15 research outputs found

    Analisi sperimentale per lo studio del comportamento idromeccanico di un terreno costipato

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    La valutazione delle condizioni di stabilità delle opere in terra rappresenta una difficoltà spesso sottovalutata nella pratica ingegneristica e, viceversa, di attualità della ricerca scientifica in geotecnica. Infatti, è certamente vero che il contenuto d’acqua dei terreni costituenti tali opere e la distribuzione della pressione interstiziale nelle strutture in terra variano nel tempo a causa dei mutevoli effetti delle condizioni idrometriche e climatiche al contorno, cosa che influenza significativamente le condizioni di stabilità dell’opera. In questo lavoro è presentata una procedura per la caratterizzazione del comportamento idromeccanico di una miscela di sabbia e limo al variare dell’energia di costipamento. I dati sperimentali vengono discussi al fine di contribuire allo studio del comportamento in esercizio delle opere in terra

    Analisi predittive del comportamento idro-meccanico di un modello di argine fluviale in condizioni di flusso transitorio

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    Il frequente manifestarsi di eventi alluvionali per collasso di opere in terra costituisce un problema di particolare rilevanza nella valutazione del rischio idrogeologico e della pianificazione territoriale. In questo contesto risulta cruciale un’accurata stima delle condizioni di stabilità che tenga conto dello stato di parziale saturazione dei terreni costituenti il rilevato. Altrettanto importante è tenere conto delle condizioni di flusso transitorio che si instaurano negli argini e nei terreni di fondazione a seguito delle continue variazioni del livello idrometrico dei corsi d’acqua. Tutto ciò influenza notevolmente la risposta idro-meccanica delle opere in parola. In tale prospettiva la nota illustra uno studio numerico, basato sull’approccio agli elementi finiti e sul metodo dell’Equilibrio Limite, per l’analisi del comportamento di un argine fluviale rappresentativo delle opere di difesa idraulica degli affluenti alpini e appenninici del fiume Po. Lo studio proposto tiene debito conto delle condizioni di parziale saturazione del corpo arginale interessato da un moto di filtrazione in regime transitorio. Le analisi numeriche proposte costituiscono parte integrante della progettazione di una prova in centrifuga geotecnica su un modello fisico in scala ridotta, finalizzata a investigare la vulnerabilità delle infrastrutture arginali nei confronti di eventi di piena

    Modellazione fisica in centrifuga di un argine fluviale soggetto a forzanti idrauliche

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    In questo lavoro sono riportati i risultati sperimentali di una prova in centrifuga su un modello di argine fluviale soggetto ad una progressiva sollecitazione idraulica. Le misure di pressioni neutre e di suzione nell’argine mostrano che il fronte di saturazione raggiunge il lato campagna attingendo la condizione stazionaria solo dopo una persistenza irrealistica dell'evento di piena simulato. Pertanto svolgere la progettazione o la valutazione delle condizioni di sicurezza di un argine fluviale con proprietà simili a quello testato nel presente lavoro, assumendo l'ipotesi semplificata di un regime stazionario di filtrazione potrebbe risultare in molti casi un approccio eccessivamente conservativo e, comunque, poco significativo

    Effect of Lactoferrin on Clinical Outcomes of Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19: The LAC Randomized Clinical Trial

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    : As lactoferrin is a nutritional supplement with proven antiviral and immunomodulatory abilities, it may be used to improve the clinical course of COVID-19. The clinical efficacy and safety of bovine lactoferrin were evaluated in the LAC randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial. A total of 218 hospitalized adult patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19 were randomized to receive 800 mg/die oral bovine lactoferrin (n = 113) or placebo (n = 105), both given in combination with standard COVID-19 therapy. No differences in lactoferrin vs. placebo were observed in the primary outcomes: the proportion of death or intensive care unit admission (risk ratio of 1.06 (95% CI 0.63-1.79)) or proportion of discharge or National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) ≤ 2 within 14 days from enrollment (RR of 0.85 (95% CI 0.70-1.04)). Lactoferrin showed an excellent safety and tolerability profile. Even though bovine lactoferrin is safe and tolerable, our results do not support its use in hospitalized patients with moderate-to-severe COVID-19

    A comprehensive experimental and numerical approach for assessing the hydro-mechanical behaviour of river embankments

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    In this doctoral dissertation, a comprehensive methodological approach for the assessment of river embankments safety conditions, based on the integrated use of laboratory testing, physical modelling and finite element (FE) numerical simulations, is proposed, with the aim of contributing to a better understanding of the effect of time-dependent hydraulic boundary conditions on the hydro-mechanical response of river embankments. The case study and materials selected for the present research project are representative for the riverbank systems of Alpine and Apennine tributaries of the main river Po (Northern Italy), which have recently experienced various sudden overall collapses. The outcomes of a centrifuge test carried out under the enhanced gravity field of 50-g, on a riverbank model, made of a compacted silty sand mixture, overlying a homogeneous clayey silt foundation layer and subjected to a simulated flood event, have been considered for the definition of a robust and realistic experimental benchmark. In order to reproduce the observed experimental behaviour, a first set of numerical simulations has been carried out by assuming, for both the embankments and the foundation unit, rigid soil porous media, under partially saturated conditions. Mechanical and hydraulic soil properties adopted in the numerical analyses have been carefully estimated based on standard saturated triaxial, oedometer and constant head permeability tests. Afterwards, advanced suction-controlled laboratory tests, have been carried out to investigate the effect of suction and confining stresses on the shear strength and compressibility characteristics of the filling material and a second set of numerical simulations has been run, taking into account the soil parameters updated based on the most recent tests. The final aim of the study is the quantitative estimation of the predictive capabilities of the calibrated numerical tools, by systematically comparing the results of the FE simulations to the experimental benchmark

    Experimental and Numerical Investigations of a River Embankment Model under Transient Seepage Conditions

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    The evaluation of riverbank stability often represents an underrated problem in engineering practice, but is also a topical geotechnical research issue. In fact, it is certainly true that soil water content and pore water pressure distributions in the riverbank materials vary with time, due to the changeable effects of hydrometric and climatic boundary conditions, strongly influencing the bank stability conditions. Nonetheless, the assessment of hydraulic and mechanical behavior of embankments are currently performed under the simplified hypothesis of steady-state seepage, generally neglecting the unsaturated soil related issues. In this paper, a comprehensive procedure for properly defining the key aspects of the problem is presented and, in particular, the soil characterization in partially saturated conditions of a suitably compacted mixture of sand and finer material, typical of flood embankments of the main river Po tributaries (Italy), is reported. The laboratory results have then been considered for modelling the embankment performance under transient seepage and following a set of possible hydrometric peaks. The outcome of the present contribution may provide meaningful geotechnical insights, for practitioners and researchers, in the flood risk assessment of river embankments

    On the hydro-mechanical behavior of an unsaturated river embankment: centrifuge testing and numerical analysis

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    This paper concerns the numerical analysis aimed at reproducing the centrifuge test conducted on a clayey silty sand river embankment, compacted in unsaturated conditions and subjected to a simulated flood event. To investigate the observed behavior during different stages of the test, characterized by incremental acceleration fields, a finite element simulation of the small-scale centrifuge model was developed. An accurate calibration of the hydro-mechanical soil parameters based on a preceding laboratory campaign was used to simulate the centrifuge test. Then, a comparison between the results of numerical simulation and experimental data, collected during centrifuge test, allowed to validate the fully-coupled numerical analysis at the small-scale model and to interpret the hydro-mechanical behavior of the embankment

    Numerical investigations of a transient seepage process in the design and validation of a river embankment centrifuge test

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    In the present contribution, a seepage induced in an earth river embankment is investigated by numerical simulations, using soil characterization derived from an experimental laboratory investigation and varying the boundary conditions to the embankment according to a centrifuge test. A validation of the scaling laws of the processes involving water flow through an unsaturated soil has been attempted by comparing numerical analysis results and experimental data observed in selected points where data from the centrifuge test were available

    Vitamin D Supplementation in Neonatal and Infant MIS-C Following COVID-19 Infection

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    To date, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic still represents a great clinical challenge worldwide, and effective anti-COVID-19 drugs are limited. For this reason, nutritional supplements have been investigated as adjuvant therapeutic approaches in disease management. Among such supplements, vitamin D has gained great interest, due to its immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory actions both in adult and pediatric populations. Even if there is conflicting evidence about its prevention and/or mitigation effectiveness in SARS-CoV-2 infection, several studies demonstrated a strict correlation between hypovitaminosis D and disease severity in acute COVID-19 and MIS-C (multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children). This narrative review offers a resume of the state of the art about vitamin D's role in immunity and its clinical use in the context of the current pandemic, specially focusing on pediatric manifestations and MIS-C. It seems biologically reasonable that interventions aimed at normalizing circulating vitamin D levels could be beneficial. To help clinicians in establishing the correct prophylaxis and/or supportive therapy with vitamin D, well-designed and adequately statistically powered clinical trials involving both adult and pediatric populations are needed. Moreover, this review will also discuss the few other nutraceuticals evaluated in this context

    Centrifuge modelling of a river embankment subjected to transient seepage conditions

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    This paper reports the results of a centrifuge test on a silty sand river embankment compacted in unsaturated conditions and subjected to flooding. The measures of pore water pressure from tensiometers and pore pressure transducers show that the saturation line reaches the landside only after an unrealistic long-lasting flood, proving that the assumption of steady-state seepage for the design or assessment of a river embankment is too much conservative approach