35 research outputs found

    Određivanje pogodnosti poljoprivrednog zemljišta za uzgoj kukuruza (Zea mays L.) primjenom višerazinske GIS multikriterijske analize u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj

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    Previous research in continental Croatia indicated that cropland suitability levels are highly variable and existing natural resources could be better utilized. To overcome this issue, a method of multilevel Geographic information system (GIS)-based multicriteria analysis based on Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for maize cropland suitability determination was proposed and evaluated. Free spatial data and free open-source software were implemented in the research in 250 m spatial resolution. The effects of air temperature, precipitation, soil and topography were modelled with the multilevel approach to avoid inconsistency in pairwise comparison due to criteria count. The maize suitability index (MSI) was calculated using the weighted linear combination, with higher values indicating proportionally higher suitability. According to the results of the AHP method, the weight consistency ratio was lower than the borderline value (0.042 < 0.100). Soil type and mean air temperature in June had the most impact on the suitability result, with 14.3% and 13.6% influence, respectively. The highest MSI values were achieved along the Sava River, especially in the proximity of Sisak and Nova Gradiška, resulting up to 3.9 of the possible 5.0. The sensitivity analysis of criteria indicated precipitation data in May, July and August particularly impactful in continental Croatia, while mean air temperature in September had very low variability of the suitability and was the least impactful on calculated MSI values.Prethodna istraživanja u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj pokazala su da su razine pogodnosti poljoprivrednog zemljišta vrlo promjenjive i da bi se postojeći prirodni resursi mogli iskoristiti na bolji način. Da bi se prevladalo ovo pitanje, predložena je i evaluirana metoda višerazinske GIS multikriterijske analize temeljena na analitičkom hijerarhijskom procesu (AHP) za utvrđivanje pogodnosti poljoprivrednog zemljišta za uzgoj kukuruza. Istraživanje je temeljeno na besplatnim prostornim podacima i besplatnom GIS softveru otvorenog koda s prostornom razlučivost od 250 m. Kriteriji temperature zraka, oborina, tla i topografije modelirani su višerazinskim pristupom kako bi se izbjegla nedosljednost u usporedbi parova kriterija. Indeks pogodnosti područja za uzgoj kukuruza (MSI) izračunat je primjenom težinske linearne kombinacije, pri čemu veće vrijednosti proporcionalno ukazuju na veću pogodnost. Prema rezultatima AHP metode, omjer konzistencije težina bio je niži od granične vrijednosti (0,042 <0,100). Vrsta tla i srednja temperatura zraka u lipnju najviše su utjecali na rezultat pogodnosti, s 14,3%, odnosno 13,6% utjecaja. Najveće MSI vrijednosti postignute su uz rijeku Savu, posebno u okolici Siska i Nove Gradiške, rezultirajući s 3,9 of mogućih 5,0. Analiza osjetljivosti kriterija ukazala je da su podaci o oborinama u svibnju, srpnju i kolovozu bili posebno utjecajni u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj, dok je srednja temperatura zraka u rujnu imala vrlo nisku varijabilnost pogodnosti i najmanje je utjecala na izračunate MSI vrijednosti

    Sensors and Their Application in Precision Agriculture

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    The paper depicts sensors in precision agriculture. It encompasses the most significant and frequently used sensors in agriculture. Furthermore, the paper explains the main sensor types according to their design, the recorded range of electromagnetic spectrum, as well as the way of detection, recording, measuring, and representation of the detected energy. The development of remote research has provided deeper understanding of remote sensors and their advantages. The sensors installed on soil testing equipment, fertilizing and crop protection machinery, as well as crop picking machinery have been analyzed relative to precision farming. The paper depicts widely known sensors OptRx, ISARIA and VRT technology. The results of the paper assess the data collected by sensors and processed in order to produce maps for agrotechnical operations. The application of maps decreases the employment of human resources, heightens the capacity of data collection, increases the precision of agricultural activities, and finally results in decreasing the cost of final products. The technological progress over the past decade has enabled the development of technology with variable application standards (VRT) that, according to current needs, enables input optimization

