31 research outputs found

    Analysis of PM10 high concentration episodes in Warsaw, Krakow and Wroclaw in the years 2005–2017 with application of selected elements of information systems

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    The analysis and comparison of the situations of episodes of high PM10 concentrations in the air in three selected Polish agglomerations: Krakow, Warsaw and Wroclaw in the years 2005-2017 with application of selected elements of information systems (IT) is provided. The role of information systems (technologies) in high pollution episodes in the considered cities is described and the results of measurements performed under the State Environmental Monitoring as well as meteorological data and the dust concentration modelling results were used for the analysis. A set of indicators and methodology was developed to compare the occurrence of episodes in the area of selected cities

    Analysis of PM10 high concentration episodes in Warsaw, Krakow and Wroclaw in the years 2005–2017 with application of selected elements of information systems

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    The analysis and comparison of the situations of episodes of high PM10 concentrations in the air in three selected Polish agglomerations: Krakow, Warsaw and Wroclaw in the years 2005-2017 with application of selected elements of information systems (IT) is provided. The role of information systems (technologies) in high pollution episodes in the considered cities is described and the results of measurements performed under the State Environmental Monitoring as well as meteorological data and the dust concentration modelling results were used for the analysis. A set of indicators and methodology was developed to compare the occurrence of episodes in the area of selected cities

    Influence of storage time on peroxide and anisidine value changes of fried and frozen potato products

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    Celem badań było określenie wpływu przechowywania, na jakość mrożonych ziemniaczanych produktów smażonych. W czasie 15 miesięcy przechowywano 21 mrożonych produktów ziemniaczanych: frytki ziemniaczane (14), cząstki i talarki (5) oraz kuleczki ziemniaczane (2) wyprodukowane przez trzech różnych producentów. Próby do analiz pobierano po 6, 12 i 15 miesiącach przechowywania. Przechowywanie odbywało się w dwóch odrębnych opakowaniach stanowiących dwa powtórzenia próby w temperaturze -21°C. W produktach określono zmiany liczby nadtlenkowej i anizydynowej. W próbach bezpośrednio po zakupie liczba nadtlenkowa wahała się od 2,54 do 11,56 mEq O2/1 kg, a liczba anizydynowa od 17,09 do 89,15. Oba wyróżniki były najczęściej związane z rodzajem tłuszczu wykorzystywanego do produkcji (olej słonecznikowy, olej palmowy). W czasie przechowywania obserwowano wahania obu wyróżników, jednakże po jego zakończeniu w większości prób stwierdzono wzrost zarówno liczby nadtlenkowej jak i liczby anizydynowej. Po zakończeniu przechowywania liczba nadtlenkowa wahała się od 4,56 do 18,06 mEq O2/1 kg, natomiast liczba anizydynowa w granicach od 28,36 do 122,84.The aim of the study was to determine the effect of long-term storage on the quality of fried and frozen potato products. The 21 frozen potato products: French fries (14), potato wedges and potato slices (5), potato balls (2) were purchased from three different manufacturers and were stored at -21°C for 15 months. The samples for analysis were taken after 6, 12 and 15 months of storage. Storage was carried out for two different product packages representing two replicates of the same sample (package I and II). In the analyzed products the changes of peroxide and anisidine values were determined. Both peroxide and anisidine values of the samples analyzed immediately after the purchase varied within a very wide range from 2.54 to 11.56 mEq O2/1 kg and from 17.09 to 89.15, respectively. It was most commonly associated with the type of oil used for industrial frying of products (sunflower or palm oil). During 15-month storage the increase of the peroxide and anisidine values in all analyzed samples was observed. The final levels of peroxide and anisidine values varied from 4.56 to 18.06 mEq O2/1 kg and from 28.36 to 122.84, respectively

    Characteristics of selected elements of the air quality management system in urban areas in Poland

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    Most of Europeans living in cities are exposed to concentrations of air pollutants in excess of the thresholds given in the WHO guidelines and EU legislation. Due to this fact, for the urban air quality systems, the mechanisms of proper information and warning of the inhabitants as well as legal, economic and spatial planning instruments should be improved. The analysis of Polish air quality management system and its’ selected components (exemplary measures, information-spreading methods, spatial planning instruments) in four selected Polish cities (Wroclaw, Warsaw, Poznan and Cracow) indicated the need to develop effective solutions, among others, in terms of: emission requirements for combustion of fuels of power of up to 1 MW; admission of high emission fuels on the market; legal and coordination issues at the level of implementation of the area development policy and coordination of activities covering issues within the scope of the structure of planning documents including mainly: ambient air protection programs, spatial developments plans in communes and voivodeships, low emission economy plans, plans of sustainable development of public transport, plans of providing heat, electric power and gas fuels to communes, acts of regional parliaments, introducing limitations based on the Environmental Protection Act and strategies of voivodeship

