63 research outputs found

    Effect of sonication on technological properties of beef

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    Обробка м’яса ультразвуком у період трупного задубіння призводить до прискорення процесів старіння (пом’якшення тканин). Ця обробка істотно не впливала на кислотність тканини та на втрату ваги, але поліпшувала ніжність м’яса. Визначені технологічні властивості досліджених зразків можуть бути наслідком впливу ультразвуку на структуру білків м’яса. Внаслідок обробки ультразвуком відбулося збільшення концентрації вільних іонів кальцію. Отримані результати показали, що обробка ультразвуком може бути ефективним методом формування технологічних властивостей яловичини.Обробка м’яса ультразвуком у період трупного задубіння призводить до прискорення процесів старіння (пом’якшення тканин). Ця обробка істотно не впливала на кислотність тканини та на втрату ваги, але поліпшувала ніжність м’яса. Визначені технологічні властивості досліджених зразків можуть бути наслідком впливу ультразвуку на структуру білків м’яса. Внаслідок обробки ультразвуком відбулося збільшення концентрації вільних іонів кальцію. Отримані результати показали, що обробка ультразвуком може бути ефективним методом формування технологічних властивостей яловичини.Ultrasound treatment during rigor mortis period led to an acceleration of aging processes. No significant influence of sonication on acidity during ageing was observed. Ultrasound treatment did not influence the lightness, but according to the shear force measurements, improve meat tenderness. Differentiated technological properties of examined samples may result from influence of ultrasound on protein structures of meat. As a result of ultrasound treatment an increase of free calcium ions concentration occurred. Obtained results pointed out that sonication may be an effective method of formation of technological properties of beef during ageing

    Effect of acid whey and freeze-dried cranberries on lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition of nitrite-/nitrate-free fermented sausage made from deer meat

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    Objective This study evaluated the effect of acid whey and freeze-dried cranberries on the physicochemical characteristics, lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition of nitrite-free fermented sausage made from deer meat and pork fat. Antioxidant interactions between acid whey and cranberry compounds were also explored. Methods Four formulations of fermented venison sausage were prepared: F1 (control), F2 (with 5% liquid acid whey), F3 (with 0.06% of freeze-dried cranberries), and F4 (with 5% liquid acid whey and 0.06% of freeze-dried cranberries). Each sample was analyzed for pH, water activity (aw), heme iron content, 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) value and conjugated dienes at the end of the manufacturing process and at 30 and 90 days of refrigerated storage. Fatty acid composition was measured once at the end of the manufacturing process. Results At the end of ripening, all samples presented statistically different values for a pH range of 4.47 to pH 4.59. The sum of the unsaturated fatty acids was higher, while the conjugated diene and the TBARS values were lower in sausages with freeze-dried cranberries as compared to the control sausage. The highest content of heme iron (21.52 mg/kg) at day 90 was found in the sausage formulation with the addition of freeze-dried cranberries, which suggests that the addition of cranberries stabilized the porphyrin ring of the heme molecule during storage and thereby reduced the release of iron. The use of liquid acid whey in combination with cranberries appears to not be justified in view of the oxidative stability of the obtained products. Conclusion The results suggest that the application of freeze-dried cranberries can lower the intensity of oxidative changes during the storage of nitrite-free fermented sausage made from deer meat

    On some misleading specific epithets which relate to place-names

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    Specific epithets ambiguus, fallax, ignotus, etc.

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    Stanislaw Wodzicki’s collections of trees and shrubs, part 1

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    Stanisław Wodzicki (1764–1843), one of the most important Polish political figures in Kraków in the first half of the 19th century, was a passionate amateur botanist. His substantial and modern collection of plants, mainly trees and shrubs, in Niedźwiedź outside Kraków, was most impressive, both in size as well as in the ambitious acclimatization trials. Wodzicki bought Niedźwiedź in 1808 and, within three years, started to plant his first foreign trees and shrubs. From 1831 Wodzicki devoted his time exclusively to botany and gardening. After his death the trees growing in the Niedźwiedź arboretum were sold for timber! He published six volumes of books O chodowaniu, użytku, mnożeniu i poznawaniu Drzew, Krzewów, Roślin i Ziół... (On the growing, use, propagation and knowledge of trees, shrubs, plants and herbs...), four volumes of one of Poland’s first horticultural periodicals – Dziennik Ogrodniczy (Gardener’s Newspaper) and many plant lists. As far as those lists were concerned, they were prepared extremely thoroughly. The first, published in 1813, was entitled Catalogue of Plants from the Niedźwiedź garden, which anyone is always welcome to acquire to replace plants missing from said garden. The most important list for dendrologists is the ”List of hardy woody plants of the Niedźwiedź garden, i.e. a list of genera and species either planted out or in turf beds, which are cultivated in that garden as of 1832” published in 1833. Wodzicki was an amateur, but he was one of the first to introduce into Polish botanical literature Jussieu’s modern system for the plant kingdom. Wodzicki pioneered the forestry cultivation of certain species on his land. For example, he was amongst the first in Poland to cultivate Pinus strobus, about which he made many observations and comments. He grew many species and cultivars extremely early, some of his dates of introduction are surprisingly early. The following dates of introduction into cultivation in Niedźwiedź should be mentioned: Juniperus horizontalis – 1829, Pinus cembra var. sibirica – 1817, Sciadopitys verticillata – 1828, Thuja plicata – 1826, Thujopsis dolabrata – 1827, and Tsuga dumosa – 1828

