428 research outputs found

    Two-particle renormalizations in many-fermion perturbation theory: Importance of the Ward identity

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    We analyze two-particle renormalizations within many-fermion perturbation expansion. We show that present diagrammatic theories suffer from lack of a direct diagrammatic control over the physical two-particle functions. To rectify this we introduce and prove a Ward identity enabling an explicit construction of the self-energy from a given two-particle irreducible vertex. Approximations constructed in this way are causal, obey conservation laws and offer an explicit diagrammatic control of singularities in dynamical two-particle functions.Comment: REVTeX4, 4 pages, 2 EPS figure

    Quenched Random Graphs

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    Spin models on quenched random graphs are related to many important optimization problems. We give a new derivation of their mean-field equations that elucidates the role of the natural order parameter in these models.Comment: 9 pages, report CPTH-A264.109

    Viscous Instanton for Burgers' Turbulence

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    We consider the tails of probability density functions (PDF) for different characteristics of velocity that satisfies Burgers equation driven by a large-scale force. The saddle-point approximation is employed in the path integral so that the calculation of the PDF tails boils down to finding the special field-force configuration (instanton) that realizes the extremum of probability. We calculate high moments of the velocity gradient xu\partial_xu and find out that they correspond to the PDF with ln[P(xu)](xu/Re)3/2\ln[{\cal P}(\partial_xu)]\propto-(-\partial_xu/{\rm Re})^{3/2} where Re{\rm Re} is the Reynolds number. That stretched exponential form is valid for negative xu\partial_xu with the modulus much larger than its root-mean-square (rms) value. The respective tail of PDF for negative velocity differences ww is steeper than Gaussian, lnP(w)(w/urms)3\ln{\cal P}(w)\sim-(w/u_{\rm rms})^3, as well as single-point velocity PDF lnP(u)(u/urms)3\ln{\cal P}(u)\sim-(|u|/u_{\rm rms})^3. For high velocity derivatives u(k)=xkuu^{(k)}=\partial_x^ku, the general formula is found: lnP(u(k))(u(k)/Rek)3/(k+1)\ln{\cal P}(|u^{(k)}|)\propto -(|u^{(k)}|/{\rm Re}^k)^{3/(k+1)}.Comment: 15 pages, RevTeX 3.

    Stability of self-consistent solutions for the Hubbard model at intermediate and strong coupling

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    We present a general framework how to investigate stability of solutions within a single self-consistent renormalization scheme being a parquet-type extension of the Baym-Kadanoff construction of conserving approximations. To obtain a consistent description of one- and two-particle quantities, needed for the stability analysis, we impose equations of motion on the one- as well on the two-particle Green functions simultaneously and introduce approximations in their input, the completely irreducible two-particle vertex. Thereby we do not loose singularities caused by multiple two-particle scatterings. We find a complete set of stability criteria and show that each instability, singularity in a two-particle function, is connected with a symmetry-breaking order parameter, either of density type or anomalous. We explicitly study the Hubbard model at intermediate coupling and demonstrate that approximations with static vertices get unstable before a long-range order or a metal-insulator transition can be reached. We use the parquet approximation and turn it to a workable scheme with dynamical vertex corrections. We derive a qualitatively new theory with two-particle self-consistence, the complexity of which is comparable with FLEX-type approximations. We show that it is the simplest consistent and stable theory being able to describe qualitatively correctly quantum critical points and the transition from weak to strong coupling in correlated electron systems.Comment: REVTeX, 26 pages, 12 PS figure

    Parquet approach to nonlocal vertex functions and electrical conductivity of disordered electrons

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    A diagrammatic technique for two-particle vertex functions is used to describe systematically the influence of spatial quantum coherence and backscattering effects on transport properties of noninteracting electrons in a random potential. In analogy with many-body theory we construct parquet equations for topologically distinct {\em nonlocal} irreducible vertex functions into which the {\em local} one-particle propagator and two-particle vertex of the coherent-potential approximation (CPA) enter as input. To complete the two-particle parquet equations we use an integral form of the Ward identity and determine the one-particle self-energy from the known irreducible vertex. In this way a conserving approximation with (Herglotz) analytic averaged Green functions is obtained. We use the limit of high spatial dimensions to demonstrate how nonlocal corrections to the d=d=\infty (CPA) solution emerge. The general parquet construction is applied to the calculation of vertex corrections to the electrical conductivity. With the aid of the high-dimensional asymptotics of the nonlocal irreducible vertex in the electron-hole scattering channel we derive a mean-field approximation for the conductivity with vertex corrections. The impact of vertex corrections onto the electronic transport is assessed quantitatively within the proposed mean-field description on a binary alloy.Comment: REVTeX 19 pages, 9 EPS diagrams, 6 PS figure

    Critical Behavior of O(n)-symmetric Systems With Reversible Mode-coupling Terms: Stability Against Detailed-balance Violation

