523 research outputs found

    The trade in medicinal plants in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

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    A study of the trade in medicinal plants in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa undertook to document the species traded, to determine the quantities harvested annually, and to assess the economic value of the trade. All the participants involved at the different levels of the trade were included in the survey, that is, informal street hawkers, owners of amayeza esiXhosa stores, traditional healers, and consumers of traditional medicines. In total, 282 questionnaires were administered in six urban centres. It was found that poorly educated black middle-aged women of low economic standing dominate the trade. A minimum of 166 medicinal plant species were traded at the study sites alone, providing 525 tonnes of plant material valued at approximately R27 million annually. Plants were harvested from a diverse range of vegetation types including Valley Thicket, Afromontane Forest, Coastal Forest and Moist Upland Grassland, the most frequently sold species differing significantly from those documented in similar studies in other regions. The Forest Biome was the vegetation type found to be most threatened by over-harvesting. Of the species documented, 93% were being harvested unsustainably and 34 species have been prioritised for conservation management

    Traditional veterinary medicine in the Alice district of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

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    Resource-poor farmers in rural and peri-urban areas have limited access to veterinary care in terms of support services (from state and private veterinarian and animal health technicians), information about the prevention and treatment of livestock diseases, and preventative and therapeutic veterinary medicines. This results in reduced productivity and in livestock disease and deaths, which is a great burden on these farmers, who can least afford the loss of their animals. There is a need to encourage disadvantaged farmers to use available resources and methods, at minimal cost, and to improve their productivity. One of these resources is ethnoveterinary medicine. A list of 53 plants used as veterinary medicines by stock farmers in the Alice district in the Eastern Cape is presented together with their preparation and methods of administration

    The role of 'African Chemists' in the health care system of the Eastern Cape province of South Africa

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    Self-medication is documented as an integral part of health care therapy in developing countries such as Ethiopia, Cameroon, Uganda and Mexico. In South Africa the types of illnesses and health problems that are referred to both traditional healers and biomedical practices have been well documented. However, very little literature exists on self-diagnosis, self-medication or sources of the medicines used for self-medication. This bias in the literature has come about largely because anthropological studies have focused on the later stages of the illness referral system when treatment is sought from a specialist for symptoms which have not responded to forms of self-medication. As a result of this, health care studies have documented the more exceptional exotic healing rituals and culturally bound syndromes of a particular society or community, and not discussed the more ordinary practices of self-medication of everyday illness. Self-medication is however an important initial response to illness and many illnesses are successfully managed at this stage. Amayeza stores (singular-iyeza store) — or ‘African chemists’ — are an important source of medicines for self-diagnosed illnesses. The current discussion focuses on the types of medicines and treatments that are obtained from amayeza stores without professional consultation in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa

    Threatened plants of the Albany Centre of Floristic Endemism, South Africa

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    We present Red List assessments of threatened plants of the Albany Centre of Floristic Endemism in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. We evaluated the status of taxa using categories and criteria adopted by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) in 1994 and updated in 2001. In total, 126 taxa are threatened with extinction in the Albany Centre, and six are now extinct. A further 22 are listed as Data Deficient. In the past, agriculture has been a severe threat to the survival of rare species in this part of the Eastern Cape; the main threats to the continuing existence of threatened plants in this area are illegal collecting, residential development and urban growth

    Drimia chalumnensis (Hyacinthaceae - Urgineoideae), a new species from Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    Drimia chalumnensis, a new inconspicuous dwarf species from the Albany Centre of Floristic Endemism in Eastern Cape, South Africa, is restricted to the coastal plains of the Chalumna river in small scattered aggregated colonies on exposed sandstone sheets in pockets of loose sandy soil. It is distinguished by its capitate inflorescence, separate, petiolate bulb scales, and prostrate, coriaceous, linear-lanceolate leaves with cartilaginous margins

    A taxonomic revision of the genus Bergeranthus Schwantes (Mesembryanthemaceae) in South Africa

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    The genus Bergeranthus Schwantes comprises ten species ofleaf-succulent Mesembryanthemaceae that are centred in the Albany centre of endemism and restricted to the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. No taxonomic revision of the genus, or key to the species of Bergeranthus, has been undertaken since its description by Schwantes in 1926. The species concepts are mostly based on single, or at best severaL cultivated plants and are notoriously narrow and in some cases incorrect. Louisa Bolus described five of the ten currently recognized species of Bergeranthus (as well as B. cookii, B.firmus, B. glenensis, B.jamesii, and B. longisepalus) from cultivated plants that she had never seen in the wild. This narrow species concept, compounded by morphological change that occurs in response to environmental factors, presents an assemblage of ill-defmed and poorly known taxa that have been prioritised for taxonomic attention by various authors. Furthermore, the generic delimitation of Bergeranthus with the closely related genera Rhombophyllum and Hereroa is unclear and requires attention before generic revisions are attempted for all three genera. The taxonomic revision presented here is based on a study of 210 wild populations of Bergeranthus as well as cultivated representatives of these and 135 herbarium specimens. A phenetic analysis based on 36 vegetative characters was initially used to delimit taxa. Thereafter sixty-three macro- and micro-morphological characters were critically assessed for the purposes of species delimitation, amendment of existing species descriptions and the description of two new species. Macromorphological characters examined included rootstock, leaf(36), inflorescence, floral (nine), fruit (nine), seed germination and seedling characters. Micro-morphological characters examined included leaf anatomy, leaf epidermal wax layer, anther shape and point of adherence, pollen and seed characters. This revision reduces two species into synonymy and two new species, B. albomarginatus and B. nanus, are described. Existing species descriptions are improved and all species are illustrated. A key to species is provided. The reproductive biology, ecology, phytogeography and distribution data of the genus are discussed towards an improved understanding of the genus. The generic delimitation of Bergeranthus and its closest relatives, Rhombophyllum and Hereroa, are discussed based on an examination of 25 morphological characters and two phenological characters and a provisional key to genera is provided. A phylogenetic analysis of all 10 species of Bergeranthus, both species of Rhombophyllum and a single species of Hereroa (H. granulata) was undertaken to support species and generic delimitation

