2 research outputs found
Bonding ability of adhesive resins to caries-affected and caries-infected dentin
- Author
- David H. Pashley
- Doi J
- Franklin R. Tay
- Handleman SL
- Imazato S
- Imazato S
- Imazato S
- Itota T
- Itota T
- Jensen OE
- Junichi Doi
- Kimochi T
- Masahiro Yoshiyama
- Mertz-Fairhurst EJ
- Nakabayashi N
- Nakajima M
- Peters MC
- Ricardo Marins Carvalho
- Sano H
- Simons D
- Tay FR
- Toshiyuku Itota
- Yoshihiro Nishitani
- Yoshiyama M
- Yoshiyama M
- Yoshiyama M
- Yoshiyama M
- Yoshiyama M
- Yoshiyama M
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Comparison of Bonding Ability of Single-step Self-etching Adhesives with Different Etching Aggressiveness to Root Dentin
- Author
- Carvalho RM Pereira JC, Yoshiyama
- De Goes MF Pachane GC, Garcia-Godo
- De Munck J Vargas M, Iracki J, Van
- Doi J Itota T, Yoshiyama M, Tay FR
- Ernst CP Meyer GR, Klocker K, Will
- Frankenberger R Tay FR
- Galan D Lynch E
- Hanabusa M Akimoto N, Momoi Y
- Heymann HO Sturdevant JR, Bayne S,
- Ikemura K Tay FR, Hironaka T, Endo
- Imazato S Ikebe K, Nokubi T, Ebisu
- Imazato S Kinomoto Y, Tarumi H, To
- Itota T Nakabo S, Iwai Y, Konishi
- Keltjens H Schaeken T, van der Hoe
- Nakajima M Ogata M, Okuda M, Tagam
- Nakajima M Sano H, Burrow MF, Taga
- Newbrun E
- Pashley DH Carvalho RM, Sano H, Na
- Peutzfeldt A Asmussen E
- Semeraro S Mezzanzanica D, Spreafi
- Tay F Sano H, Tagami J, Hashimoto
- Tay FR Carvalho R, Sano H, Pashley
- Tay FR Pashley DH, Yoshiyama M
- Uno S Inoue H, Finger WJ, Inoue S,
- Van Meerbeek B De Munck J, Yoshida
- Yap AU Shah KC, Chew CL
- Yoshida Y Van Meerbeek B, Nakayama
- Yoshiyama M Carvalho RM, Sano H, H
- Yoshiyama M Tay FR, Doi J, Nishita
- Publication venue
- 'Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study