835 research outputs found

    The Foreign Currency Regime and Policy in Romania

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    The increase of connections between national economies generated an enhance of foreign currency activities, thus being necessary a continous arrangement /adaptation both for foreign currency policy and course policy to market mechanisms/devices. In Romania were registered frequently modifications of foreign currency policy, thank to the need to create a legal frame appropriate to the market economy and the financial tools evolution. In this work I have presented the main features of foreign currency regime and the course policy registered after 1990. Too, it is illustrate the co-ordinates for an optimum foreign currency policy strategy of Romania in the modern economical conditions.national economies, foreign currency, policy

    Consolidation of the Financing Decision on the Microeconomic Level

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    The determination of financial structure represents an important decision within the domain of financial policy of the enterprise aiming to the combination of used resources on a reduction background relating to the fiancing costs. The financing decision shall not entirely depend on the enterprise, its objectives, its anticipated profitability or the risks it consents to bear, but it shall be influenced by shareholders, banks, state, and the way in which the economic mechanisms are functioning at the regional, national and global level. The economic and political situation recorded in Romania in the period following the year 1990 affected the economic and financial relations of Romanian enterprises. Within the essay, there are distinguished issues relating to the importance of the choosing decision for the enterprise financial structure, as well as the need for the strengthening of the financing decision within the train of events displayed by the market it acts on. A series of factors regarding the environment such as the inflation, the monetary policy, the exchange rate, the fiscality degree, and so on, exerted notable influences on the financing decision on the microeconomic level.the financing decision on the microeconomic level; the profitability criterion and the resources designation criterion; influence of the inflation rate, interest rate and the exchange rate

    Introducing taxation policy of profit for companies in Romania and other european union member states.

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    Taking into account the EU enlargement process the problem of establishing the various levels of tax rates of interest in the context of the policy runs the national tax policy states with influence over capital flows. Quantifying corporate tax rates of companies are the most visible attribute of the structure of company taxation in an economy, while being only one factor among many determining the tax, resulting in a significant economic impact in a state.profit tax, taxation levels, tax harmonization

    Presentation of fiscal measures taken in present in Romania for economic and number of jobs growth

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    Measures which came into force with effect from 1 January 2009 aim to helping firms to cope with the financial crisis, while the social concerns and unstable period for which we pass. The need for such measures, as specified the current government, lies in reducing the negative influences arising from difficulties in the market for capital investment environment in Romania, in boosting investment, creating jobs and retaining existing ones.fiscal economic jobs growth

    Impact of tax policy in Romania on budget revenues.

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    Using the state fiscal levers in order to influence the economic system and the macroeconomic variables is known from the ancient times. Fiscal policy decisions reflect the related tax system and ensure its functionality in order to obtain the aimed economic effects. Analysis of fiscal policy measures and their effects should follow the level of taxation, the budget deficit, the level of the general consolidated budget revenues in line with GDP. The paper work presents practical aspects of fiscal policy and measures which should be adopted in the Romanian economy.Fiscal policy budget revenues global domestic product taxation degree

    Long term financing decision at the level of companies.

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    Debates on the financing needs registered a firm levels were a constant concern of specialists but especially managers. Majority opinion is that the financing of investment must be made by sources having character of permanence. However, a problem whose answer is not easily determined is the degree to which it may use its own sources, borrowed or rented, to record the lowest financing cost. Since the shareholders require a higher remuneration of capital investments superior to those on the financial market, managers must seek to reduce the cost of borrowed capital and the growth rate of financial return. In this paper are presented issues relating to the structure and potential sources and funding the decision on cost related to each funding opportunities.financing firms management investments reduction of the cost of borrowed capital

    The Depreciation Impact of the Profit and Activity Development Carried out by an Economic Operator

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    It's interesting how an economic operator decides to depreciate its depreciable fixed assets, because depreciation is an expense input from the taxable profit in accordance with the laws in force, thus contributing to diminishing the operating profit/loss and implicitly the gross and net earnings, without real impact on profitability and especially without any impact on the self-funding capacity. But the impact given by the depreciation expenses may be influenced by the organization policy in the field of depreciation and by the fiscal laws.depreciable fixed assets, profit, loss, fiscal law

    Direct Taxation in Romania and European Union

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    Taxation is a historical result of the social, political and economic environment in a state. At the same time, the development of a state depends a lot on the history of its own tax system, on the way it is conceived and operates. The establishment of budgetary incomes has to be made in accordance with the requirements related to yield, efficacy, equity. The plurality of these tasks as well as political, economical, administrative constraints have materialized in the application of a gradual reform in Romania after passing to market economy. Its application has not always had the foreseen effects, repeated legislative alterations leading to investors’ discouraging and to difficult enforcement of the legislation at the level of economic agents and fiscal bodies. The paper presents aspects of direct taxation on the economic environment from Romania as well as comparisons with the state of the European Union.taxation, budgetary incomes, direct taxes, tax policy

    Workforce Occupancy – Essential Indicator within the Analysis of the Country Economic Development

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    The level of economic development of county and it’s capacity to provide jobs reflects important issues which could be measured in line with the occupancy degree of the workforce. In the context of our county’s accession to the European Union, Romania should pursue a sustainable economic growth which would further generate high quality jobs in an increasing proportion. The reorganization process of Romanian economy should run parallel to active measures on labour market intended for the young people and the long-term unemployed, countryside inhabitants and people working in agriculture. The paper exhibits issues related to the distribution of the occupied population within activity domains and the evolution of the unemployment rate which relieves the direct relation between the development level of Romanian economy, the occupancy rate and the professional qualification of the workforce.the unemployment, workforce occupancy, the economic development

    Tax Implications on the Company’s Treasury

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    Whatever the structure of the tax system, degree of taxation or the number of compulsory levies, the companies have to make an analysis of tax parameter influence on their activities and, thus, on their treasury. Thus, on the one hand, it is necessary to correctly sizing a tax liability that generates negative flows. On the other hand, requires more and more use fiscal methods and techniques so that the benefits to be realized in a positive treasury. A sound fiscal management can become a key variable in the financial strategy of the company. The paper is treated issues need administration of the tax burden in line with the overall objectives concerned, its impact on cash balance and fiscal policies to achieve optimal tax management objectives.taxation, economic entity, treasury, fiscal management