12 research outputs found

    Identifying the Optimal Combination of Hotel Room Distribution Channels: A DEA Analysis with a Balanced Scorecard Approach

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    The hotel industry has experienced changes brought on by growth, customer expectations and the proliferation in the use of e-commerce and online distribution channels. Future hotel success depends on how effectively hotel revenue managers are able to manage all of the different booking channels to maximize hotel revenue. This study represents a new approach for hotels, the use of a Data Envelopment Analysis-Balanced Scorecard (DEA-BSC) model to measure efficiency of distribution channel mix as measured by balanced scorecard results. DEA-BSC was chosen for this study because while traditional business models typically focus on one performance measure like profit, DEA-BSC considers multiple metrics simultaneously (Zhu, 2014a). Inputs for this study included the percentage of rooms sold revenue of five distribution channels including C-Res/Voice, GDS, brand.com, OTAs, and property/relationship sales. Output was consolidated BSC average. Hotels (DMUs) for the study included fifty-three select service hotels managed by a hotel management company with hotels located throughout the United States. Findings indicated that the DEA-BSC model were able to use channel mix as inputs and consolidated BSC average as output to identify efficient (benchmark) hotels and inefficient hotels. Findings also provided measurement and direction regarding the gap between the hotels that were efficient vs. those that were not. The model could not provide information on whether one output was more effective than another in contributing to the success of a hotel (DMU), but findings generated by the DEA-BSC model provided each inefficient hotel (DMU) with benchmark comparison information to assist the inefficient hotel (DMU) to become efficient

    Tourist Behaviors During Tourism Activities – Part Three

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    This series of three reports was developed to discuss tourist behaviors in three key areas of the hospitality industry: lodging, dining, and activities and events. A primary purpose was to provide insights from the user’s perspective, as the majority of content comes from the provider’s point of view. One paper focused on tourist’s behaviors in lodging and another focused on tourist’s behaviors while dining. This paper focused on tourist’s behaviors in activities and events. The goal was to provide valuable insights to assist practitioners in better understanding tourist’s behaviors and to develop strategies to provide the best experience possible

    Tourist Behaviors in Lodging – Part One

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    This series of three reports was developed to discuss tourist behaviors in three key areas of the hospitality industry: lodging, dining, and activities and events. A primary purpose was to provide insights from the user’s perspective, as the majority of content comes from the provider’s point of view. One paper focused on tourist’s behaviors while dining and another focused on tourist’s behaviors in activities and events. This paper focused on tourist’s lodging behaviors. The goal was to provide valuable insights to assist practitioners in better understanding tourist’s behaviors and to develop strategies to provide the best experience possible

    Tourist Behaviors When Dining – Part Two

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    This series of three reports was developed to discuss tourist behaviors in three key areas of the hospitality industry: lodging, dining, and activities and events. A primary purpose was to provide insights from the user’s perspective, as the majority of content comes from the provider’s point of view. One paper focused on tourist’s behaviors in lodging and another focused on tourist’s behaviors in activities and events. This paper focused on tourist’s dining behaviors. The goal was to provide valuable insights to assist practitioners in better understanding tourist’s behaviors and to develop strategies to provide the best experience possible

    Meta-Analysis of Tourism Sustainability Research: 2019–2021

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    Sustainability in tourism, hospitality, and leisure is a long-standing topic of growing interest. Research in the field of tourism has accelerated over the past decade. The goal of this meta-analysis is to categorize recent research in tourism sustainability to identify patterns and trends, which could help us understand where the field is currently conducting research and where more work may be needed. Over 800 relevant articles published in major tourism journals during a three-year period (2019–2021) were included in the analysis; however, despite the increase in volume of published tourism sustainability research, this quantity was less than 4% of all publications in the same journals. Four over-arching pillars of sustainability research themes emerged (social, economic, ecological, and institutional) with numerous sub-categories within each. The majority of tourism sustainability research occurred in the social and economic arenas. Much more research is needed in the other three categories. The greater part of the recent advances in tourism sustainability appears to be driven by small- and medium-sized tourism firms. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism sustainability is only beginning to be understood. Tourism business leaders have an opportunity to strengthen and integrate their use of sustainability as they work to rebuild consumer trust in travel services