    Ships for transportation of refrigerated agricultural - food products

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    Brodovi za transport hlađenih tereta služe za transport lakopokvarljive robe kao što su meso, riba, voće i povrće. Roba se u njima slaže u posebno izgrađena skladišta gdje se prema vrsti tereta regulira i održava odgovarajuća temperatura. Uloga brodova za transport hlađenih tereta je da lakopokvarljivu robu transportira u ispravnom stanju od luke ukrcaja do luke iskrcaja. U radu su prikazani brodovi - hladnjače, brodovi s rashladnim kontejnerima, zahtjevi za utovar i slaganje tereta na brodovima za transport rashlađenih tereta, zahtjevi za pojedine vrste tereta koji se transportiraju u rashlađenom stanju, te luke i terminali za prihvat istih.Refrigerated cargo ships are used to transport perishable goods such as meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. The goods are stored in specially built storage rooms, where the appropriate temperature is regulated and maintained according to the type of cargo. The role of refrigerated cargo ships is to transport perishable goods in good condition from the port of loading to the port of unloading. The paper presents ships - refrigerators, ships with refrigerated containers, requirements for loading and stowing cargo on ships for the transport of refrigerated cargo, requirements for certain types of cargo transported in a refrigerated state, and ports and terminals for receiving them

    Industrial railways of the Republic of Croatia in railway transport of agricultural goods

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    Željeznički transport i industrijski kolosijeci vrlo su važni za poljoprivrednu industriju Republike Hrvatske jer velike količine poljoprivrednih dobara se učinkovito transportiraju putem željeznice. Značajan broj poljoprivrednih tvrtki na području Republike Hrvatske (silosi „VTC“, šećerana „Viro“ Virovitica, luka Vukovar) posjeduje industrijske kolosijeke zbog lakšeg odvoza i dovoza poljoprivrednih dobara. Vagoni za transport poljoprivrednih dobara (Tads – z, Hbills – z, Hbis – z) omogućuju transport značajne količine dobara na siguran i učinkovit način unutar cijele Republike Hrvatske. Željeznička mreža Republike Hrvatske je dobro rasprostranjena, stoga se poljoprivredna dobara mogu transportirati svim dijelovima. Uz dobru rasprostranjenost željezničke mreže, veliki značaj za hrvatsko gospodarstvo odnosno poljoprivrednu industriju imaju Paneuropski koridori, od kojih se posebno ističu Paneuropski koridor V i Paneuropski koridor X.Industrial railways of the Republic of Croatia in railway transport of agricultural goods Railway transport and industrial tracks are very important for the agricultural industry of the Republic of Croatia because large quantities of agricultural goods are efficiently transported by railway. A significant number of agricultural companies in the territory of the Republic of Croatia ("VTC" silos, "Viro" Virovitica sugar factory, Port of Vukovar) own industrial tracks for easier transportation and delivery of agricultural goods. Wagons for the transport of agricultural goods (Tads - z, Hbills - z, Hbis - z) enable the transport of a significant amount of goods in a safe and efficient manner throughout the Republic of Croatia. The railway network of the Republic of Croatia is well widespread, therefore agricultural goods can be transported to all parts. In addition to the good distribution of the railway network, the Pan- European corridors, of which the Pan-European Corridor V and the Pan-European Corridor X stand out, are of great importance for the Croatian economy and the agricultural industry

    Industrial railways of the Republic of Croatia in railway transport of agricultural goods

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    Željeznički transport i industrijski kolosijeci vrlo su važni za poljoprivrednu industriju Republike Hrvatske jer velike količine poljoprivrednih dobara se učinkovito transportiraju putem željeznice. Značajan broj poljoprivrednih tvrtki na području Republike Hrvatske (silosi „VTC“, šećerana „Viro“ Virovitica, luka Vukovar) posjeduje industrijske kolosijeke zbog lakšeg odvoza i dovoza poljoprivrednih dobara. Vagoni za transport poljoprivrednih dobara (Tads – z, Hbills – z, Hbis – z) omogućuju transport značajne količine dobara na siguran i učinkovit način unutar cijele Republike Hrvatske. Željeznička mreža Republike Hrvatske je dobro rasprostranjena, stoga se poljoprivredna dobara mogu transportirati svim dijelovima. Uz dobru rasprostranjenost željezničke mreže, veliki značaj za hrvatsko gospodarstvo odnosno poljoprivrednu industriju imaju Paneuropski koridori, od kojih se posebno ističu Paneuropski koridor V i Paneuropski koridor X.Industrial railways of the Republic of Croatia in railway transport of agricultural goods Railway transport and industrial tracks are very important for the agricultural industry of the Republic of Croatia because large quantities of agricultural goods are efficiently transported by railway. A significant number of agricultural companies in the territory of the Republic of Croatia ("VTC" silos, "Viro" Virovitica sugar factory, Port of Vukovar) own industrial tracks for easier transportation and delivery of agricultural goods. Wagons for the transport of agricultural goods (Tads - z, Hbills - z, Hbis - z) enable the transport of a significant amount of goods in a safe and efficient manner throughout the Republic of Croatia. The railway network of the Republic of Croatia is well widespread, therefore agricultural goods can be transported to all parts. In addition to the good distribution of the railway network, the Pan- European corridors, of which the Pan-European Corridor V and the Pan-European Corridor X stand out, are of great importance for the Croatian economy and the agricultural industry

