130 research outputs found

    High-resolution asymptotics for the angular bispectrum of spherical random fields

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    In this paper we study the asymptotic behavior of the angular bispectrum of spherical random fields. Here, the asymptotic theory is developed in the framework of fixed-radius fields, which are observed with increasing resolution as the sample size grows. The results we present are then exploited in a set of procedures aimed at testing non-Gaussianity; for these statistics, we are able to show convergence to functionals of standard Brownian motion under the null hypothesis. Analytic results are also presented on the behavior of the tests in the presence of a broad class of non-Gaussian alternatives. The issue of testing for non-Gaussianity on spherical random fields has recently gained enormous empirical importance, especially in connection with the statistical analysis of cosmic microwave background radiation.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053605000000903 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Statistical challenges in the analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background radiation

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    An enormous amount of observations on Cosmic Microwave Background radiation has been collected in the last decade, and much more data are expected in the near future from planned or operating satellite missions. These datasets are a goldmine of information for Cosmology and Theoretical Physics; their efficient exploitation posits several intriguing challenges from the statistical point of view. In this paper we review a number of open problems in CMB data analysis and we present applications to observations from the WMAP mission.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOAS190 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    High-frequency asymptotics for Lipschitz-Killing curvatures of excursion sets on the sphere

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    In this paper, we shall be concerned with geometric functionals and excursion probabilities for some nonlinear transforms evaluated on Fourier components of spherical random fields. In particular, we consider both random spherical harmonics and their smoothed averages, which can be viewed as random wavelet coefficients in the continuous case. For such fields, we consider smoothed polynomial transforms; we focus on the geometry of their excursion sets, and we study their asymptotic behaviour, in the high-frequency sense. We focus on the analysis of Euler-Poincar\'{e} characteristics, which can be exploited to derive extremely accurate estimates for excursion probabilities. The present analysis is motivated by the investigation of asymmetries and anisotropies in cosmological data. The statistics we focus on are also suitable to deal with spherical random fields which can only be partially observed, the canonical example being provided by the masking effect of the Milky Way on Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation data.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AAP1097 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A Note on Global Suprema of Band-Limited Spherical Random Functions

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    In this note, we investigate the behaviour of suprema for band-limited spherical random fields. We prove upper and lower bound for the expected values of these suprema, by means of metric entropy arguments and discrete approximations; we then exploit the Borell-TIS inequality to establish almost sure upper and lower bounds for their fluctuations. Band limited functions can be viewed as restrictions on the sphere of random polynomials with increasing degrees, and our results show that fluctuations scale as the square root of the logarithm of these degrees

    On The Dependence Structure of Wavelet Coefficients for Spherical Random Fields

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    We consider the correlation structure of the random coefficients for a wide class of wavelet systems on the sphere (Mexican needlets) which were recently introduced in the literature by Geller and Mayeli (2007). We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for these coefficients to be asymptotic uncorrelated in the real and in the frequency domain. Here, the asymptotic theory is developed in the high resolution sense. Statistical applications are also discussed, in particular with reference to the analysis of cosmological data.Comment: Revised version for Stochastic Processes and their Application

    Ergodicity and Gaussianity for Spherical Random Fields

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    We investigate the relationship between ergodicity and asymptotic Gaussianity of isotropic spherical random fields, in the high-resolution (or high-frequency) limit. In particular, our results suggest that under a wide variety of circumstances the two conditions are equivalent, i.e. the sample angular power spectrum may converge to the population value if and only if the underlying field is asymptotically Gaussian, in the high frequency sense. These findings may shed some light on the role of Cosmic Variance in Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation data analysis.Comment: 25 pages; PACS : 02.50-r, 98.70-Vc, 98.80-

    On the Correlation of Critical Points and Angular Trispectrum for Random Spherical Harmonics

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    We prove a Central Limit Theorem for the Critical Points of Random Spherical Harmonics, in the High-Energy Limit. The result is a consequence of a deeper characterizations of the total number of critical points, which are shown to be asymptotically fully correlated with the sample trispectrum, i.e., the integral of the fourth Hermite polynomial evaluated on the eigenfunctions themselves. As a consequence, the total number of critical points and the nodal length are fully correlated for random spherical harmonics, in the high-energy limit

    A quantitative central limit theorem for the Euler–Poincaré characteristic of random spherical eigenfunctions.

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    We establish here a quantitative central limit theorem (in Wasserstein distance) for the Euler–Poincaré characteristic of excursion sets of random spherical eigenfunctions in dimension 2. Our proof is based upon a decomposition of the Euler–Poincaré characteristic into different Wiener-chaos components: we prove that its asymptotic behaviour is dominated by a single term, corresponding to the chaotic component of order two. As a consequence, we show how the asymptotic dependence on the threshold level u is fully degenerate, that is, the Euler–Poincaré characteristic converges to a single random variable times a deterministic function of the threshold. This deterministic function has a zero at the origin, where the variance is thus asymptotically of smaller order. We discuss also a possible unifying framework for the Lipschitz–Killing curvatures of the excursion sets for Gaussian spherical harmonics
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