2,276 research outputs found

    Higgs-Radion Mixing with Enhanced Di-Photon Signal

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    In the context of warped scenarios in which Standard Model (SM) fields are allowed to propagate in the bulk, we revisit the possible mixing between the IR localized Higgs field and the Radion graviscalar. The phenomenology of the resulting mostly-Higgs field does not suffer important deviations with respect to the case in which all the SM is localized in the IR brane (original Higgs-Radion mixing scenario). On the contrary, the phenomenology of the mostly-Radion field can present important differences with respect to the original scenario. At the LHC, the most striking effect is now the possibility of sizeable Radion decays into photons in a mass range well beyond the ZZ and WW thresholds, not due to dramatically enhanced couplings to photons but to suppressed couplings to massive fields.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Radion Mediated Flavor Changing Neutral Currents

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    In the context of a warped extra-dimension with Standard Model fields in the bulk, we obtain the general flavor structure of the Radion couplings to fermions and show that the result is independent on the particular nature of the Higgs mechanism (bulk or brane localized). These couplings will be generically misaligned with respect to the fermion mass matrix when the fermion bulk mass parameters are not all degenerate. When the Radion is light enough, the generic size of these tree-level flavor changing couplings will be strongly constrained by the experimental bounds on ΔF=2\Delta F=2 processes. At the LHC the possibility of a heavier Radion decaying into top and charm quarks is then considered as a promising signal to probe the flavor structure of both the Radion sector and the whole scenario.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    The Invisible Higgs Decay Width in the Add Model at the LHC

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    Assuming flat universal extra dimensions, we demonstrate that for a light Higgs boson the process pp→W∗W∗+X→Higgs,graviscalars+X→invisible+Xpp\to W^*W^* +X \to Higgs,graviscalars +X \to invisible+X will be observable at the 5σ5 \sigma level at the LHC for the portion of the Higgs-graviscalar mixing (ξ\xi) and effective Planck mass (MDM_D) parameter space where channels relying on visible Higgs decays fail to achieve a 5σ5 \sigma signal. Further, we show that even for very modest values of ξ\xi the invisible decay signal probes to higher MDM_D than does the (ξ\xi-independent) jets/\gam + missing energy signal from graviton radiation. We also discuss various effects, such as Higgs decay to two graviscalars, that could become important when mh/MDm_h/M_D is of order 1.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, To appear in the Proceedings of the Les Houches Workshop 2003: ``Physics at TeV Colliders'', ed. F. Boudjem

    A linear moose model with pairs of degenerate gauge boson triplets

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    The possibility of the existence of a strongly interacting electroweak symmetry breaking sector, as opposed to the weakly interacting light Higgs of the Standard Model, is not yet ruled out by experiments. In this paper we make an extensive study of a deconstructed model (or ``moose'' model) providing a possible effective description of such a strong symmetry breaking sector, and show its compatibility with experimental data for a wide portion of the model parameters space. The model is a direct generalization of the previously proposed D-BESS model.Comment: Latex file, 17 pages, 2 figures, published versio

    Effective fermion couplings in warped 5D Higgsless theories

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    We consider a five dimensional SU(2) gauge theory with fermions in the bulk and with additional SU(2) and U(1) kinetic terms on the branes. The electroweak breaking is obtained by boundary conditions. After deconstruction, fermions in the bulk are eliminated by using their equations of motion. In this way Standard Model fermion mass terms and direct couplings to the internal gauge bosons of the moose are generated. The presence of these new couplings gives a new contribution to the epsilon_3 parameter in addition to the gauge boson term. This allows the possibility of a cancellation between the two contributions, which can be local (site by site) or global. Going back to the continuum, we show that the implementation of local cancellation in any generic warped metric leaves massless fermions. This is due to the presence of one horizon on the infrared brane. However we can require a global cancellation of the new physics contributions to the epsilon_3 parameter. This fixes relations among the warp factor and the parameters of the fermion and gauge sectors.Comment: Latex file, 23 pages, 1 eps figur
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