5 research outputs found

    Współpraca pomiędzy lekarzem i personelem pielęgniarskim w procesie diagnozowania i leczenia trombolitycznego chorych w ostrym okresie udaru mózgu

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    In accordance with the WHO (World Health Organization) definition applicable since 1980, stroke (BS) is a disease syndrome characterized by a sudden occurrence of focal or generalized cerebral dysfunctions, which last longer than 24 hours, unless they are fatal. Thrombolytic therapy is currently the recommended and most effective method of treatment of recent ischemic stroke. The success of treating stroke equally depends on the appropriate organization of the entire team caring for the patient.In order to efficiently conduct thrombolytic treatment in a patient with acute ischemic stroke, medical and nursing staff working in the Department of Stroke Treatment should have the following skills: high level of professional responsibility, high professional competence, have the ability to cooperate in a team and establish interpersonal contacts, including those with the patient and their family. Team members should make difficult decisions jointly, analyze and modify their activities so that treatment could be implemented as soon as possible while maintaining the utmost discretion and clinical alertness.This article was prepared in order to summarize and organize available knowledge on the cooperation between the doctor and nursing staff in the diagnosis and thrombolytic therapy of patients in the acute stroke period. (JNNN 2019;8(1):37–43)Zgodnie z obowiązującą już od 1980 r. definicją WHO (Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia), udar mózgu (UM) to zespół chorobowy cechujący się nagłym wystąpieniem ogniskowych lub uogólnionych zaburzeń funkcji mózgowia, które utrzymują się dłużej niż 24 godziny, o ile nie doprowadzą wcześniej do zgonu. Leczenie trombolityczne jest obecnie zalecaną i najskuteczniejszą metodą leczenia świeżego udaru niedokrwiennego mózgu. Sukces leczenia udaru mózgu w równej mierze zależy od dobrej organizacji całego zespołu opiekującego się chorym.W celu sprawnego przeprowadzenia leczenia trombolitycznego u pacjenta z ostrym udarem niedokrwiennym mózgu personel lekarski jak i pielęgniarski pracujący w oddziale Leczenia Udaru Mózgu powinien posiadać następujące umiejętności: wysoki poziom odpowiedzialności zawodowej, wysokie kompetencje zawodowe, posiadać umiejętność współpracy w zespole oraz nawiązywania kontaktów interpersonalnych w tym również z pacjentem i jego rodziną. Trudne decyzje członkowie zespołu powinni podejmować wspólnie, a swoje działania analizować i modyfikować tak aby leczenie wdrażać jak najszybciej przy zachowaniu jak najwyższej rozwagi i czujności klinicznej.Niniejszy artykuł powstał w celu podsumowania i uporządkowania dostępnej wiedzy na temat współpracy pomiędzy lekarzem i personelem pielęgniarskim w procesie diagnozowania i leczenia trombolitycznego chorych w ostrym okresie udaru mózgu. (PNN 2019;8(1):37–43

    Comparative Analysis of the Liver Transcriptome among Cattle Breeds Using RNA-seq

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    Global gene expression in liver transcriptome varies among cattle breeds. The present investigation was aimed to identify the differentially expressed genes (DEGs), metabolic gene networks and metabolic pathways in bovine liver transcriptome of young bulls. In this study, we comparatively analyzed the bovine liver transcriptome of dairy (Polish Holstein Friesian (HF); n = 6), beef (Hereford; n = 6), and dual purpose (Polish-Red; n = 6) cattle breeds. This study identified 895, 338, and 571 significant (p < 0.01) differentially expressed (DE) gene-transcripts represented as 745, 265, and 498 hepatic DE genes through the Polish-Red versus Hereford, Polish-HF versus Hereford, and Polish-HF versus Polish-Red breeds comparisons, respectively. By combining all breeds comparisons, 75 hepatic DE genes (p < 0.01) were identified as commonly shared among all the three breed comparisons; 70, 160, and 38 hepatic DE genes were commonly shared between the following comparisons: (i) Polish-Red versus Hereford and Polish-HF versus Hereford; (ii) Polish-Red versus Hereford and Polish-HF versus Polish-Red; and (iii) Polish-HF versus Hereford and Polish-HF versus Polish-Red, respectively. A total of 440, 82, and 225 hepatic DE genes were uniquely observed for the Polish-Red versus Hereford, Polish-HF versus Hereford, and Polish-Red versus Polish-HF comparisons, respectively. Gene ontology (GO) analysis identified top-ranked enriched GO terms (p < 0.01) including 17, 16, and 31 functional groups and 151, 61, and 140 gene functions that were DE in all three breed liver transcriptome comparisons. Gene network analysis identified several potential metabolic pathways involved in glutamine family amino-acid, triglyceride synthesis, gluconeogenesis, p38MAPK cascade regulation, cholesterol biosynthesis (Polish-Red versus Hereford); IGF-receptor signaling, catecholamine transport, lipoprotein lipase, tyrosine kinase binding receptor (Polish-HF versus Hereford), and PGF-receptor binding, (Polish-HF versus Polish-Red). Validation results showed that the relative expression values were consistent to those obtained by RNA-seq, and significantly correlated between the quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) and RNA-seq (Pearson’s r  > 0.90). Our results provide new insights on bovine liver gene expressions among dairy versus dual versus beef breeds by identifying the large numbers of DEGs markers submitted to NCBI gene expression omnibus (GEO) accession number GSE114233, which can serve as useful genetic tools to develop the gene assays for trait-associated studies as well as, to effectively implement in genomics selection (GS) cattle breeding programs in Poland