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    We investigate nonequilibrium critical properties of O(n)O(n)-symmetric models with reversible mode-coupling terms. Specifically, a variant of the model of Sasv\'ari, Schwabl, and Sz\'epfalusy is studied, where violation of detailed balance is incorporated by allowing the order parameter and the dynamically coupled conserved quantities to be governed by heat baths of different temperatures TST_S and TMT_M, respectively. Dynamic perturbation theory and the field-theoretic renormalization group are applied to one-loop order, and yield two new fixed points in addition to the equilibrium ones. The first one corresponds to Θ=TS/TM=\Theta = T_S / T_M = \infty and leads to model A critical behavior for the order parameter and to anomalous noise correlations for the generalized angular momenta; the second one is at Θ=0\Theta = 0 and is characterized by mean-field behavior of the conserved quantities, by a dynamic exponent z=d/2z = d / 2 equal to that of the equilibrium SSS model, and by modified static critical exponents. However, both these new fixed points are unstable, and upon approaching the critical point detailed balance is restored, and the equilibrium static and dynamic critical properties are recovered.Comment: 18 pages, RevTeX, 1 figure included as eps-file; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quality of life after tailored combined surgery for stage I non-small-cell lung cancer and severe emphysema

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    Background. We analyzed the early and long-term quality of life changes occurring in 16 patients undergoing tailored combined surgery for stage I non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and severe emphysema. Methods. Mean age was 65 +/- 5 years. All patients had severe emphysema with severely impaired respiratory function and quality of life. Tumor resection was performed with sole lung volume reduction (LVR) in 5 patients, separate wedge resection in 3 patients, segmentectomy in 2 patients, and lobectomy in 6 patients. A bilateral LVR was performed in 5 patients. Quality of life was assessed at baseline and every 6 months postoperatively by the Short-form 36 (SF-36) item questionnaire. Results. Mean follow-up was 44 +/- 21 months. All tumors were pathologic stage I. There was no hospital mortality nor major morbidity. Significant improvements occurred for up to 36 months in the general health (p = 0.02) domain and for up to 24 months in physical functioning (p = 0.02), role physical (p = 0.005), and general health (P = 0.01) SF-36 domains. Associated improvements regarded dyspnea index (-1.3 +/- 0.6) forced expiratory volume in one second (+0.28 +/- 0.2L), residual volume (-1.18 +/- 0.5L) and 6-minute-walking test distance (+86 +/- 67 m). Actuarial 5-year survival was similar to that of patients with no cancer undergoing LVRS during the same period (68% vs 82%, p = not significant). Conclusions. Our study suggests that selected patients with stage I NSCLC and severe emphysema may significantly benefit from tailored combined surgery in terms of long-term quality of life and survival. (Ann Thorac Surg 2003;76:1821-7

    Exact Resummations in the Theory of Hydrodynamic Turbulence: II A Ladder to Anomalous Scaling

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    In paper I of this series on fluid turbulence we showed that exact resummations of the perturbative theory of the structure functions of velocity differences result in a finite (order by order) theory. These findings exclude any known perturbative mechanism for anomalous scaling of the velocity structure functions. In this paper we continue to build the theory of turbulence and commence the analysis of nonperturbative effects that form the analytic basis of anomalous scaling. Starting from the Navier-Stokes equations (at high Reynolds number Re) we discuss the simplest examples of the appearance of anomalous exponents in fluid mechanics. These examples are the nonlinear (four-point) Green's function and related quantities. We show that the renormalized perturbation theory for these functions contains ``ladder`` diagrams with (convergent!) logarithmic terms that sum up to anomalous exponents. Using a new sum rule which is derived here we calculate the leading anomalous exponent and show that it is critical in a sense made precise below. This result opens up the possibility of multiscaling of the structure functions with the outer scale of turbulence as the renormalization length. This possibility will be discussed in detail in the concluding paper III of this series.Comment: PRE in press, 15 pages + 21 figures, REVTeX, The Eps files of figures will be FTPed by request to [email protected]

    Spin Glasses on the Hypercube

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    We present a mean field model for spin glasses with a natural notion of distance built in, namely, the Edwards-Anderson model on the diluted D-dimensional unit hypercube in the limit of large D. We show that finite D effects are strongly dependent on the connectivity, being much smaller for a fixed coordination number. We solve the non trivial problem of generating these lattices. Afterwards, we numerically study the nonequilibrium dynamics of the mean field spin glass. Our three main findings are: (i) the dynamics is ruled by an infinite number of time-sectors, (ii) the aging dynamics consists on the growth of coherent domains with a non vanishing surface-volume ratio, and (iii) the propagator in Fourier space follows the p^4 law. We study as well finite D effects in the nonequilibrium dynamics, finding that a naive finite size scaling ansatz works surprisingly well.Comment: 14 pages, 22 figure

    Evidence for universal scaling in the spin-glass phase

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    We perform Monte Carlo simulations of Ising spin-glass models in three and four dimensions, as well as of Migdal-Kadanoff spin glasses on a hierarchical lattice. Our results show strong evidence for universal scaling in the spin-glass phase in all three models. Not only does this allow for a clean way to compare results obtained from different coupling distributions, it also suggests that a so far elusive renormalization group approach within the spin-glass phase may actually be feasible.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl