195 research outputs found

    Evolutionary Theory of an Association between Testosterone and Attractiveness Perception in Humans

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    Literature on psychological function of testosterone in humans has emphasized its association with such traits as aggressiveness and impulsivity. In addition, increasing number of studies have shown the linkage between testosterone level and individual difference in the strength of preference for other’s sexually dimorphic traits. According to theorists in the field of evolutionary psychology, the preference pattern for sexual dimorphisms had evolved as an adaptive mechanism to increase the odds of reproductive success. But, so far, there are few systematic syntheses of literatures to validate such evolutionary explanation from the perspective of androgenic function. This chapter aims to give an overview of the existing findings on the association between testosterone and preference pattern in humans and discuss their implications for evolutionary explanation of human attractiveness perception

    Introductory Chapter: Broad Impact of Testosterone Research

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    Early childhood exposure to maternal smoking and Kawasaki Disease: A longitudinal survey in Japan

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    Kawasaki disease is the leading cause of acquired childhood heart disease in most developed countries, but the etiology of the disease is unknown. An aberrant immune response to some environmental triggers may play a role and involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke can alter immune functions. We thus prospectively examined the association between early childhood exposure to maternal smoking and the incidence of Kawasaki disease. We used a large, nationwide population-based longitudinal survey ongoing since 2010 and restricted participants to a total of 38,444 children for whom information on maternal smoking was available. Maternal smoking status was ascertained at 6months of age, and responses to questions about hospital admission for Kawasaki disease between the ages of 6 and 30months were used as outcome. We conducted binomial log-linear regression analyses adjusting for children's, parental, and residential factors with children of non-smoking mothers as our reference group. Maternal smoking increased the risk of admission, in particular for the period between 6 and 18months of age, in a dose-dependent manner. Compared with children of non-smoking mothers, the children of mothers who smoked had a risk ratio of 1.83 (95% confidence interval: 1.06, 3.35) for hospital admissions between 6 and 30months of age and a risk ratio of 2.69 (95% confidence interval: 1.56, 4.64) for hospital admissions between 6 and 18months of age. Early childhood exposure to maternal smoking may increase the risk of Kawasaki disease hospitalizations in childhood

    Low Salivary Testosterone Level Is Associated With Efficient Attention Holding by Self Face in Women

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    Capacity to recognize one\u27s own face (hereinafter referred to as self face) is a fundamental component of various domains of social cognition such as empathy in humans. Previous research has demonstrated that a high level of androgen suppresses empathic behavior and social brain function. Taking these into consideration, we hypothesized that people with high androgen level show reduced response to self face. The present study examined this hypothesis by investigating the association between attentiveness towards self face, as assessed by a psychophysiological experiment, and salivary testosterone concentration. The attentional responses to self face was measured by a modified Go/NoGo task. In this task, self face or unfamiliar other’s face was presented simultaneously with Go or NoGo signal. In go trials, participants had to divert their attention from the face to a peripheral target. The reaction time (RT) for peripheral target detection in each condition was measured. In addition to behavioral data, saliva samples were collected to assay salivary testosterone concentration. The index of potency of self face to hold viewer\u27s attention that was computed based on RT data was regressed against salivary testosterone concentration in men and women separately. The analyses revealed that self face holds visuospatial attention more effectively in women with low than high salivary testosterone level, but no such trend was observed in men. This pattern of results indicates that low testosterone level is associated with a pronounced response to self face as we hypothesized and raises the possibility that multiple aspects of self-face processing are under the influence of endocrinological function

    Is There Any Association between TV Viewing and Obesity in Preschool Children in Japan?

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    Obesity in children is a serious public health problem, and TV viewing is considered a potential risk factor. Since, however, no relevant association studies have been conducted in Japan, we evaluated the association between TV viewing and obesity using a population-based study conducted in a Japanese town. All 616 preschool children in the town were enrolled in February 2008, and a self-administered questionnaire to collect children's and parents' characteristics was sent to the parents. We dichotomized the time spent TV viewing and evaluated associations by logistic regression using a &#34;less than 2h&#34; category as a reference. The questionnaire was collected from 476 participants (77.3%), of whom 449 were available for the final analyses. Among them, 26.9% of preschool children reported 2 or more hours of TV viewing per day and 8.2% were defined as obese. In logistic regression analyses, there was no positive association in unadjusted (odds ratio [OR]1.11, 95% confidence interval [95% CI]:0.50-2.49) or adjusted models for exclusively breastfed status, sleep duration, or maternal factors (OR1.11, 95% CI:0.50-2.51). We also found no positive association between TV viewing and overweight status, possibly owing to the influence of social environment, low statistical power, or misclassification.</p