17 research outputs found

    The State of the Art in Flow Visualization: Dense and Texture-Based Techniques

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    Flow visualization has been a very attractive component of scientific visualization research for a long time. Usually very large multivariate datasets require processing. These datasets often consist of a large number of sample locations and several time steps. The steadily increasing performance of computers has recently become a driving factor for a reemergence in flow visualization research, especially in texture-based techniques. In this paper, dense, texture-based flow visualization techniques are discussed. This class of techniques attempts to provide a complete, dense representation of the flow field with high spatio-temporal coherency. An attempt of categorizing closely related solutions is incorporated and presented. Fundamentals are shortly addressed as well as advantages and disadvantages of the methods. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3 [Computer Graphics]: visualization, flow visualization, computational flow visualizatio

    Interactive Volume Visualization of General Polyhedral Grids

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    Visual Exploration of Nasal Airflow

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    Multiple Views and Magic Mirrors - fMRI Visualization of the Human Brain

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    Multimodal visualization of functional and anatomical data of the human brain is an important field in medical volume visualization. The aim of this application is to provide the user with information on the location of functional activations in the different regions of the brain. When the approach of direct volume rendering is chosen, the visual impression of details usually suffers from accumulating the image from colors and opacities derived from the data set. We present extensions to overcome this problem: Transfer function volumes are used for the highlighting of activated regions. Multiple views simplify the task of localizing these parts of the brain. Complementary information is brought into the visualization by Magic Mirrors in order to enhance the comprehensive view of the multimodal arrangement of volume data sets. Keywords: Volume Visualization, Multimodality, fMRI 1 Introduction Over the last decade, the use of digital modalities for clinical diagnosis and therapy planni..