46 research outputs found

    Investment Project Efficiency Evaluation

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    Financial efficiency of investment project is being evaluated in this paper. It is showed that the net present value function is constant and that quota value is equal to c0 when i converges to the infinite. Optimal rates i are analyzed in certain cases and everything is illustrated through examples.investment, efficiency, project, investor, money flow, interest rate

    Risk Measure Modelling

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    As a phenomenon, risk represents a latent quantity of money or equivalent values needed as a guarantee. We would like to model in some essential way the approach to potential loss caused by various agents. If the interest focuses on security, it is necessary to determine a limit. The aim of this paper is to refer to relevant literature and show how measure theory can be built as a mathematical discipline into economic theory providing thereby risk managers with a tool by means of which they will be able to link mathematical and economic thought.measure, risk measures, moments, random variable, probability,approximation,variance, decision making, risk function

    Some Links Between Game Theory and Decision Theory in Economics

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    Certain optimal strategies based upon game theory are given in this paper. A decision-making function and a risk function are explained. Decision-making criteria are applied for determining best decision-making functions with respect to a specific criterion. Special attention is given to the minimax criterion.saddle-point, minimax criterion, Bayesian criterion, loss function, risk function, decision-making function

    Situation Analysis of the Trade Sector in Pozesko - Slavonska Country

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    This paper provides account of situation in the trade sector of Požeško-slavonska county. The following indicators were used: the number of business entities, the number of employees, investments in trade, exports and imports, price trends index and costs of living as well as turnover and the number of employees in shops. The above listed indicators were analized for several previous years.distribution trade, G-trade, wholesale trade, retail trade

    Role of Random Numbers in Simulations of Economic Processes

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    Various ways of selecting random numbers used in process simulations will be presented in this paper. Special attention will be given to complex phenomena not known enough to be precisely described. Modes of interaction are unknown; what is known are probabilities of interaction outcome. Such cases are found mostly in social and economic phenomena, such as population growth, economic predictions, decision-making risk analysis, etc.random numbers, simulation, process, distribution, model.


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    U radu će se pokazati interdisciplinarnost matematike, botanike, biologije, stočarstva, i tako dalje. Pokazat će se uloga Fibonaccijevih brojeva u rješavanju mnogih prirodnih fenomena. Ukazat će se na uporabu matematike za objašnjavanje zakonitosti prirode i utjecaj gospodarstva na razvoj matematike

    Some new results on the travelling salesman problem

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    The travelling salesman problem (or The sales representative problem) has been insufficiently explored so far. One of the first results on this issue was provided by Euler in 1759 (The problem of moving a knight on the chess board), Knight\u27s Tour Problem. Papers on this subject were written by A.T. Vandermonde (1771), T. P. Kirkman (1856) and many others. The sales representative problem is a major challenge due to the application in solving theoretical and practical problems such as the quality of algorithms and of optimization methods. This well-known optimization problem has been extensively studied from several aspects since 1930. In general form the study was started by Karl Menger, seeking the shortest route through all points of a finite set with known distances between every two points. Since then, there have been many formulations of the problem. In this paper we shall provide an analysis of the nature of the commercial representative problem, and highlight its complexity and some ways of its solution. We shall use graph theory, and pay particular attention to the search of Hamiltonian cycle of minimum weight in the weighted graph. During the paper development we were led by the following question: "How to minimize the total distance travelled by a sales representative in order to visit n given locations exactly once and return to the starting point?" Nowadays, there are many formulations of the commercial representative problem and we shall mention two equivalent formulations: a) A set of places that a sales representative has to visit exactly once and return to the starting point is determined, the distance between places being known. The question is in which order a sales representative should visit the places so that the total length of his tour is minimal b) A Hamiltonian cycle of minimum weight should be determined in the weighted graph. Note that the formulation of the problem is very simple, but finding solutions inflicts great difficulties. For a graph of n vertices there are n! maximum number of Hamiltonian cycles, thus the problem of factorial complexity occurs


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    U ovom radu ćemo teorijski i praktično riješiti jedan konkretan problem “Hrvatskih šuma“ koje u svom sastavu imaju dvije transportne jedinice koje prevoze drvni materijal od pomoćnog stovarišta (tvrda šumska cesta) do glavnog stovarišta (kraj željezničkog kolodvora). Rješava se transportni problem kao specijalni slučaj linearnog optimiranja.U radu ćemo koristiti analitičko rješenje