29 research outputs found

    Die Bekämpfung der Enzootischen Pneumonie der Schweine und Sanierung von Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in der Schweiz

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    Agreement of benchmarking high antimicrobial usage farms based on either animal treatment index or number of national defined daily doses

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    Introduction: While treatment frequency as an indicator of antimicrobial consumption is often assessed using defined doses, it can also be calculated directly as an Animal Treatment Index (ATI). In this study, the correlation of calculating antimicrobial usage on Swiss pig farms using either national Defined Daily Doses (DDDch) or an ATI (number of treatments per animal per year) and the agreement between the different methods for the identification of high usage farms were investigated. Material and Methods: The antimicrobial consumption of 893 Swiss pig herds was calculated separately for suckling piglets, weaned piglets, fattening pigs, lactating and gestating sows using the indicators nDDDch (number of DDDch) per animal per year and ATI. Correlations between the indicators were investigated by calculating Spearman's Rho coefficients. The 5, 10, and 25% highest usage farms were determined by applying both methods and the interrater reliability was described using Cohen's Kappa coefficients and visualized by Bland-Altman plots. Results: The Spearman's Rho coefficients showed strong correlations (r > 0.5) between nDDDch/animal/year and ATI. The lowest coefficient was shown for the correlation of both indicators in gestating sows (r = 0.657) and the highest in weaned piglets (r = 0.910). Kappa coefficients identifying high usage farms were the highest in weaned piglets (k = 0.71, 0.85, and 0.91, respectively for 5, 10, and 25% most frequent users) and the lowest in gestating sows (k = 0.54, 0.58, and 0.55 for 5, 10, and 25% most frequent users). Conclusions: In general, the investigated indicators showed strong correlations and a broad agreement in terms of the calculated levels of antimicrobial usage and the identification of high usage farms. Nevertheless, a certain proportion of the farms were defined differently depending on the indicator used. These differences varied by age category and were larger in all age categories except weaned piglets when a higher percentage benchmark was used to define high usage farms. These aspects should be considered when designing scientific studies or monitoring systems and considering which indicator to use

    SUIS Sano – Messung, Bewertung und Steuerung des Antibiotikaverbrauchs in schweizerischen Schweinebetrieben

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    Antibiotisch wirksame Chemotherapeutika haben die Prävention und Behandlung bakterieller Infektionskrankheiten in der Veterinärmedizin revolutioniert, aber ihr Gebrauch und Missbrauch haben auch zum Auftreten und zur Ausbreitung von Antibiotikaresistenzen geführt. Vor allem der Eintrag von resistenten Keimen und Resistenzgenen in den Humanbereich stellt eine potentielle Gefahr dar (VAN RENNINGS et al., 2015). Daher wird der Antibiotikaeinsatz in der Veterinärmedizin zunehmend kritisch betrachtet und eine Reduktion der Antibiotikaverbrauchsmengen gefordert

    Impact of the Suissano Health Programme on antimicrobial usage on 291 pig farms in Switzerland

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    Background: In 2015, in Switzerland the Suissano Health Programme was implemented in pig production to improve transparency for antimicrobial usage (AMU) and to reduce the usage of fluoroquinolones (FQ), macrolides and cephalosporins, representing highest priority critically important antimicrobials. Methods: In the presented cohort study, the impact of the Suissano programme on the AMU of 291 pig farms between 2016 and 2017 was investigated. AMU was calculated in total numbers of defined course doses (nDCDch) for all farms in the programme. For each single farm the nDCDch/animal/year was determined for four different age categories (suckling piglets, weaned piglets, fattening pigs, sows) as well as each antimicrobial substance separately. Trends between 2016 and 2017 were investigated for all farms as well as the 25 per cent with the highest usage of antimicrobials (high users) separately. Results: Total AMU measured in nDCDch declined by 23 per cent between 2016 and 2017, but statistically significant differences could not be observed when comparing the data sets of the individual farms. A significantly reduced usage of FQ could be demonstrated in suckling piglets (P=0.003), weaned piglets (P=0.006) and sows (P=0.008) in 2017 compared with 2016. For high users, a significant reduction of total AMU could be shown in suckling piglets (P=0.02), weaned piglets (P=0.0004) and fattening pigs (P=0.01). Conclusion: This study demonstrated a significant reduction in the usage of FQs in suckling piglets, weaned piglets and sows as well as total AMU in suckling piglets, weaned piglets and fattening pigs on high-usage farms

    Occurrence of Escherichia coli non-susceptible to quinolones in faecal samples from fluoroquinolone-treated, contact and control pigs of different ages from 24 Swiss pig farms

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    Background: Despite their indispensability in human medicine, fluoroquinolones (FQ) are used for the treatment of bacterial infections in farm animals which increases the risk of transferring FQ-resistant bacteria into the environment and via the food chain to humans. The objectives of this observational study were to follow-up of the presence of quinolone non-susceptible Escherichia coli (QNSE) qualitatively and quantitatively in faecal samples of pigs at four time points (2 weeks old, 4 weeks old, 2 weeks post weaning and during fattening period). Moreover differences between groups of FQ-treated pigs, pigs with contact to treated pigs and control pigs were investigated. Additionally, quinolone and FQ resistance of Escherichia coli isolates of the faecal samples were investigated by determining minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs). Results: 40.9% of 621 fecal samples contained QNSE. Proportion of samples with detectable QNSE from treated and contact pigs did not differ significantly and were highest in piglets of 2 and 4 weeks of age. However, the proportions of samples with QNSE were significantly lowest in control pigs (7/90; 7.8%; CI = 3.5–14.7%) among all groups. Also, the number of colony-forming units was lowest in both weaners and fattening pigs of the control group compared to treated and contact groups. Following CLSI human breakpoints, in total, 50.4% out of 254 isolates in faecal samples were intermediate or resistant to ciprofloxacin. Conclusions: QNSE were present in faeces of pigs independent of age or FQ background but significantly less were found in pigs from farms without FQ usage. Due to the long half-life of FQ, it is likely that only a prolonged absence of fluoroquinolone treatments in pig farming will lead to a reduced frequency of QNSE in the farm environment. Solutions need to be found to minimise the emergence and transfer of quinolone and FQ-resistant bacteria from treated pigs to contact pigs and to farms without FQ usage

    Mechanical strength and gastric residence time of expandable fibrous dosage forms

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    The expandable, gastroretentive dosage forms are promising for precise control of drug concentration in blood. So far, however, short gastric retention times and safety considerations have precluded their use. In this work, to mitigate the above limitations, expandable fibrous dosage forms were investigated for mechanical strength and gastric retention time in dogs. The fiber formulation consisted of ibuprofen drug; water-absorbing, high-molecular-weight hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) excipient; strengthening, enteric methacrylic acid-ethyl acrylate excipient; and barium sulfate, a gastrointestinal contrast agent. The fibers were coated either with a hydrophilic sugar coating, or with the strengthening enteric excipient. Upon administration to a dog, in the stomach the dosage form with sugar-coated fibers expanded to 1.7 times its initial radius in 50-100 minutes, and disintegrated after 4.8 hours. The dosage form with the enteric-excipient-coated fibers, by contrast, expanded to 1.6 times the initial radius in 5 hours. Eventually, after 31 hours the dosage form fractured due to cyclic loads applied by the contracting stomach walls. The fragments passed into the small intestine where they dissolved in less than 2-3 hours. Diametral compression tests and models of fatigue failure show that the substantial increase in gastric residence time is due to strengthening of the fibers by the enteric-excipient coating. Because the enteric excipient is a rubbery semi-solid in the acidic gastric fluid and dissolves in the pH-neutral intestinal fluids, safety concerns should be minimal. Thus, the expandable fibrous dosage forms can be designed for prolonged, safe gastric retention

    Antimicrobial drug consumption on Swiss pig farms: a comparison of Swiss and European defined daily and course doses in the field

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    Defined Daily Doses (DDD) and Defined Course Doses (DCD) have been established in both human and veterinary medicine in order to standardize the measurement of treatments in a population. In 2016 the European Medicines Agency published average defined daily dose (DDDvet) and defined course dose (DCDvet) values for antimicrobial agents used in livestock production. Similarly, national defined doses (DDDch and DCDch) for the pig sector in Switzerland have recently been determined. The aim of this study was to compare the outcome of calculating antimicrobial consumption based on either DDDvet/DCDvet or DDDch/DCDch. Data from 227 Swiss pig farms describing antimicrobial use in 2015 was collected. The numbers of treatment days and treatments were calculated using DDDvet/DCDvet and DDDch/DCDch respectively, for each farm in total and for different antimicrobial classes. Associations between calculated numbers of DDDvet/DCDvet and DDDch/DCDch on farm level were investigated. In addition, differences concerning antimicrobial use were investigated between different production types of farms (piglet-producer, finishing farm or farrow-to-finishing farm). Using DDDch/DCDch values we calculated 1,805,494 treatment days and 433,678 treatments compared to 1,456,771 treatment days (19% ratio) and 303,913 treatments (30% ratio) based on DDDvet/DCDvet. Penicillins (21.4/26.6%), polypeptides (18.6/27.6%) and fluoroquinolones (9.5/8.8%) were the most frequently used classes of antimicrobials based on calculation using both DDDch and DDDvet. Similar findings were observed for complete treatments (DCDch/vet) (penicillins: 52.8/39.6%; polypeptides: 7.8/14.2%; fluoroquinolones: 13.2/12.9%). The number of treatment days or treatments per farm was higher for piglet-producers and farrow-to-finishing farms compared to finisher farms regardless of whether Swiss or European DDD or DCD values were used for the calculation (each P < 0.001). Similar results for antimicrobial use (AMU) obtained at farm level were observed when calculated either by Swiss or European definitions. Nevertheless, marked differences could be observed in the assessment of the use of specific antimicrobial classes in the field based on DDDvet/DCDvet compared to DDDch/DCDch

    Semen quality and quantity in a boar with a complex hydrocele

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