180 research outputs found

    Optical echo in photonic crystals

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    The dynamics of photonic wavepacket in the effective oscillator potential is studied. The oscillator potential is constructed on a base of one dimensional photonic crystal with a period of unit cell adiabatically varied in space. The structure has a locally equidistant discrete spectrum. This leads to an echo effect, i.e. the periodical reconstruction of the packet shape. The effect can be observed in a nonlinear response of the system. Numerical estimations for porous-silicon based structures are presented for femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser pump.Comment: 4 page


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    Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to identify changes in school-based anxiety in children aged 12 – 13 during their physical education using a special Program for the individual typological approach implementation. Methodology: Two groups had been formed: reference and experimental (25 people each); three methods were used (Method for studying individual typological peculiarities of middle-school children by A. Belov, Method of Kondash's anxiety scale (1973), and Method of identifying general physical education of students); diagnostic testing of physical fitness was conducted (long jump from the spot; lifting the body in 30 sec. (press); push-up (girls); pulling up on the crossbar (boys); running 30 meters, shuttle running 3x10; bending forward from a sitting position). Main Findings: The results of the study have been statistically processed with Excel 2000 and STATISTICA 8.0, using the Student's t-test for dependent and independent samples. The M average has been found; the differences have been considered significant at p < 0.05. Applications of this study: The Program for the individual typological approach implementation has been compiled with an emphasis on reducing school-based anxiety in children aged 12 – 13; its features, objectives, indicators, criteria, content, and forms of implementation have been substantiated; a set of general physical exercises has been developed for each type of temperament, which includes the exercises for some groups of muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, back muscles, abdomen, and hips. Novelty/Originality of this study: The significant improvement in the physical fitness of students from the experimental group compared to the reference one identified during the term proves the efficiency of the implemented physical education program, taking into account the individual typological approach to the personality of adolescents with an emphasis on reducing their school-based anxiety. The results of the study have allowed formulating recommendations for improving the approaches to conducting physical education classes

    Distribution of selenium in zebrafish larvae after exposure to organic and inorganic selenium forms

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    Selenium is an essential micronutrient for many organisms, and in vertebrates has a variety of roles associated with protection from reactive oxygen species. Over the past two decades there have been conflicting reports upon human health benefits and detriments arising from consumption of selenium dietary supplements. Thus, early studies report a decrease in the incidence of certain types of cancer, whereas subsequent studies did not observe any anti-cancer effect, and adverse effects such as increased risks for type 2 diabetes have been reported. A possible contributing factor may be that different chemical forms of selenium were used in different studies. Using larval stage zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model organism, we report a comparison of the toxicities and tissue selenium distributions of four different chemical forms of selenium. We find that the organic forms of selenium tested (Se-methyl-l-selenocysteine and l-selenomethionine) show considerably more toxicity than inorganic forms (selenite and selenate), and that this appears to be correlated with the level of bioaccumulation. Despite differences in concentrations, the tissue specific pattern of selenium accumulation was similar for the chemical forms tested; selenium was found to be highly concentrated in pigment (melanin) containing tissues especially for the organic selenium treatments, with lower concentrations in eye lens, yolk sac and heart. These results suggest that pigmented tissues might serve as a storage reservoir for selenium. © 2016 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Thermal and hydraulic efficiency of the staggered tube bundle in pulsating flow

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Determination of the thermal and hydraulic efficiency η is one of the ways to assess the effectiveness of the method used to intensify heat transfer. In this paper, the hydraulic fluid efficiency of diamond-coated tube bundles is determined for a pulsating flow of a heat carrier. The Reynolds number was based on the outer diameter of the pipe and was Re = 100, the Prandtl number Pr ranged from 214 to 363. It was shown that an increase in the dimensionless amplitude β, frequency f, and pulsating ratio ψ leads to a decrease in thermal and hydraulic efficiency. The influence of the Prandtl Pr numbers on the thermohydraulic efficiency was also analyzed. It is shown that an increase in thermal and hydraulic efficiency is observed with increasing Pr

    Сравнительный анализ эффективности различных методов нейропротекторной терапии больных первичной стабилизированной глаукомой в далекозашедшей стадии

