823 research outputs found

    Impact of Finishing Diets with De-Oiled Distillers Grains or Antioxidant Containing Supplement on Beef Shelf Life

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    In its entirety this dissertation intended to address the impact of feeding several forms of de-oiled corn distillers grains plus solubles and the effect of supplementing OmniGen-AF as a potential antioxidant source for extending beef shelf life. In study one we learned that despite the de-oiling process, greater inclusion levels (65%, DM basis) of de-oiled wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDGS) causes an increase in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) similar to the levels obtained with full-fat WDGS. Lower inclusion levels (35 and 50%, DM basis) of de-oiled WDGS have intermediate PUFA content in comparison to 65% de-oiled WDGS, full-fat WDGS and a corn control diet (P \u3c 0.01). In study two cattle finished with 50% de-oiled dry distillers grain plus solubles (DDGS) also resulted in an increased PUFA content in muscle in relation to a corn control group (P \u3c 0.0001). In this instance treatment by retail display interactions indicated that steaks from cattle on the 50% de-oiled DDGS diet had lower color and lipid stability at prolonged retail display times than did the steaks from cattle on the corn control diet (P \u3c 0.0001). In general, the first two studies indicate that even after the de-oiling process and regardless of the moisture content of the distillers grains, feeding corn distillers grains plus solubles increases PUFA content, which in turn negatively impacts beef shelf life. Therefore, it is important to consider this when utilizing these by-products for finishing rations, the addition of antioxidants may be beneficial to off-set any potential detrimental effects of distillesrs grain on beef shelf life. In study three, OmniGen-AF, a potential antioxidant supplement was evaluated. OmniGen-AF supplementation all through the finishing period caused an increase in PUFA content relative to cattle supplemented only through the receiving phase (P = 0.01). Feeding OmniGen-AF all through the finishing phase however did not alter color, lipid stability, or superoxide dismutase activity (P \u3e 0.05). Therefore, in order to consider OmniGen-AF as an effective antioxidant source it may need to be fed at a greater concentration (greater than 4g/45.36kg BW/hd/d) or perhaps more potent antioxidants merit evaluation, particularly in feedlot rations utilizing corn distiller by-products. Advisor: Chris R. Calkin

    Impact of Finishing Diets with De-Oiled Distillers Grains or Antioxidant Containing Supplement on Beef Shelf Life

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    In its entirety this dissertation intended to address the impact of feeding several forms of de-oiled corn distillers grains plus solubles and the effect of supplementing OmniGen-AF as a potential antioxidant source for extending beef shelf life. In study one we learned that despite the de-oiling process, greater inclusion levels (65%, DM basis) of de-oiled wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDGS) causes an increase in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) similar to the levels obtained with full-fat WDGS. Lower inclusion levels (35 and 50%, DM basis) of de-oiled WDGS have intermediate PUFA content in comparison to 65% de-oiled WDGS, full-fat WDGS and a corn control diet (P \u3c 0.01). In study two cattle finished with 50% de-oiled dry distillers grain plus solubles (DDGS) also resulted in an increased PUFA content in muscle in relation to a corn control group (P \u3c 0.0001). In this instance treatment by retail display interactions indicated that steaks from cattle on the 50% de-oiled DDGS diet had lower color and lipid stability at prolonged retail display times than did the steaks from cattle on the corn control diet (P \u3c 0.0001). In general, the first two studies indicate that even after the de-oiling process and regardless of the moisture content of the distillers grains, feeding corn distillers grains plus solubles increases PUFA content, which in turn negatively impacts beef shelf life. Therefore, it is important to consider this when utilizing these by-products for finishing rations, the addition of antioxidants may be beneficial to off-set any potential detrimental effects of distillesrs grain on beef shelf life. In study three, OmniGen-AF, a potential antioxidant supplement was evaluated. OmniGen-AF supplementation all through the finishing period caused an increase in PUFA content relative to cattle supplemented only through the receiving phase (P = 0.01). Feeding OmniGen-AF all through the finishing phase however did not alter color, lipid stability, or superoxide dismutase activity (P \u3e 0.05). Therefore, in order to consider OmniGen-AF as an effective antioxidant source it may need to be fed at a greater concentration (greater than 4g/45.36kg BW/hd/d) or perhaps more potent antioxidants merit evaluation, particularly in feedlot rations utilizing corn distiller by-products. Advisor: Chris R. Calkin

    Policentrismo y estructuración del espacio : una revisión crítica desde la perspectiva de los programas de investigación