    Analysis of concentrations trends and origins of PM

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    Particulate matter is generated in many natural and anthropogenic processes and, therefore, taking part in chemical reactions and physical processes in the atmosphere could affect human health, climate, and natural environment. The dust, after emission to the atmosphere, remains there in a floating state to form an atmospheric aerosol with different properties – depending on the morphology, the fraction, shape, surface, and chemical composition of the particles. The chemical composition of particulate matter is heterogeneous and depends on the type of emission sources and the time of residence in the atmosphere. The contribution of individual types of sources in the total dust emission is different in European countries. The aim of the study was to analyze the concentrations of PM10 at urban background and traffic stations in the chosen 17 European cities. For this purpose, the data from the database of the European Environment Agency and Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection was used. The annual average concentrations of 10 and daily average concentrations of PM10 in 2014 will be presented to confirm that in the European cities there is a problem about high 10 concentrations, especially in Poland and other eastern countries. In the case of daily average 10 concentration, the highest concentrations of pollutants in the winter season suggests that for the low air quality in these cities the phenomenon of so- called low-stack-emissions from the municipal sector is responsible

    Wpływ transportu na jakość powietrza w wybranych miastach Polski

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    Road transport is widely recognised to be a significant and increasing source of air pollution. In the next few decades, road transport will remain a significant contributor to air pollution in European cities. According to National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE) carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide (CO2 and CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) and particulate matter have the highest share of emissions from transport in Poland. The aim of the paper was to study trends of concentrations changes of CO, NO2, NOx, O3, PM10 and PM2.5 in 2010–2015 in selected Polish cities (Poznan, Wroclaw, Krakow, and Warszawa). The analysis of the data showed that European cities have the problem of air pollution by particulate matter (PM). For the CO, NO2, NOx, O3 acceptable concentrations established for human health are not exceeded. Concentrations of pollutants were higher on the traffic stations. At the same time, the highest concentration of pollutants was found in Krakow. In conclusion, air quality in cities under study was influenced by both transport and geographical location.Transport drogowy staje się coraz bardziej znaczącym źródłem emisji zanieczyszczenia powietrza. W ciągu najbliższych kilku dekad transport drogowy stanie się istotnym czynnikiem przyczyniającym się do zanieczyszczenia powietrza w miastach europejskich. W Polsce według Krajowego Ośrodka Bilansowania i Zarządzania Emisjami (KOBiZE) ditlenek i tlenek węgla (CO2 i CO), tlenki azotu (NOx), niemetanowe lotne związki organiczne (NMLZO) i pył są głównie emitowane z transportu. Głównym celem artykułu było określenie zmienności stężeń CO, NO2, NOx, O3, PM10 i PM2.5 w latach 2010–2015 w wybranych polskich miastach (Poznań, Wrocław, Kraków i Warszawa). Analiza wskazuje, że miasta te mają przede wszystkim problem z zanieczyszczeniem powietrza cząstkami stałymi (PM), podczas gdy dla pozostałych zanieczyszczeń takich jak CO, NO2, NOx, O3 poziomy ustalone dla ochrony zdrowia nie były przekraczane. Ponadto stężenia zanieczyszczeń było wyższe na stacjach komunikacyjnych niż na stacjach tła miejskiego. Spośród analizowanych miast najwyższe stężenia były rejestrowane w Krakowie

    Ocena narażenia inhalacyjnego mieszkańców Wrocławia, Krakowa oraz Warszawy na benzo(a)piren