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    PURPOSE: To assess the pharmacoeconomic effectiveness and profitability of different methods of primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) neuroprotective therapy. METHODS: The study included 296 patients (530 eyes) with advanced primary open-angle glaucoma and compensated IOP. The patients were randomized into 5 groups. Group I consisted of 50 patients (89 eyes) who received only standard therapy course. Group 2 included 51 patients (95 eyes) who additionally received 10 mg (100 mg per course) of intramuscular polypeptides of cattle cerebral cortex (Cortexin) q.d. for 10 days. Group 3 comprised 65 patients (114 eyes), who along with standard medical treatment underwent percutaneous electrical stimulation of the optic nerve for 10 days. 60 patients (111 eyes) of Group 4 received subtenon injections of water-soluble polypeptide fractions of cattle retina (Retinalamin). Group 5 consisted of 70 patients (121 eyes) who received comprehensive treatment in 3 stages: 1st stage - standard therapy course together with intramuscular injections of polypeptides of cattle cerebral cortex for 10 days, 2nd stage - 10 day course of percutaneous electrical stimulation of the optic nerve, 3rd stage - subtenon injections of water-soluble polypeptide fractions of cattle retina. All patients before and after the treatment underwent a standard ophthalmic examination, including visiometry, tonometry, kinetic and static perimetry, ophthalmoscopy, electrophysiological studies (electric sensitivity threshold and electrolability determination). Economic profitability in comparison groups was estimated taking into consideration clinical effectiveness, consumer value and comfort. RESULTS: Patients in all groups marked a subjective improvement and improvement of visual acuity. Computer perimetry showed positive dynamics: expansion of peripheral visual field, reduction of paracentral scotomas size and depth. Electrophysiological examination results improved in all groups. CONCLUSION: Complex 3-stage comprehensive treatment method allows to increase the treatment efficiency for patients with non-progressive advanced open-angle glaucoma, improves vision prognosis and rehabilitation measures quality.ЦЕЛЬ. Фармакоэкономическая оценка эффективности и рентабельности различных методов нейропротекторной терапии первичной открытоугольной глаукомы. МЕТОДЫ. В исследование включено 296 пациентов (530 глаз) с III стадией первичной открытоугольной глаукомы (ПОУГ) с компенсированным офтальмотонусом. Пациенты были рандомизированы на 5 групп сравнения. В 1-ю группу вошли 50 пациентов (89 глаз), которые получали только традиционную консервативную терапию, во 2-ю группу - 51 больной (95 глаз), которым дополнительно вводили ежедневно однократно в течение 10 дней полипептиды коры головного мозга скота (кортексин) внутримышечно в дозе 10 мг (100 мг на курс). В 3-ю группу вошли 65 человек (114 глаз), которым наряду с традиционным медикаментозным лечением проводили чрезкожную электростимуляцию зрительных нервов (ЧЭС). Курс лечения составлял 10 сеансов. В 4-ю группу были включены пациенты, которым после курса традиционного медикаментозного лечения вводили в субтеноново пространство комплекс водорастворимых полипептидных фракций сетчатки глаз скота (ретиналамин) - 60 человек (111 глаз). В 5-ю группу вошли 70 пациентов (121 глаз), получающих комплексное лечение в 3 этапа: 1 этап - традиционная терапия совместно с в/м введением полипептидов коры головного мозга скота - 10 дней; 2 этап - курс ЧЭС 10 дней; 3 этап - введение комплекса водорастворимых полипептидных фракций сетчатки глаз скота в субтеноново пространство. Всем больным до и после лечения проводили визометрию, тонометрию, кинетическую и статическую периметрию, офтальмоскопию, электрофосфен (ЭФИ) с регистрацией порога электрической чувствительности (ПЭЧ), электролабильности (ЭЛ). В группах сравнения сравнивали экономическую рентабельность через призму клинической эффективности с учетом потребительской стоимости и комфортности. РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. В результате лечения пациенты всех групп отмечали субъективное улучшение и улучшение остроты зрения. По данным компьютерной периметрии отмечалась положительная динамика: расширение периферических границ поля зрения, уменьшение глубины и площади скотом в парацентральном поле зрения (ППЗ). На фоне лечения во всех группах сравнения улучшились электрофизиологические показатели. ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ. Предложенный в работе метод 3-этапного комплексного лечения позволяет повысить эффективность лечения больных компенсированной открытоугольной глаукомой в далекозашедшей стадии, улучшает прогноз по зрению и качество реабилитационных мероприятий

