2 research outputs found

    Renalaza — mowy marker czy niewinny ƛwiadek w chorobach ukƂadu sercowo-naczyniowego?

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    Renalase was characterised for the first time in 2005 by Desir et al. as a protein with enzymatic activity, showing affinity to circulating catecholamine (epinephrine, norepinephrine and dopamine).  Human renalase is encoded by a gen located on the chromosome 10 and it exists in humans in seven isoforms which show tissue specificity.  Available experimental and clinical studies support information about renalase concentration in chronic kidney disease, hypertension as also cardiovascular diseases. Available studies, depending on used laboratory method, present  contrary results in similar animal models as also groups of patients. This situation is caused through the lack of one validated commercially available test measuring the concentration, as also activity of renalase. The position of renalase still remains unclear. Recent published studies suggested also, that independently of renalase enzymatic property, it could act as a cytokine, mediating cardio-renal protection. Renalase was suggested to interact with a membrane receptor to transmit through the activation of protein kinase