2 research outputs found

    Microstructural Considerations of a Multi-Pass Rolled Ti-Nb-Ta-Zr Alloy

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    The microstructural characteristic evolution was investigated during thermomechanical processing of Ti-29Nb-9Ta-10Zr (wt %) alloy, which consisted of, in a first stage, in a Multi-Pass Rolling with increasing thickness reduction of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 90%; in step two, the multi-pass rolled sample with the highest thickness reduction (90%) was subjected to a series of three variants of static short recrystallization and then to a final similar aging. The objective was to evaluate the microstructural features evolution during thermomechanical processing (phase’s nature, morphology, dimensions, and crystallographic characteristics) and to find the optimal heat treatment variant for refinement of the alloy granulation until ultrafine/nanometric level for a promising combination of mechanical properties. The microstructural features were investigated by X-ray diffraction and SEM techniques through which the presence of two phases was recorded: the β-Ti phase and the α″-Ti martensitic phase. The corresponding cell parameters, dimensions of the coherent crystallite and the micro-deformations at the crystalline network level for both recorded phases were determined. The majority β-Ti phase underwent a strong refinement during the Multi-Pass Rolling process until ultrafine/nano grain dimension (about 9.8 nm), with subsequent slow growing during recrystallization and aging treatments, hindered by the presence of sub-micron α″-Ti phase dispersed inside β-Ti grains. An analysis concerning the possible deformation mechanisms was performed

    Microstructure Evolution during Hot Deformation of UNS S32750 Super-Duplex Stainless Steel Alloy

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    The present paper analyzes UNS S32750 Super-Duplex Stainless Steel hot deformation behavior during processing by upsetting. The objective of this paper is to determine the optimum range of deformation temperatures, considering that both austenite and ferrite have different deformation behaviors due to their different morphology, physical, and mechanical properties. Because the capability of plastic deformation accommodation of ferrite is reduced when compared to austenite, side cracks and fissures can form during the hot deformation process. Consequently, it is important to find the optimum conditions of deformation of this type of stainless steel to establish the best processing parameters without deteriorating the material. The experimental program involved the application of hot deformation by the upsetting method on a series of samples between 1000 °C and 1275 °C, with a total degree of deformation of 30%. The resultant samples were examined by SEM-EBSD to establish and analyze the evolution of the phases present in the structure from several points of view: nature, distribution, morphology (size and shape), and their structural homogeneity. The GROD (Grain Reference Orientation Deviation) distribution map was also determined while taking into account the possible precipitation of the secondary austenite phase (γ2-phase) and the analysis of the dynamic recrystallization process according to the applied deformation temperature. The main conclusion was that UNS S32750 SDSS steel can be safely deformed by upsetting between 1050–1275 °C, with an experimented total degree of deformation of 30%