    Lejb Pawe and his trilingual dictionary of plant names

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    Stanislaw Wodzicki's collections of trees and shrubs, part 2

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    Stanisław Wodzicki (1764–1843), one of the most important Polish political figures in Kraków in the first half of the 19th century, was a passionate amateur botanist. His substantial and modern collection of plants, mainly trees and shrubs, in Niedźwiedź outside Kraków, was most impressive, both in size as well as in the ambitious acclimatization trials. Wodzicki bought Niedźwiedź in 1808 and, within three years, started to plant his first alien trees and shrubs. From 1831 Wodzicki devoted his time exclusively to botany and gardening. After his death the trees growing in the Niedźwiedź arboretum were sold for timber! He published six volumes of books O chodowaniu, użytku, mnożeniu i poznawaniu Drzew, Krzewów, Roślin i Ziół... (On the growing, use, propagation and knowledge of trees, shrubs, plants and herbs...), four volumes of one of Poland’s first horticultural periodicals – Dziennik Ogrodniczy (Gardener’s Newspaper) and many plant lists. As far as those lists were concerned, they were prepared extremely thoroughly. The first, published in 1813, was entitled Catalogue of Plants from the Niedźwiedź garden, which anyone is always welcome to acquire to replace plants missing from the said garden. The most important list for dendrologists is the List of hardy woody plants of the Niedźwiedź garden, i.e. a list of genera and species either planted out or in turf beds, which are cultivated in that garden as of 1832 published in 1833. Wodzicki was an amateur, but he was one of the first to introduce into Polish botanical literature Jussieu’s modern system for the plant kingdom. Wodzicki grew many species and cultivars extremely early, some of his dates of introduction are surprisingly early. The following dates of introduction into cultivation in Niedźwiedź should be mentioned: Laburnum anagyroides ‘Pendulum’ – 1833, Ligustrum japonicum – 1820, L. sinense – 1828, Liriodendron tulipifera ‘Intergrifolium’ – 1820, Lonicera biflora – 1839, L. prolifera – 1833, L. tatarica ‘Rosea’ – 1813, L. tatarica ‘Sibirica’ – 1817, Magnolia fraseri var. pyramidata – 1820, Morus alba ‘Cucullata’ – 1828, Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Luteus’ – 1838, Platanus ×hispanica ‘Digitata’ – 1833, Populus suaveolens – 1817, Prunus mahaleb ‘Xanthocarpa’ – 1833, P. napaulensis – 1828, P. padus ‘Pendula’ – 1833, P. pumila var. depressa – 1824, P. tenella ‘Alba’ – 1833, P. tenella ‘Speciosa’ – 1817, Quercus infectoria – 1824, Q. muehlenbergii – 1820, Q. pyrenaica – 1817, Q. robur ‘Asplenifolia’ – 1833, Ribes aciculare – 1839, R. missouriense – 1838, R. nigrum ‘Marmoratum’ – 1824, Ribes procumbens – 1838, R. sanguineum – 1824, Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Monstrosa’ – 1820, Rosa agrestis – 1824, R. corymbifera – 1817, R. foetida ‘Persian Yellow’ – 1824, R. stylosa – 1833, Rubus armeniacus – 1833, R. rosifolius ‘Coronarius’ – 1820, R. ulmifolius ‘Bellidiflorus’ – 1827, Salix ægyptiaca – 1838, S. daphnoides – 1817, S. japonica – 1824, Sambucus nigra ‘Monstrosa’ – 1824, Sophora japonica ‘Pendula’ – 1824, Sorbus græca – 1833, S. umbellata – 1836, Symphoricarpos orbiculatus ‘Variegatus’ – 1840, Syringa ×persica ‘Saugeana’ – 1833, Tilia platyphyllos ‘Aurea’ – 1833, T. platyphyllos ‘Laciniata’ – 1828, T. platyphyllos ‘Obliqua’ – 1833, T. platyphyllos ‘Pyramidalis’ – 1838, Ulmus pumila – 1817, U. rubra – 1817, Vaccinium tenellum – 1827, Viburnum alnifolium – 1817, and Yucca filamentosa ‘Variegata’ – 1838