    Combination of increased situational anxiety and endothelial dysfunction in young athletes as a condition for microcirculation spasm: assessment methods and correction using a specialized honey bar-candy

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    Objective: study of psychoemotional-volitional sphere and endothelium-dependent factors of cardiovascular risk, the level of performance and recovery time in athletes before and after a 2-month intake of a specialized athlete’s nutrition product (SANP) honey bar-candy “Gold F25 ApiSpeis Light”.Materials and methods: the main group of 58 athletes (under the age of 18) used SANP for 2 months. Control group-1 included 32 schoolchildren and students, not athletes, to assess the age limits of endothelium-dependent vasodilation, blood composition and the presence of risk factors for atherosclerosis in young athletes. The control group-2 included 30 young athletes under 18 years old without the use of SANP to compare the indicators in the main group before and after taking the honey bar. The psycho-emotional sphere was studied using the Spielberger-Hanin scale of anxiety and WAM testing: Well-being, Activity and Mood. In addition, the maximum achieved load, maximum oxygen consumption, time to reach the threshold of anaerobic metabolism, systolic blood pressure, heart rate, neurovegetative stress index and recovery time after exercise were determined. Also, tests with reactive hyperemia (TRH) and hyperventilation (TGV) on the brachial artery were performed to assess endothelium-dependent vasodilation and vasoconstriction, conjunctival biomicroscopy on a slit lamp with calibrometry of arterioles and venules, general and biochemical blood tests.Results: the normalization of situational anxiety, psychoemotional stress and hyperfunction of the sympathoadrenal system was established. There was a decrease in the levels of cortisol, neurovegetative stress index, improvement of well-being, activity and mood against the background of elimination of endothelial dysfunction, improved performance and reduced recovery time after work. The analysis of multiple canonical correlations revealed a close relationship between the psychoemotional state, endothelial dysfunction and microcirculation spasm (R = 0.86; p < 0.0001).Conclusion: it has been proven that a combination of increased situational anxiety, neurovegetative overexertion, hyperfunction of the sympathoadrenal system and endothelial dysfunction can form a spastic type of peripheral circulation and provoke the onset of arterial hypertension. It was found that the course intake of honey ingot has anti-stress, antioxidant, erythropoietic, vasodilating and antispastic effects, improves performance and recovery after stress. Ingot “Gold F25 ApiSpeis Light” is included in the FMBA Formulary as a specialized product for the nutrition of young athletes of the Russian national teams

    Beer classification based on the array of solid-contact Potentiometric sensors with thiacalixarene receptors

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    Potentiometric sensors based on carbon electrodes made by screen-printing and glassy carbon electrodes covered with electropolymerized polyaniline and thiacalix[4]arene receptors have been developed for discrimination of various beer brands using three sensors. The prediction was 100% true according to principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis. © 2014 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

    Evaluation of Availability of Human, Scientific, Technological and Innovative Potential in the Context of Priorities in Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation

