63 research outputs found

    Electrodynamics acceleration of electrical dipoles

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    This article considers the acceleration of electric dipoles consisting of thin metal plates and dielectric (barium titanate). The dipoles are of a cylindrical shape with a diameter of the cylinder two centimeters and length one centimeter. Capacity of the parallel-plate capacitor is three hundred picofarads and it is charged up to the voltage of two hundred eighty kilovolts. Pre-acceleration of the electric dipoles till velocity one kilometer per second is reached by the gas-dynamic method. The finite acceleration is produced in a spiral waveguide, where the pulse is travelling with voltage amplitude seven hundreds kilovolts and power one hundred twenty-five megawatts. This pulse travels via the spiral waveguide and accelerates the injected electric dipoles in the longitudinal direction till the finite velocity eight and a half kilometers per second over length seven hundred and seventy meters.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Electromagnetic acceleration of electrically charged bodies

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    Acceleration of electrically charged bodies is carried out by the electric field running via the spiral structure of the electric pulse. The accelerated particles have a cylindrical shape with a diameter of cylinder two millimeters, a length of the conical part thirteen millimeters and the total length three hundred millimeters. Pre-acceleration of the cylinder up to speed one kilometer per second is performed by gas-dynamic. The pulse with the voltage amplitude two megavolts and the power three hundreds megawatts goes into the spiral waveguide synchronously with the rod injected onto it. The rod is accelerated by the traveling pulse in the longitudinal direction up to the finite velocity six kilometers per second for length three hundreds meters.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Gas-dynamic acceleration of bodies till the hyper sonic velocity

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    The article considers an opportunity of gas-dynamic acceleration of body from the initial zero velocity till the finite velocity: five kilometers per second. When the gas flow rate of the body pre-acceleration reaches one kilometer per second, the body is accelerated at the front of the explosion wave propagating along the coils of the hexogen spiral. This wave accelerates the body and, finally, it reaches the velocity of five kilometers per second. The accelerated body has mass one-tenth of a kilogram and diameter eleven and three tenths of a millimeter. Acceleration length is six meters. At the slope of the spiral to the horizon equal to seventy degrees the flight range of the body is equal to sixteen hundred kilometers and the maximum height of the flight is eleven hundred kilometers

    A multi beam proton accelerator

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    The article considers a proton accelerator containing seven independent beams arranged on the accelerator radius. The current in each beam is one hundred milliamps. The initial part of the accelerator consists of shielded spiral waveguides assembled in the common screen. The frequency of the acceleration: three hundred megahertz, high-frequency power twenty-five megawatts, the length of the accelerator six meters. After reaching the proton energy of six megaelektronvolts the protons using lenses with the azimuthal magnetic field are collected in one beam. Further beam acceleration is performed in the array of superconducting cavities tuned to the frequency one and three tenths gigahertz. The acceleration rate is equal to twenty megavolt per meter, the high-frequency power consumption fifteen megawatts per meter.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure


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    A possibility of electrodynamic acceleration of particles from the initial zero velocity to the final velocity ten kilometeres per second the acceleration length five meters is considered. After the electrostatic preacceleration particles are accelerated at the trailing edge of the voltage pulse six megavolts, which runs along the spiral turns. Accelerated particles have the diameter six microns, and length one centimeter. Because of a pointed cone at the head the particles can move in the air almost without loss of velocity, penetrating into aluminum and water as deep as ten centimeter and water one meter respectively.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Acceleration of magnetic dipoles by the sequence of current turns

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    Acceleration of magnetic dipoles is carried out by the running gradient of the magnetic field formed while sequent switching on the current turns. Magnetic dipoles, with a diameter of sixty millimeters and full length one meter, are pre-accelerated by using the gas-dynamic method to speed one kilometer per second, corresponding to the injection rate into the main accelerator. To prevent the turning of the dipoles by one hundred eighty degrees in the field of the accelerating pulse and focus them, the magnetic dipoles are accelerated inside the titanium tube. The magnetic dipoles have mass two kilograms and acquire the finite speed five kilometers per second on the acceleration length three hundreds meters.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    On measuring the size of nuclei of comets

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    Possibilities of measuring the size of nuclei of comets hidden by dust clouds are discussed. To this end, the dust cloud should be irradiated with a flow of rods accelerated in a linear mass accelerator to the velocity six kilometers per second. Each rod should be equipped with a transmitter with a power of one microwatt, which is destroyed in a collision with a comet's nucleus, or continues to work if the rod passes through the dust cloud without collision. Radio signals are received by three independent ground stations. At a distance of one thousand kilometers from the nucleus of the comet the power of the received signals is ten to the minus seventeenth Watt power, the receiver noise power is ten to the minus twentieth Watt power.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    About the Electrodynamic Acceleration of Macroscopic Particles

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    An electric charge is imparted to macroscopic particles, whereupon they are pre-accelerated in an electrostatic field by the high voltage U = 220 kV. Then the particles are accelerated by a traveling electromagnetic wave with the initial phase velocity lying in the range v/c = 1e-3 - 1e-5. Focusing the particles is provided by electrostatic doublets. At the acceleration length L = 20 m, the particles with Z/A = 2.3e-7 increase their velocity from v/c = 1e-5 to v/c = 1e-4.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    An Intensive Pulsed Neutron Source Based On An Electron Ring Accelerator

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    A neutron source is proposed. It is based on a proton accelerator with the energy Ep = 1.2 GeV, current Ip = 0.7A, pulse duration T = 3 mcsec, repetition rate F = 60 Hz, and accelerator length L = 30 m. Protons are accelerated by the field of electron rings. The electron rings are formed from a tube beam by way of modulation and creating rotating motion by crossing the magnetic field cusp. The frequency of modulation f1 = 142.8 MHz. The bunch is accelerated at the frequency f3 = 2856 MHz. The high frequency power required for making the field is P1 = 6 - 150 MW/section, the power transferred to the accelerated beam is P2 = 75 - 100 MW/m. The bigger radius of the rings (r0 = 2 cm) and radial dimensions of the ring (ar = 0.125 cm) are provided by the external magnetic field B0 = 2.4 T. The longitudinal dimensions (az < 0.22 cm) are maintained by the wave moving synchronously with the bunches. The number of electrons in each ring Ne = 3e12, the number of protons Np = 3e10. Protons are accelerated at the constant energy gain rate 40 MeV/m. The electron rings are accelerated in the waveguide with the field strength Ez = 1.08 MV/m. The intensity of the proton beam is 1e13 p/pulse. The average intensity of the neutron flux on a lead target is Ian = 1e16 n/s, the pulsed neutron flux is Ipn = 8e19 n/s.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figure

    Linear_Accelerator_C+6_Ions_as_Injector_for_a_Synchrotron, Intended for Hadrons Therapy

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    We consider acceleration light ions by the field of a traveling-wave in a helical waveguide. The frequency of the accelerating RF field f = 100 MHz, generator power P = 2 MW. Ion focusing is provided by a solenoidal magnetic field with the intensity B = 3.5 Tesla. With increasing the accelerator length up to L = 15 m, the final energy of the ions can be increased up to a value of E = 7 MeV / nucleon.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure