paix) in Lille und Marseille untersucht. Im Vergleich von Bewerbern und Bewerberinnen maghrebinischer und nicht-maghrebinischer Zuordnung zeigen sich komplexe Beziehungen zwischen den Variablen schulische Qualifikation, Geschlecht und ethnische Zuordnung, die als komplexe Verknüpfung von geschlechtlicher und ethnischer Diskriminierung beschrieben werden. Die Analyse der verschiedenen Tests im Auswahlverfahren weist auf unterschiedliche Mechanismen der Benachteiligung von Bewerbern und Bewerberinnen mit einem maghrebinischen Migrationshintergrund und einer Herkunft aus den armen Vorstädten hin. Dass die Erfolgschancen maghrebinischer Bewerber reduziert sind, während bei maghrebinischen Bewerberinnen durchaus Vorteile gegenüber ihren Geschlechtsgenossinnen ohne Migrationshintergrund festzustellen sind, lässt sich insgesamt auf das Wirken einer Vielzahl mit der Herkunft verknüpfter Attribute zurückführen, die in den Interaktionen mit den Mitgliedern der Auswahlkommission und der Institution, die diese repräsentieren, bedeutsam werden." (Autorenreferat)"During the 1990s the French government promoted the idea that young people from poor urban neighbourhoods and ethnic communities should be better represented within the police force. However, there is still a distinct under-representation of these groups in the French police. This paper, focussing on two major cities with large ethnic minorities, Lille and Marseille, analyses to which extent ethnic discrimination in recruitment processes for the police is responsible for the ongoing underrepresentation of members of ethnic defined groups within the police forces. Candidates with a Maghreb migration Background were compared to others. The analyses demonstrate interactive effects between school qualification, gender and ethnic origin on recruitment, which indicate complex forms of ethnic and gender discrimination. A qualitative analysis of the tests used in the recruitment procedures confirms different mechanisms of discrimination for candidates from poor neighbourhood and Maghreb ethnic communities. This only applies to male candidates while women from ethnic communities often are more successful than other women. As they interact with the candidates, different aspects of ethnic classification are important for members of recruitment committees and the different institution they represent." (author's abstract

    O duplo objetivo sancionatório-educativo no Brasil e na França: As diferentes configurações organizacionais direcionadas ao adolescente em conflito com a lei

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    The paper aims to discuss how the dual educational-sanctionary objective, based on the United Nations’ Doctrine for Child Protection, is implemented in three different institutions focused on sanctioning adolescents in conflict with the law. By comparing one Brazilian institution against two French ones, we were able to observe different possibilities to operationalize the principle that understands the adolescent as a developing subject, based on different connections between security and education. The exposed data suggests a trend to emphasize the sanctioning aspect, in spite of the different configurations observed in each contextEste texto discute como o duplo objetivo sancionatório-educativo, baseado na Doutrina da Proteção Integral das Nações Unidas para a infância, é implementado em três diferentes instituições direcionadas para a sanção do adolescente em conflito com a lei. Ao contrastar duas instituições francesas e uma brasileira, observaremos diferentes possibilidades de operacionalizar o princípio que entende o adolescente enquanto sujeito em desenvolvimento, a partir de diferentes conexões entre segurança e educação. Os dados expostos sugerem uma tendência de ênfase no aspecto sancionatório, apesar das diferentes configurações existentes em cada contexto

    Drogenkonsum, Drogenprobleme und Drogenpolitik in Europa: Geschichte und aktuelle Entwicklungen im internationalen Vergleich

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    'The developments of drug use patterns, drug problems and drug policy are only loosely coupled in the history of this social problem, they don't follow the same logic and are influenced by different conditions. The contributions of this issue are illustrating this assumption in a comparative perspective of the developments in European countries from the beginning of modern drug problems in 19th century. One basic question concerns the logics of different forms of constructing the drug problem and its related form of intervention and control. The dominant form of construction still are drugs as crime and the control by criminal law, which for long time has been paralleled by the construction of drugs as illness or addiction favouring intervention by psychiatric or medical treatment. Since the 1980th a new construction of drug problems gained political and practical relevance with the development of harm reduction policies. Each of these three forms of interventions follows its own logic and underlies different condition in producing policy results, which are illustrated by the case studies from Belgium, England, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Portugal.' (author's abstract

    Jeunesse, violence et territoires au Brésil et en France

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    Si la condition d’indétermination sociale la caractérise, « la jeunesse n’est qu’un mot » écrivait Pierre Bourdieu, les transformations de la condition juvénile, et plus particulièrement celle des milieux populaires gagne à s'analyser en prenant en compte les transformations majeures des sociétés contemporaines (structures familiales, systèmes scolaires, marchés du travail). Nos sociétés oscillent souvent entre deux images de la jeunesse : l’une, plutôt sombre, qui se réfère à une jeunesse à ..

    Natural history and surgical outcome of incidentally discovered clinically nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenomas

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    Objectives: The incidental diagnosis of nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenomas (NFPMAs) is becoming more prevalent with the spread of modern brain imaging techniques. We sought to uncover new data about their natural history and surgical outcome. Design: This is a retrospective single-center observational study. Methods: Among 210 patients seen for a NFPMA between 2010 and 2019, 70 ( 33%) were discovered incidentally (i-NFPMA). We analyzed outcomes in a total of 65 patients with available follow-up data. Results: Mean age at diagnosis (± s.d.) was 60 ± 14 years and mean maximal diameter was 20.0 ± 7.3 mm. At diagnosis, 29 patients (45%) had pituitary hormone deficits (LH/FSH 41%, TSH 29%, ACTH 15%) and 12% had visual field deficits. 26 patients underwent initial surgery, while 12 had delayed surgery after initial surveillance. In the surveillance group, the risk of tumor growth was estimated at 10%/year. Patients with hormonal deficits at diagnosis experienced earlier growth at 24 months (P < 0.02). Overall, surgical resection of the i-NFPMA led to stable or improved endocrine function in 91% of patients, with only 6% postoperative permanent diabetes insipidus. Moreover, surgery was more effective in preserving intact endocrine function (10/12) than restoring altered endocrine function to normal (6/22, P = 0.03). Conclusion: About one-third of NFPMAs are now discovered incidentally and a significant subset may be responsible for unrecognized endocrine and visual deficits. Under surveillance the risk of further tumor growth is significant (10 %/year) and seems to occur faster in patients already harboring an endocrine deficit. Early surgical removal before onset of endocrine deficits appears to lead to better endocrine outcome