22 research outputs found

    Affine-invariant contracting-point methods for Convex Optimization

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    In this paper, we develop new affine-invariant algorithms for solving composite convex minimization problems with bounded domain. We present a general framework of Contracting-Point methods, which solve at each iteration an auxiliary subproblem restricting the smooth part of the objective function onto contraction of the initial domain. This framework provides us with a systematic way for developing optimization methods of different order, endowed with the global complexity bounds. We show that using an appropriate affine-invariant smoothness condition, it is possible to implement one iteration of the Contracting-Point method by one step of the pure tensor method of degree p≥1p \geq 1. The resulting global rate of convergence in functional residual is then O(1/kp){\cal O}(1 / k^p), where kk is the iteration counter. It is important that all constants in our bounds are affine-invariant. For p=1p = 1, our scheme recovers well-known Frank-Wolfe algorithm, providing it with a new interpretation by a general perspective of tensor methods. Finally, within our framework, we present efficient implementation and total complexity analysis of the inexact second-order scheme (p=2)(p = 2), called Contracting Newton method. It can be seen as a proper implementation of the trust-region idea. Preliminary numerical results confirm its good practical performance both in the number of iterations, and in computational time

    Convex optimization based on global lower second-order models

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    In this paper, we present new second-order algorithms for composite convex optimization, called Contracting-domain Newton methods. These algorithms are affine-invariant and based on global second-order lower approximation for the smooth component of the objective. Our approach has an interpretation both as a second-order generalization of the conditional gradient method, or as a variant of trust-region scheme. Under the assumption, that the problem domain is bounded, we prove O(1/k2)\mathcal{O}(1/k^{2}) global rate of convergence in functional residual, where kk is the iteration counter, minimizing convex functions with Lipschitz continuous Hessian. This significantly improves the previously known bound O(1/k)\mathcal{O}(1/k) for this type of algorithms. Additionally, we propose a stochastic extension of our method, and present computational results for solving empirical risk minimization problem

    First and zeroth-order implementations of the regularized Newton method with lazy approximated Hessians

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    In this work, we develop first-order (Hessian-free) and zero-order (derivative-free) implementations of the Cubically regularized Newton method for solving general non-convex optimization problems. For that, we employ finite difference approximations of the derivatives. We use a special adaptive search procedure in our algorithms, which simultaneously fits both the regularization constant and the parameters of the finite difference approximations. It makes our schemes free from the need to know the actual Lipschitz constants. Additionally, we equip our algorithms with the lazy Hessian update that reuse a previously computed Hessian approximation matrix for several iterations. Specifically, we prove the global complexity bound of O(n1/2ϵ−3/2)\mathcal{O}( n^{1/2} \epsilon^{-3/2}) function and gradient evaluations for our new Hessian-free method, and a bound of O(n3/2ϵ−3/2)\mathcal{O}( n^{3/2} \epsilon^{-3/2} ) function evaluations for the derivative-free method, where nn is the dimension of the problem and ϵ\epsilon is the desired accuracy for the gradient norm. These complexity bounds significantly improve the previously known ones in terms of the joint dependence on nn and ϵ\epsilon, for the first-order and zeroth-order non-convex optimization

    Unified Convergence Theory of Stochastic and Variance-Reduced Cubic Newton Methods

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    We study stochastic Cubic Newton methods for solving general possibly non-convex minimization problems. We propose a new framework, which we call the helper framework, that provides a unified view of the stochastic and variance-reduced second-order algorithms equipped with global complexity guarantees. It can also be applied to learning with auxiliary information. Our helper framework offers the algorithm designer high flexibility for constructing and analyzing the stochastic Cubic Newton methods, allowing arbitrary size batches, and the use of noisy and possibly biased estimates of the gradients and Hessians, incorporating both the variance reduction and the lazy Hessian updates. We recover the best-known complexities for the stochastic and variance-reduced Cubic Newton, under weak assumptions on the noise. A direct consequence of our theory is the new lazy stochastic second-order method, which significantly improves the arithmetic complexity for large dimension problems. We also establish complexity bounds for the classes of gradient-dominated objectives, that include convex and strongly convex problems. For Auxiliary Learning, we show that using a helper (auxiliary function) can outperform training alone if a given similarity measure is small

    Shuffle SGD is Always Better than SGD: Improved Analysis of SGD with Arbitrary Data Orders

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    Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) algorithms are widely used in optimizing neural networks, with Random Reshuffling (RR) and Single Shuffle (SS) being popular choices for cycling through random or single permutations of the training data. However, the convergence properties of these algorithms in the non-convex case are not fully understood. Existing results suggest that, in realistic training scenarios where the number of epochs is smaller than the training set size, RR may perform worse than SGD. In this paper, we analyze a general SGD algorithm that allows for arbitrary data orderings and show improved convergence rates for non-convex functions. Specifically, our analysis reveals that SGD with random and single shuffling is always faster or at least as good as classical SGD with replacement, regardless of the number of iterations. Overall, our study highlights the benefits of using SGD with random/single shuffling and provides new insights into its convergence properties for non-convex optimization