    Seeing the wood for the trees: the role of woody resources for the construction of gender specific household cultural artefacts in non-traditional communities in the Eastern Cape, South Africa

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    There is a growing wealth of data capturing the direct-use values of the environment and recognition of forests and wild resources as representing ‘‘the poor man’s overcoat’’. This focus has however resulted in an emphasis on the utilitarian values of wild resources for rural livelihoods and has for the most part overlooked their cultural values. In tangent to these developments within the field of anthropology there has been increased attention directed towards the relationship between biodiversity and human diversity over the past decade. This has resulted in the recognition of what the Declaration of Belem calls an ‘inextricable link’ between biological and cultural diversity. The term bio-cultural diversity has been introduced as a concept denoting this link. Consequently there is a need for more elaborate assessments of the various ways in which different groups of people find value in biodiversity. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the cultural significance of wild harvested plant resources for the maintenance of two gender specific cultural artefacts for amaXhosa people in South Africa, to assess the persistence of these practices in rapidly modernizing communities. We demonstrate the endurance of these ancient cultural artefacts in present-day peri-urban communities and suggest that they point to the need for improved understanding of the significance of bio-cultural diversity. The findings of the study should not be interpreted as illustrating stagnation in the traditional past, but rather as pointing at the need for improved understanding of the significance of bio-cultural diversity in a dynamic sense

    Pollination biology of Bergeranthus multiceps (Aizoaceae) with preliminary observations of repeated flower opening and closure

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    Little is known about pollination of the Aizoaceae (Mesembryanthemaceae). There are sparse reports of generalist pollination in the family by a variety of insects (predominantly bees). Furthermore, most species are self-incompatible in cultivation. In this study, observations were made on two populations of Bergeranthus multiceps (Salm-Dyck) Schwantes growing in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. Insects visiting the flowers were collected and examined for pollen. While 79 individual insects (in 24 genera representing 14 families and four orders) were collected visiting the flowers, the majority (43 individuals) were female Allodapula variegata bees (Apidae, subfamily Xylocopinae, tribe Allodapini)collecting pollen. All other bee visitors were also female, suggesting pollen collection as the primary activity at the flowers. The protandrous flowers were found to be self-incompatible, pointing to the importance of bee-mediated xenogamy in this species. The flowers of B. multiceps are bright yellow in the human visual spectrum. In addition, the petals of this species reflect ultraviolet light. In contrast, the yellow anthers absorb UV. Flower opening and closing is common in the Aizoaceae. Interestingly, in B. multiceps flowers open at about 15:30 and remain open for approximately three hours before closing again in the late afternoon. These afternoon flower opening events were found to be closely correlated to ambient temperatures above 23°C, relative humidity lower than 50% and vapour pressure deficit below 1.05 kPa measured from as early as 09:00 on the days when flowers opened

    Large pollen loads of a South African asclepiad do not interfere with the foraging behaviour or efficiency of pollinating honey bees

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    The pollen of asclepiads (Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae) and most orchids (Orchidaceae) are packaged as large aggregations known as pollinaria that are removed as entire units by pollinators. In some instances, individual pollinators may accumulate large loads of these pollinaria. We found that the primary pollinator of Cynanchum ellipticum (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae), the honey bee Apis mellifera, accumulate very large agglomerations of pollinaria on their mouthparts when foraging on this species. We tested whether large pollinarium loads negatively affected the foraging behaviour and foraging efficiency of honey bees by slowing foraging speeds or causing honey bees to visit fewer flowers, and found no evidence to suggest that large pollinarium loads altered foraging behaviour. C. ellipticum displayed consistently high levels of pollination success and pollen transfer efficiency (PTE). This may be a consequence of efficiently loading large numbers of pollinaria onto pollinators even when primary points of attachment on pollinators are already occupied and doing so in a manner that does not impact the foraging behaviour of pollinating insects

    Kappia lobulata (Apocynaceae, Periplocoideae), a new genus from South Africa

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    Kappia, a new genus from the Fish River Valley in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa is presented. At first described as Raphionacme lobulata Venter and R.L.Verh. [Venter, H.J.T., Verhoeven, R.L. 1988. Raphionacme lobulata (Periplocaceae), a new species from the eastern Cape Province, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 54, 603–606.] based on a single specimen collected in 1936, recently discovered plants of this species proved it to be a new genus. In habit Kappia resembles Baseonema Schltr. and Rendle, Batesanthus N.E.Br., Mondia Skeels and Stomatostemma N.E.Br. However, as far as floral structure is concerned, Kappia reveals more affinity with Raphionacme Harv. DNA sequence data show Kappia to be distinct from Batesanthus, Mondia and Raphionacme Harv. and weakly supported as a sister to Stomatostemma
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