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    Introduction. The implementation of priorities of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation involves an assessment of the trends in the development of human, scientific, technological and innovation potential within the framework of these directions. In modern conditions of transformation of science and technology into key factors of Russian development, it is necessary to provide the country’s economy with human resources capable of withstanding “big challenges”, but at this stage there is a shortage of highly qualified specialists in many key industries that can offer a new scientific result, taking into account the prospects for its application. The purpose of the article is to develop an approach to assess the human, scientific, technological and innovative potentials in the context of priorities in the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation and its validation using the example of three priorities. Materials and Methods. The materials of this study draw on Rosstat and FSMNO ; Rospatent; Web of Science and Scopus. The object of research is to assess human, scientific, technological and innovative potential in the context of priorities in scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation. In the course of the research, a multiplicative model of the impact of the availability of human, scientific, technological and innovative capacity on labour intensity was developed. In the process of research, the following research and analysis methods were used: comparison, induction and deduction method, generalisation method, chain substitution method, logical structure study, system analysis, and special methods of statistical, comparative analysis. In the methodological plan, we used the system and process appro aches in the basis of the study. Results. The study revealed that the labour intensity in 2016 for all three priorities of the scientific and technological revolution of the Russian Federation has increased. Therefore, according to the priorities of the scientific and technological revolution of the Russian Federation, the availability of scientific, technological and innovative potential is not sufficient, which leads to a decrease in the reverse indicator of labour intensity - labour productivity in the markets within the framework of these priorities. Concerning the impact on labour intensity in all three priorities, one observes: the growth of “collaborations” in fundamental research, the applied effectiveness of scientific activity, “collaborations” of applied research; reduction in citations from scientific articles, low patent activity of engineering and technical workers, technological demand for patents. Therefore, against the background of emerging collaborative activity of actors in the process of research and development and the growth of the applied effectiveness of scientific activity, there is a low level of orientation of scientific and scientific-technical results to c ommercialisation. Discussion and Conclusions. On the basis of the multiplicative model developed by the authors for assessing the impact of the provision of human, scientific, technological and innovative capacities on labor intensity, it was tested on the example of the three priorities of the scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation (a, b, c). It was revealed that the labour intensity in 2016, according to the priorities of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Russian Federation, increased, and the availability of scientific, technological and innovative potential is not sufficient, which leads to a decrease in the inverse measure of labour intensity - labour productivity in high-tech markets within the framework of these priorities. Concerning the impact on labour intensity for all three priorities, it was revealed: the growth of “collaborations” of fundamental research, the applied effectiveness of scientific activity, “collaborations” of applied research; reduction in citations from scientific articles, low patent activity of engineering and technical workers, technological demand for patents. It was also revealed that against the background of the emerging collaborative activity of actors in the process of research and development and the growth of the applied effectiveness of scientific activity, there is a low level of orientation of scientific and scientific-technical results to commercialisation

    Standard definition of a clinical case of mumps and diagnostic effectiveness of the test systems used in the modern period

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    Introduction. Registration of regular epidemic outbreaks of mumps infection among young people, difficulties in the clinical diagnosis of the disease, the presence of specific clinical manifestations in adults with a severe course of infection make it necessary the improvement of the quality of diagnosis of the disease. The aim of the work is to develop a standard definition of a clinical case of mumps and to conduct a comparative assessment of the effectiveness of the diagnostic test systems used for mumps diagnostics based on the determination of their sensitivity and specificity. Materials and methods. To develop a standard definition of a clinical case of mumps based on ten combined clinical and laboratory parameters, a mathematical model was built using the logistic regression method. The study included 84 patients with mumps infection (main group) and 66 patients with non-epidemic sialoadenitis (comparison group). For a comparative evaluation of the diagnostic systems VectoParotitis-IgM, VectoParotitis-IgG, ELISA-Mumps-IgM, ELISA-Mumps-IgG, Anti-Mumps Virus ELISA-IgM, and Anti-Mumps Virus ELISA-IgG, a blood serum samples from patients (n = 41) with a diagnosis mumps? were tested in dynamics to assess their sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic effectiveness. Results. The clinical symptom dry mouth increased the chance of diagnosing mumps by 13.7 times, the presence of bilateral lesions of the salivary glands by 6.5 times, the increase in the level of diastase in the urine by 3.2 times. The coefficient of determination R2 was 61.1; the sensitivity was 93% and the specificity 67%; p 0.001. Diagnostic effectiveness of Anti-Mumps Virus ELISA-IgG test system was 84.4%, ELISA-Mumps-IgG 87.2%, and "VectoParotitis-IgG" 88.5%. Conclusions. Based on the combination of following clinical symptoms observed simultaneously in patient, of the general weakness, dry mouth, bilateral lesions of the salivary glands, an increase in the level of diastase in the urine, it is possible to establish a clinical diagnosis of mumps with a probability of 81%. The highest diagnostic effectiveness of domestically manufactured test systems for quantitation of IgG antibodies to mumps virus in sick people has been demonstrted