5 research outputs found

    Figures of Graph Partitioning by Counting, Sequence and Layer Matrices

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    A series of counting, sequence and layer matrices are considered precursors of classifiers capable of providing the partitions of the vertices of graphs. Classifiers are given to provide different degrees of distinctiveness for the vertices of the graphs. Any partition can be represented with colors. Following this fundamental idea, it was proposed to color the graphs according to the partitions of the graph vertices. Two alternative cases were identified: when the order of the sets in the partition is relevant (the sets are distinguished by their positions) and when the order of the sets in the partition is not relevant (the sets are not distinguished by their positions). The two isomers of C28 fullerenes were colored to test the ability of classifiers to generate different partitions and colorings, thereby providing a useful visual tool for scientists working on the functionalization of various highly symmetrical chemical structures

    Dijagnostički kriteriji za oralni lihen planus: narativni pregled

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    Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a disease with unclear etiology or pathogenesis, categorized by the World Health Organization as oral lichenoid lesions (OLL; interface mucositis or lichenoid mucositis) into a group of potentially malignant disorders. The diagnosis of OLP is challenging because the clinical and histopathologic features are frequently seen in OLP, OLL and/or other mucosal diseases with lichenoid characteristics. Furthermore, OLP has a dynamic nature. Finally, an early and precise diagnosis can play a decisive role, allowing timely treatment and thus improving the patient quality of life. This article summarizes the state-of-the-art regarding OLP and OLL and discusses the challenges faced on making an accurate diagnosis, aiming to provide a practical guideline for the postgraduates and oral physicians in reaching the diagnosis of these lesions.Oralni lihen planus (OLP) je bolest nejasne etiologije ili patogeneze. Prema Svjetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji kategorizira se kao oralne lihenoidne lezije (OLL; prijelazni mukozitis ili lihenoidni mukozitis) u skupinu potencijalno zloćudnih bolesti. Dijagnosticiranje OLP-a je zahtjevno, jer se klinička i histopatološka obilježja često vide u OLP-u, OLL-u i/ili drugim bolestima sluznice s lihenoidnim značajkama. Nadalje, OLP ima dinamičnu narav. Konačno, rana i precizna dijagnoza može imati odlučnu ulogu i omogućiti pravodobno liječenje te time poboljšati bolesnikovu kvalitetu života. Ovaj pregled sažima današnja saznanja o OLP-u i OLL-u te raspravlja o izazovima kod postavljanja dijagnoze, a cilj je pružiti praktične smjernice za dijagnostiku ovih promjena za postdiplomante i liječnike oralne medicine


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    We presented two cases of nephrotic syndrome (NS) drug-induced with tubular nephrotoxicity, with different evolution in the context of etiologic diseases. First is 5-month-old girl admitted with NS (clinically and biological proven) and acute renal failure after another hospitalization for pneumonia. The girl was treated with ceftriaxone and gentamicin 12 days. Congenital NS suspicion was eliminated by renal biopsy who revealed renal tubular necrosis highlighting recovery phase. The development was favorable in 7 days of peritoneal dialysis. The second case was 16 years old adolescents treated 3 years with carbimazol for Basedow disease. Was presented with nephrotic syndrome not influenced by corticosteroids. Histopathology revealed toxic tubular necrosis, interstitial fibrosis, absence of glomerular injury. Nephrotoxic treatment was stopped, and, after thyroidectomy, edema were reduced, but kidney function continued to depreciate, while nephrotoxic therapy given for 3 years. Conclusions. Renal tubular necrosis clinical and laboratory expressed by nephrotic syndrome, accompanied by renal insufficiency is a rare occurrence in children; gentamicin and carbimazol can be criminalized. The suffering or impairment may be improved by removing the causative drug. Treatment failure was associated with duration of drug aggression and evolution of comorbidities


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    Sunt prezentate două cazuri de sindrom nefrotic (SN) indus de medicamente cu nefrotoxicitate la nivel tubular, cu evoluţie diferită în contextul maladiilor incriminate etiologic. Fetiţă în vârstă de 5 luni, internată cu SN (dovedit clinic şi biologic) şi insuficienţă renală acută, după o spitalizare în alt servici pentru bronhopneumonie. Fetiţa a fost tratată cu ceftriaxonă şi gentamicină 12 zile. Suspiciunea de SN congenital a fost înlăturată de evidenţierea necrozei tubulare renale în fază de recuperare (biopsie renală). Evoluţia a fost favorabilă în 7 zile sub dializă peritoneală. Adolescentă de 16 ani cu boală Basedow tratată de 3 ani cu carbimazol. S-a prezentat cu sindrom nefrotic care nu a fost influenţat de corticoterapie. Examenul histopatologic a evidenţiat necroză tubulară toxică, fibroză interstiţială, absenţa leziunilor glomerulare. A fost sistat tratamentul nefrotoxic, s-a practicat tiroidectomie după care edemele s-au redus, dar funcţia renală a continuat să se deprecieze, în condiţiile terapiei nefrotoxice administrată timp de 3 ani. Concluzii. Necroza tubulară renală exprimată clinic şi biologic prin sindrom nefrotic, însoţit de insuficienţă renală este o situaţie rară la copil; gentamicina şi carbimazolul pot fi incriminate etiologic. Suferinţa renală poate fi ameliorată sau nu prin înlăturarea medicamentului cauzal. Eşecul terapeutic s-a corelat cu durata agresiunii medicamentoase şi evoluţia unor comorbidităţi

    The Influence of Hepatitis C Virus Infection on ORAL Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Oral Lichen Planus

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    Background: oral lichen planus (OLP) is a mucocutaneous disease that affects about 4% of the global population. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) was linked to lichen planus. The current study aimed to assess the impact of OLP associated or not with HCV infection on the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). Methods: The study included patients diagnosed with OLP who filled in the Romanian version of OHIP-14 questionnaire at their first appointment and 6 months later, after the OLP treatment. A control group of OLP-free subjects similar as age and sex was also included in the study. Results: 68 patients with OLP and 46 controls were included in the study. The OHIP scores are significantly higher on OLP group than controls (p-value < 0.0001) and significantly reduced at 6-month follow-up (p-values: < 0.0001 pre- vs. post-treatment in OLP group). Patients with and without HCV associated with OLP demonstrated a similar oral quality of life (p-values > 0.05). Conclusions: the OHRQoL for patients suffering from OLP is compromised but is improved after treatment. The HCV associated with OLP did not influence the overall OHRQoL, but the patients who associate HCV reported more frequently aching in the mouth and discomfort eating food at six-month follow-up