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    Burning of fossil fuels and biomass, transport and industry are the main sources of PAH (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) in the atmosphere. Benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) is also a compound identified in cigarette smoke. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has qualified benzo[a]pyrene for compounds with proven carcinogenic effects on humans. The target value for benzo[a]pyrene, taking into account health protection purposes, is defined in the Regulation of the Minister of the Environment on the levels of certain substances in the air and it is annual average concentration 1 ng/m3. The aim of the study was to carry out a cancer risk assessment for residents of Wroclaw, Krakow and Warszawa related to inhalation exposure to benzo[a]pyrene in ambient air. The methodology employed by the American Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) was used in the study. The lifetime exposure of adults and children was assumed. The results of measurements carried out at the air monitoring stations under the State Environmental Monitoring by the Regional Inspectorates for Environmental Protection (RIEP) in Wroclaw, Krakow and Warszawa in the years 2014–2016 were used. The average concentration of BaP in the years 2014–2016 was 3.84, 6.31 and 2.19 ng/m3 for Wroclaw, Krakow and Warszawa respectively. The calculations show that the highest risk of cancer was obtained for the inhabitants of Krakow: 1.54 ∙ 10-5 children, 7.52 ∙ 10-6 women, 6.30 ∙ 10-6 men. The estimated cancer risk was higher for Krakow residents than for Wroclaw (1.01 ∙ 10-5 children, 4.94 ∙ 10-6 women, 3.82 ∙ 10-6 men) and Warszawa, where these indicators were the lowest (children: 5.34 ∙ 10-6, women: 2.61 ∙ 10-6, men: 2.19 ∙ 10-6). Children are the group most exposed to the risk of cancer associated with BaP in the air among the examined subpopulations.Źródłami WWA (wielopierścieniowe węglowodory aromatyczne) do atmosfery są m.in. transport, przemysł oraz spalanie paliw kopalnych. Benzo[a]piren jest także związkiem identyfikowanym w dymie papierosowym. Międzynarodowa Agencja Badań nad Rakiem (IARC) zakwalifikowała benzo[a]piren do związków o udowodnionym działaniu rakotwórczym na człowieka. Dopuszczalne stężenie benzo[a]piren ze względu na ochronę zdrowia określono w Rozporządzeniu Ministra Środowiska w sprawie poziomów niektórych substancji w powietrzu i wynosi ono 1 ng/m3. Celem pracy było przeprowadzenie oceny ryzyka nowotworowego dla mieszkańców Wrocławia, Krakowa i Warszawy związanego z narażeniem inhalacyjnym na benzo[a]piren w powietrzu atmosferycznym. W pracy zastosowano metodykę Amerykańskiej Agencji Ochrony Środowiska (US EPA). W badaniach założono narażenie całożyciowe osoby dorosłej oraz dziecka. W pracy wykorzystano wyniki pomiarów przeprowadzanych w ramach Państwowego Monitoringu Środowiska przez Wojewódzkie Inspektoraty Ochrony Środowiska (WIOŚ) we Wrocławiu, Krakowie oraz w Warszawie w latach 2014–2016. Średnia wartość stężenia B[a]P w latach 2014–2016 wyniosła dla Wrocławia, Krakowa i Warszawy odpowiednio: 3,84, 6,31 i 2,19 ng/m3. Z przeprowadzonych obliczeń wynika, iż najwyższą wartość ryzyka nowotworowego otrzymano dla mieszkańców Krakowa: dzieci: 1,54 ∙ 10-5, kobiety: 7,52 ∙ 10-6, mężczyżni: 6,30 ∙ 10-6. Wyznaczone wartości ryzyka nowotworowego były wyższe dla mieszkańców Krakowa niż Wrocławia (dzieci: 1,01 ∙ 10-5, kobiety: 4,94 ∙ 10-6, mężczyżni: 3,82 ∙ 10-6) i Warszawy, gdzie wyznaczone wartości ryzyka były niższe (dzieci: 5,34 ∙ 10-6, kobiety: 2,61 ∙ 10-6, mężczyżni: 2,19 ∙ 10-6). Wśród badanych populacji najbardziej narażone na ryzyko nowotworowe związane z obecnością B[a]P w powietrzu są dzieci

    Analysis of concentrations trends and origins of PM10 in selected European cities

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    Particulate matter is generated in many natural and anthropogenic processes and, therefore, taking part in chemical reactions and physical processes in the atmosphere could affect human health, climate, and natural environment. The dust, after emission to the atmosphere, remains there in a floating state to form an atmospheric aerosol with different properties – depending on the morphology, the fraction, shape, surface, and chemical composition of the particles. The chemical composition of particulate matter is heterogeneous and depends on the type of emission sources and the time of residence in the atmosphere. The contribution of individual types of sources in the total dust emission is different in European countries. The aim of the study was to analyze the concentrations of PM10 at urban background and traffic stations in the chosen 17 European cities. For this purpose, the data from the database of the European Environment Agency and Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection was used. The annual average concentrations of 10 and daily average concentrations of PM10 in 2014 will be presented to confirm that in the European cities there is a problem about high 10 concentrations, especially in Poland and other eastern countries. In the case of daily average 10 concentration, the highest concentrations of pollutants in the winter season suggests that for the low air quality in these cities the phenomenon of so- called low-stack-emissions from the municipal sector is responsible

    Analysis of exposure of inhabitants of Polish cities to air pollution with particulate matters with application of statistical and geostatistical tools

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    The aim of this research was the analysis of air quality in selected Polish cities in 2008-2018 combined with health assessment based on the methodology and software of World Health Organization (AirQ +) as well as an analysis of main directions of activities aimed at improving air quality in Polish cities. The results of calculations and spatial analysis of exposure indicate the year 2010 as the one with the highest concentrations of PM10 and PM2.5, as well as Małopolskie and Śląskie Voivodships (agglomerations: Upper Silesia, Krakow and Rybnik-Jastrzębska) as the two most threatened by negative impact on human life and health. In a detailed analysis of the Wrocław agglomeration, for 2017, the estimated number of deaths of adults caused by short-term exposure to PM2.5 with a limiting concentration above 10 μg/m3 (in accordance with WHO guidelines on air quality) was over 130 people, and the estimated number of patients hospitalized because of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases due to the above exposure was 160 and 80 cases, respectively. The analysis showed more than 80 cases of asthma attacks in children with asthma caused by short-term exposure and three death cases in infants due to long-term exposure to PM10