    Produced Levels of Mehanical Vibration on Cabin of Agricultural Tractor by Different Agrotechnical Surfaces

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    These research show results of produced level of tractors vibrations that affects on operator body measurement in relation to working hours of tractor in 2015 and 2016 year. It was done in accordance with the prescribed standards CRO ISO 2631-1 and CRO ISO 2631-4. Measurements were conducted in 2015 and 2016 on LANDINI POWERFARM 100 on access roads and production areas of Agricultural and veterinary school in Osijek. The measurements were performed with device MMF VM30. Results show that with increment of working tractor hours also increase the level of vibrations that affect on operator body on each measured surface (asphalt, grass and macadam)

    Remote detection of ragweed (ambrosia artemisiifolia l.)

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    The paper presents the contemporary findings of remote sensing regarding the control of common ragweed on agricultural land. The two-year research was performed in co-operation with the company Ciklonzacija Ltd., Serbia. The remote sensing process starts with the collection of images captured by several types of cameras equipped with special filters. Images are obtained by modified cameras mounted on helicopters, drones, and airplanes. Next, a special software is used to produce maps based on the obtained images that show the level of weed spread on agricultural land, illegal waste dumping areas, and other uncultivated areas, i.e. the areas that are potential sources of ragweed spread. The maps have a considerable economic benefit when mapping agricultural, wood, and other areas. Moreover, they reduce the use of human resources, and increase the capacity of data acquisition as well as the accuracy of the model of weed spread and its control


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    U radu su prikazani rezultati mjerenja buke traktora LANDINI POWERFARM DT100A. Mjerenje buke obavljeno je na tri različite podloge (makadam, asfalt i trava) tijekom 2015. i 2016. godine. Mjerenje je obavljeno uređajem proizvođača METREL tipa Multinorm MI 620I EU, prema normi HRN ISO 6396 koja se odnosi na mjerenje buke s lijeve i desne strane rukovatelja, pri čemu se traktor gibao oko 7,5 km/h, te prema normi HRN ISO 5131, koja propisuje točni položaj uređaja u odnosu na referentnu točku sjedala rukovatelja. Iz rezultata je vidljivo da ispitivani traktor najvišu razinu buke proizvodi na makadamskoj podlozi, dok najmanju razinu buke proizvodi na travnatoj podlozi. Razina buke koju proizvodi ispitivani traktor manja je od 90 dB.This paper presents the results of the LANDINI POWERFARM DT100A tractor noise measurement. Noise measurements were made while tractor was moving on three different surfaces (macadam, asphalt and grass) during 2015 and 2016. The measurement was carried out by the device METREL manufacturer type Multinorm MI 620I EU. The same was done according to HRN ISO 6396, which refers to noise measurement on the left and right of the operator, with the tractor moving about 7.5 km/h and according to HRN ISO 5131, which prescribes the exact position of the device in relation to the reference point at the operator\u27s seat. The results show that the tested tractor produces the highest noise level on the macadam, while the lowest noise level is produced on a grassy surface. The noise level produced by the tested tractor is less than 90 dB


