12 research outputs found

    Implantable port devices in paediatric oncology patients: A clinical experience from a tertiary care hospital

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    Objective: To assess the frequency of infection of portacath in children having malignant tumours and undergoing chemotherapy, and to assess the association of the infection with already known risk factors.Methods: The retrospective review was conducted at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, and involved patient data related to the period between January 2005 to December 2010. A questionnaire was designed to collect the required data. A total of 67 children were included having portacath inserted for chemotherapy. Children in which portacath was inserted under local anaesthesia in Radiology department, reinserted or inserted because of a reason other than childhood malignancy were excluded. SPSS 19 was used for statistical analysis.Results: Of the total, 46 (67%) patients were males and a majority of the total (n = 31; 46%) was between 6-10 years of age. Besides, 42 (63%) patients had leukaemia, 7 (11%) had lymphoma and 18 (26%) had various solid tumours. Six (8.95%) ports were removed due to infection. There was significant difference between infection and non-infection groups with respect to absolute neutrophilic count levels (p \u3c 0.001). Positive association was found between low absoulute neutrophilic count level (\u3c or = 500) and the occurrence of port infection.Conclusions: Port infection rate is higher in children with low absoulute neutrophilic count. The issue needs to be addressed and one may have to alter the timings of port insertion. It is recommended to insert port when absolute neutrophilic count is normal. To further evaluate the subject, a multicentre trial must be conducted

    Simulation-based training in the paediatric surgery population: A review of current trends and future direction

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    In recent years, simulation-based training in surgery has emerged as a viable accompaniment to traditional teaching methods. Multiple studies have highlighted the benefits of simulation-based training in both learning and teaching aspects of surgical training, with a particular emphasis on the honing of technical skills. However, multiple issues still exist in widespread implementation of simulation-based training, especially in the developing countries. Furthermore, the existing literature needs to be expanded upon in both quantity and quality domains to ensure a more evidence-based transition to simulation-based training in surgery. The current review article was planned to take a look at the existing literature on the current state of simulation-based training in paediatric surgery, its potential to revolutionise paediatric surgical training, and to propose solutions to the issues that are delaying wider implementation

    Global surgery: building healthy surgical systems.

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    Global Surgery (GS) is a movement that advocates access of every individual to safe and affordable surgery despite geographic location or socioeconomic status. It has recently received increased attention within the global health arena, but many patients are still without access to care because of geographical, social and economic disparities. Due to the multi-disciplinary nature of surgical services, GS requires that a worldwide network of healthy surgical systems be developed and sustained. Healthy surgical systems have many components, and this paper will briefly address 3 of those components: Improved access to care, safety and quality, and multidisciplinary strengthening

    Laparoscopic total colectomy in an eight-year-old with familial adenomatous polyposis: A case report

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    Familial Adenomatous Polyposis accounts for20 years of age. Endoscopy is essential for the diagnosis with definitive treatment involving prophylactic total colectomy. With current surgical advances, this is routinely being performed with the aid of laparoscopy. Due to resource limitations and non-availability of the screening programs in the developing world, such cases remain under diagnosed. Genetic testing is necessary for prognostication of both the index case and their at-risk family members. Thus, we present a rare case of an eight-year-old female, with an early onset progression to colorectal cancer with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis. We performed a prophylactic laparoscopic total procto-colectomy with ileo-anal anastomosis, which to our knowledge is the first ever-performed procedure in Pakistan. We conclude that progression to colorectal carcinoma in familial adenomatous polyposis can present at an earlier age than that reported in the literature. Laparoscopic total colectomy has similar outcomes than open surgical methods with better cosmetic results

    Implementation of an infant male circumcision programme, Pakistan

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    Objective: To retrospectively review outcomes of a health provider-led infant circumcision programme in Pakistan.Methods: Based on World Health Organization guidelines, we trained surgical technicians and midwives to perform circumcisions using the Plastibell device at two Indus Health Network facilities. Programme tools include a training manual for health providers, information brochures for families, an enrolment form and standardized forms for documenting details of the procedure and outcomes. Infants aged 1-92 days were eligible for the study. Health workers contacted families on days 1 and 7 after the procedure to record any adverse events. We compared the characteristics of infants experiencing adverse events with infants facing no complications using multivariate logistic regression.Findings: Between August 2016 and August 2018, 2822 circumcised male infants with mean age 22.8 days were eligible for the study. Of these, 2617 infants (92.7%) were followed up by telephone interviews of caretakers. Older infants were more likely to experience adverse events than infants circumcised between 1-30 days of age: 31-60 days: adjusted odds ratio, aOR: 2.03; 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.31-3.15; 61-92 days: aOR: 2.14; 95% CI: 1.13-4.05. Minor adverse events (100 infants; 3.8%) included failure of the bell to shed (90 infants) and minimal bleeding (10 infants). Major adverse events (eight infants; 0.3%) included bleeding that required intervention (four infants), infection (three infants) and skin tear (one infant).Conclusion: Standardized training protocols and close monitoring enabled nonphysician health providers to perform safe circumcisions on infants aged three months or younger