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    En 2050 el 75% de la población se concentrará en áreas urbanas que crecerán en tamaño y complejidad, evolucionando hacia estructuras cada vez más policéntricas y dispersas, haciendo que el actual modelo de pensar la ciudad quede obsoleto. A pesar de la creciente importancia del policentrismo, en España continúa siendo un fenómeno poco estudiado y poco conocido. Antes de seguir adelante con su estudio, es necesario proceder con una revisión crítica del policentrismo que sirva como punto de partida. En este artículo se propone esta revisión crítica desde el punto de vista de los programas de investigación. La revisión pone de manifiesto que los temas más vinculados con los efectos del policentrismo se encuentran en el cinturón exterior de la teoría, hay poca investigación sobre ellos, y la existente produce resultados contradictorios. Estas consideraciones deben tenerse en cuenta en toda su extensión antes de trasladar el policentrismo a un plano normativoIn 2050 75% of the population will be concentrated in urban areas which will grow in size and complexity, evolving into increasingly polycentric structures and scattered, causing obsolence in the current model of thinking the city. Despite the growing importance of polycentrism, in Spain is still a phenomenon shortly studied and poorly understood. Before moving forward with its study, it is necessary to proceed with a critical review of polycentrism that serves as a starting point. This article proposes this critical review from the perspective of research programs. The review reveals that the issues related to the effects of polycentrism are in the outer belt of the theory, that there is little research on them, and that the existing produces conflicting resultsEl 2050 el 75% de la població es concentrarà en àrees urbanes que creixeran en mida i complexitat, evolucionant cap a estructures cada vegada més policèntriques i disperses, fent que l'actual model de pensar la ciutat quedi obsolet. A pesar de la creixent importància del policentrisme, a Espanya continua essent un fenomen poc estudiat i poc conegut. Abans de seguir endavant amb l'estudi, és necessari procedir a una revisió crítica del policentrisme que serveixi com a punt de partida. En aquest article es proposa aquesta revisió crítica des del punt de vista dels programes d'investigació. La revisió posa de manifest que els temes més vinculats amb els efectes del policentrisme es troben en el cinturó exterior de la teoria, hi ha poca investigació sobre ells i la existent produeix resultats contradictoris. Aquestes consideracions han de ser tingudes en compte en tota la seva extensió abans de traslladar el policentrisme a un àmbit normati

    Knowledge, networks of cities and growth in regional urban systems : theory, measurement and policy implications

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    The objective of this paper is to measure the impact of different kinds of knowledge and external economies on the urban growth in an intraregional network of cities. The paper is divided in five sections. First section (theoretical framework) exposes the relation between the knowledge-based city, networks of cities, external economies and urban growth. Second section exposes a methodology for the measurement of knowledge in cities and the identification of knowledge-based networks of cities. Third section exposes a model to measure the effects of knowledge and external economies (static and dynamic) on the urban growth. Fourth section applies this model to a case study (Catalonia). Finally, conclusions and policy implications are exposed

    Knowledge externalities and networks of cities in creative metropolis : the case of the metropolitan region of Barcelona

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    Cities and metropolitan areas are our main engine of production and development. They have long concentrated and coordinated the use of urbanized land, labor and capital. Metropolitan areas produce, process, exchange and market the main amount of knowledge and creativity in the world. At the same time they generate agglomeration economies and obtain spatially mobile network economies from their links with other cities. Departing from the fact that metropolitan growth is the sum of the growth of the cities that form the metropolitan area, the present research explores why some metropolitan cities grow faster than others. The hypothesis is that the differential growth of the metropolitan cities is related to the existence of external economies within and between cities many of which arises from knowledge and creativity. The objective of the research is to understand and model how the external economies affect the intrametropolitan urban growth with special attention to the effects of knowledge and creativity and their transmission across the metropolitan urban system. The text is divided in five sections. After the introduction, section two explains the traditional paradigm of the agglomeration economies enhanced with a separate treatment of the knowledge and creativity externalities, and the introduction of a spatial (inter-cities) dimension of externalities and knowledge. Section three introduces an econometric model to evaluate the effects of dynamic externalities in time and space on the urban growth, as well as the sources of data and variable definitions. Section four explains the results of estimates which provide evidence on the existence of localization, urbanization, knowledge and creativity externalities and their diffusion across the urban system through complex network patterns. Knowledge transmission through hierarchical networks of cities produces the most important effect on urban growth and goes beyond the impact of agglomeration economies and diffusion in physical proximity or in horizontal networks. This result suggests that in metropolitan environments, where the network of cities is hard dense and all the socio-economic dimensions of proximity short, the impact of the knowledge metropolitan spillovers can be bigger than the local ones. Section five presents the conclusion and a discussion on policy implications

    New accurate measurement of 36ArH+ and 38ArH+ ro-vibrational transitions by high resolution IR absorption spectroscopy

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    The protonated Argon ion, 36^{36}ArH+^{+}, has been identified recently in the Crab Nebula (Barlow et al. 2013) from Herschel spectra. Given the atmospheric opacity at the frequency of its JJ=1-0 and JJ=2-1 rotational transitions (617.5 and 1234.6 GHz, respectively), and the current lack of appropriate space observatories after the recent end of the Herschel mission, future studies on this molecule will rely on mid-infrared observations. We report on accurate wavenumber measurements of 36^{36}ArH+^{+} and 38^{38}ArH+^{+} rotation-vibration transitions in the vv=1-0 band in the range 4.1-3.7 μ\mum (2450-2715 cm1^{-1}). The wavenumbers of the RR(0) transitions of the vv=1-0 band are 2612.50135±\pm0.00033 and 2610.70177±\pm0.00042 cm1^{-1} (±3σ\pm3\sigma) for 36^{36}ArH+^{+} and 38^{38}ArH+^{+}, respectively. The calculated opacity for a gas thermalized at a temperature of 100 K and a linewidth of 1 km.s1^{-1} of the RR(0) line is 1.6×1015×N1.6\times10^{-15}\times N(36^{36}ArH+^+). For column densities of 36^{36}ArH+^+ larger than 1×10131\times 10^{13} cm2^{-2}, significant absorption by the RR(0) line can be expected against bright mid-IR sources

    La metròpoli de Barcelona : territori

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    Es reflexiona sobre l'organització territorial de la província de Barcelona per concloure que, avui en dia, la regió metropolitana i l'elevat nombre de ciutats grans, mitjanes i petites que estructuren el territori configuren una xarxa policèntrica de ciutats ben distribuïdes al voltant d'alguns dels antics subcentres industrials i altres ciutats industrials més noves

    La metròpoli de Barcelona : economia

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    En aquest capítol es mostren algunes de les dades macroeconòmiques principals de l'economia de Barcelona i s'hi esbossen les tendències principals