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    Osnovna je pretpostavka precizne poljoprivrede dostupnost velikoga broja preciznih informacija, na raspolaganju poljoprivredniku pri donošenju odluka. Izravna usporedba višegodišnjih parametara dobivenih s parcela rezultira svrsishodnijom, argumentiranom i optimalnom uporabom sredstava za rad (pri čemu treba imati na umu ekološki utjecaj). Danas se razvojem tehnologije satelitske navigacije i monitoringa na poljoprivrednim strojevima i smanjenjem cijene tih uređaja ponovno aktualiziralo pitanje primjene precizne poljoprivrede. Napredni farmeri u razvijenim poljoprivrednim zemljama već redovito primjenjuju neku od tehnoloških mogućnosti precizne poljoprivrede. Precizna poljoprivreda i zaštita bilja omogućuje poljoprivredniku ostvarivanje visokih prinosa, uz čuvanje prirodnih resursa. Korištenjem modernih tehnologija GIS-a, strojevi prikupljaju direktne podatke s parcele pomoću senzora i integriraju se u sustav za obradu podataka. Obrađene informacije poljoprivrednik pomoću GreenStar sustava koristi za novo planirane operacije i ostvaruje znatnu vremensku i financijsku uštedu. Precizna poljoprivreda nudi mogućnost optimalne zaštite svake pojedine biljke, a ne samo prosjek, odnosno cijelo polje. Nizak rizik ulaganja jedan je od glavnih faktora izbora precizne zaštite bilja. Uporabom bespilotnih letjelica daljinska istraživanja omogućuju brzo i ekonomično dobivanje podataka i informacija zadovoljavajuće preciznosti, a primjenom suvremene tehnologije, poput Variable Rate Application (apliciranje promjenjivom količinom) i GreenStar programskim paketom, moguće je regulirati količinu njege i zaštite.The basic premise of precision farming as a larger amount of information is its availability to the farmer in making decision. Direct comparison of perennial parameters obtained from the plot results in purposefully, argumentative and optimal use of resources for work (while keeping in mind the ecological impact). Today, the development of satellite navigation technology and monitoring of agricultural machinery, and reducing the cost of these devices again revived the question of the precision agriculture application. Advanced farmers in developed agricultural countries already regularly apply some of the technological possibilities of precision farming. Precision agriculture and plant protection allow the farmer realizing high incomes while keeping safe natural resources. Using modern GIS technology machines collect data directly from the plot using sensors and integrate themselves into the data processing system. Processed information is used by a farmer taking GreenStar system for the new planned operation and achieving significant time and money spare. Precision agriculture offers the possibility of optimal care of each plant, not just the average, or the entire field. Low risk investments are one of the main factors of choice precise plant protection. The use of pilotless aircrafts remote sensing allow fast and economical obtaining data and sufficient precision information. Using modern technology such as Variable Rate Application (applying a variable volume) and GreenStar software package it is possible to regulate the amount of care and protection


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    Cilj uvođenja precizne gnojidbe je racionalizirati primjenu gnojiva. Korištenjem precizne poljoprivrede smanjuju se troškovi i povećava učinkovitost gnojidbe. Uporabom GIS tehnologije omogućuje se doziranje određene količine gnojiva koja je stvarno potrebna na točno određenom dijelu proizvodne površine. Precizna gnojidba je suvremena tehnika gnojidbe gdje se točno prema uzorcima tla određuje potrebna količina gnojiva za određeni dio poljoprivredne površine. Uzimanje uzoraka tla obavlja se sondom Nietfeld Duoprob. Prije uzimanja uzoraka potrebno je dobiti uvid u elektrovodljivost tla. Stanje elektrovodljivosti tla postiže se korištenjem skenera SOIL EC VERIS, a dobiveni podatci se unose u napredne navigatore za poljoprivredu. Tijekom dvogodišnjeg istraživanja korištene su dvije metode uzimanja uzoraka: nasumična i digitalna. U digitalnoj metodi uzimanja uzoraka koristila se „Z shema“ i uzorkovalo se 324 uzorka tla, dok se pri uporabi nasumične metode uzorkovalo 252 uzorka tla. Korištenjem metode „Z sheme“ postiže se veća točnost pri izradi karte za preporuku gnojidbe i bolja pokrivenost površine. Precizna aplikacija gnojiva kao cilj primjenom relativno nove metode u RH je u potpunosti ostvarena. Očuvanje okoliša također je omogućeno racionalnom upotrebom gnojiva te posebnim tehnikama raspodjele istih. Primjenom navigacijskih uređaja i uporabom karata gnojidbe znatno se poboljšavaju eksploatacijski učinci.The aim of introducing precise fertilization has streamlined the application of fertilizers. Using precision farming reduces costs and increases the efficiency of fertilization. Using GIS technology enables the dispensing certain amount of fertilizer that is really needed on a specific part of the production area. Precise fertilizing is the modern technique of fertilization exactly where soil samples to determine the required amount of fertilizer for a particular piece of agricultural land. Taking soil samples is conducted with probe „Nietfeld Duoprob“. Before sampling it\u27s necessary to gain insight into the conductivity of the soil. Condition conductivity of the soil is achieved by using a scanner „SOIL EC VERIS“ , the obtained data are entered in the advanced agriculutre navigators. During two years of research were used two sampling methods: random and digital. The digital method of sampling used the "Z scheme" and sampled 324 GPS points, while when using random methods sampled 252 GPS points. Using the method of "Z Scheme", has better accuracy in the preparation of maps for fertilizer recommendations and better coverage area. Precision application of fertilizer is the target application of relatively new methods in the Republic of Croatia is fully realized. Preserving the environment is also made possible using the rational use of fertilizers and special techniques of distribution. Using navigation devices and using maps of fertilization was significantly improved exploitation effects. Navigation devices and fertilization maps save time and product materials, and the works can be accomplished at night