    Successful recovery in a paediatric patient with polytrauma following multiple gunshot wounds: Case report and review of literature

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    Our case report evaluates a 2½ year old boy who presented to emergency care, following multiple gunshot injuries and was managed emergently using a multidisciplinary surgical approach at our center. The patient was unresponsive, had poor perfusion, bilaterally decreased air entry, a distended abdomen, and multiple entry and exit wounds. A multidisciplinary team including Paediatric Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Paediatric anaesthesiology team and Orthopaedic surgery were taken on board. Following effective immediate management and stabilization, the patient was admitted to the ward under careful observation. He was discharged on post-operative day 28 after a successful recovery and on his 6 month follow-up, the patient had shown significant improvement, with normal bowel and pulmonary function. Rapid intervention along with a multidisciplinary surgical approach helped ensure the success of the treatment. Prior permission from the patient\u27s guardians was acquired before the preparation of this manuscript

    Global perspective of paediatric surgery in low and middle income countries

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    There is huge burden of paediatric surgical diseases in low and middle income countries. Issues behind such a scenario include lack of trained paediatric surgeons, higher mortality due to infections, and poor postoperative care. The possible solution is improvement in the existing structure, which is government hospitals, because they are the most prevalent form of healthcare delivery in such countries. Proper coding system, research and identification of paediatric bellwether procedures can improve the existing health system. Task shifting and sharing can help in many areas. The doctors leaving their countries for better training and employment options should be properly incentivised locally. A lot can be done in terms of providing infrastructure, finances, changing mind-sets, developing expertise, making registry and rehabilitation. By doing so, millions of paediatric mortalities can be prevented in low and middle income countries

    Approaches to the management of pediatric ovarian masses in the 21st century: Systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Laparoscopy is increasingly being adopted for the treatment of ovarian pathologies in adults. However, its implementation for the management of pediatric ovarian masses varies and the evidence, to date, has not been comprehensively analyzed. This review aims to compare laparoscopic and open surgical management of pediatric ovarian masses.Methods: We searched PubMed, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar from the year 2000 till April 2017. Studies selected for this included those on epidemiological trends of pediatric ovarian lesions, assessing outcomes of laparoscopic management and comparison of laparoscopic and open surgical techniques for pediatric ovarian masses. A meta-analysis comparing outcomes of both modalities was performed using standard methodology.Results: A total of 44 studies met the inclusion criteria of which 15 were on histological types of ovarian lesions, 24 assessed laparoscopic management only and five compared laparoscopy with open surgery for pediatric ovarian masses. Nonneoplastic lesions were the most common ranging from 36.5% to 73.7%, with cystic lesions being the most prevalent. Neoplastic lesions ranged between 26.3% and 63.5%, with germ cell tumors being the most common, while malignancy ranged between 3.5% and 10.8%. Laparoscopic management was generally advocated for managing benign lesions with a cautious approach for suspicion of malignant lesions. In comparison to open surgery, laparoscopic surgery had shorter operating time (MD = -33.24 min, 95% CI = -34.29 to -32.19, p \u3c 0.0001), less intraop bleeding (MD = - 61.46 ml, 95% CI = -62.69 to -60.24, p \u3c 0.0001), and reduced length of hospital stay (MD = -2.78 days, 95% CI= -2.82 to -2.74, pConclusion: Limited evidence suggests that laparoscopic approach to presumptively benign ovarian masses have better outcomes when compared to open surgery with regards to operating time, blood loss and hospital stay. However, complication rates were similar between the two approaches. Studies with rigorous scientific methods are needed for a definitive recommendation, especially in resource limiting settings. However malignant lesions should still be managed with an open surgical approach to avoid upstaging of disease status

    Challenges to delivering pediatric surgery services in the midst of COVID 19 crisis: Experience from a tertiary care hospital of Pakistan

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    Covid-19 pandemic has significantly challenged the healthcare delivery across the world. Surgery departments across the country responded to this challenge by halting all non-emergency procedures. This delay in diagnosis and management of surgical disease could result in significant mortality and morbidity among the most vulnerable population-the children. In this manuscript, we discuss the measures adopted as well as the challenges faced by the pediatric surgery department at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi (AKUH), Pakistan, which is a private, not-for-profit entity and providing optimum surgical care to the patients. We also underscore the need for global strategies for tackling such crisis