5 research outputs found
Динаміка алелопатичної активності продуктів деструкції рослинних решток Syringa josikaea Jacq. f., S. microphylla Diels. та S. persica L.
To explain ecological significance of plant residues of Syringa josikaea Jacq. f., S. microphylla Diels. and S. persica L. the effect of theirs decay products on allelopathic properties of soil during 18 months was studied. Under greenhouse conditions crushed roots, fallen flowers and leaves, and mixture thereof (1:1:1) of the Syringa species were mixed (at 2 % to soil weight) with grey forest soil collected from the corresponding areas of the arboretum of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. The grey forest soil (fallow) without plant residues was used as control. Analysis of allelopathic activity by direct bioassay method indicated that phytotoxicity increased in soil with decaying residues. Volatile and watersoluble decay products of the Syringa species residues inhibited growth of plant-acceptors (Lepidium sativum L., Amaranthus paniculatus L., Triticum aestivum L., Cucumis sativus L.). Theirs allelopathic activity depended on decay time, type of plant material and sensibility of used plantacceptors. C. sativus was the most sensitive test-object. Cytostatic effect (bioassay – number of C. sativus lateral roots) of soil volatile and water-soluble substances under decay of plant residues was found. Decay of the Syringa species residues promoted accumulation of phenolic compounds in soil. Thus, the Syringa species residues are source of allelochemicals which are released into environment by means of theirs decay. This should be considered under long-term cultivation.Для з’ясування екологічного значення рослинних решток Syringa josikaea Jacq. f., S. microphylla Diels. і S. persica L. вивчали вплив продуктів їх деструкції на алелопатичні властивості ґрунту протягом 18 міс. В умовах вегетаційного досліду вносили (2 % маси ґрунту) подрібнені корені, опалі листки і квітки згаданих видів Syringa, а також їх суміш (1:1:1) у сірий лісовий ґрунт з відповідних ділянок дендрарію Національного ботанічного саду ім. М.М. Гришка НАН України. Контролем був сірий лісовий ґрунт (пар) без внесення рослинних решток. Аналіз алелопатичної активності методом прямого біотестування виявив, що в процесі деструкції органічних решток ґрунт набував фітотоксичності. Леткі та водорозчинні продукти деструкції решток видів Syringa пригнічували ростові процеси рослин-акцепторів (Lepidium sativum L., Amaranthus paniculatus L., Triticum aestivum L., Cucumis sativus L.). Їх алелопатична активність залежала від тривалості розкладання, типу рослинного матеріалу та чутливості використаних рослин-акцепторів. C. sativus виявився найчутливішим тест-об’єктом. Спостерігали цитостатичну дію (біотест – кількість бічних коренів C. sativus) летких та водорозчинних речовин ґрунту при деструкції рослинних решток. Деструкція решток видів Syringa сприяла акумуляції в ґрунті фенольних сполук. Отже, рештки видів Syringa є джерелом органічних сполук з високою алелопатичною активністю, які вивільняються в навколишнє середовище в процесі їх трансформації, що слід ураховувати за умов тривалої культури
Dynamics of allelopathic activity of decay products of plant residues of Syringa josikaea Jacq. f., S. microphylla Diels. and S. persica L.
To explain ecological significance of plant residues of Syringa josikaea Jacq. f., S. microphylla Diels. and S. persica L. the effect of theirs decay products on allelopathic properties of soil during 18 months was studied. Under greenhouse conditions crushed roots, fallen flowers and leaves, and mixture thereof (1:1:1) of the Syringa species were mixed (at 2 % to soil weight) with grey forest soil collected from the corresponding areas of the arboretum of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. The grey forest soil (fallow) without plant residues was used as control. Analysis of allelopathic activity by direct bioassay method indicated that phytotoxicity increased in soil with decaying residues. Volatile and watersoluble decay products of the Syringa species residues inhibited growth of plant-acceptors (Lepidium sativum L., Amaranthus paniculatus L., Triticum aestivum L., Cucumis sativus L.). Theirs allelopathic activity depended on decay time, type of plant material and sensibility of used plantacceptors. C. sativus was the most sensitive test-object. Cytostatic effect (bioassay – number of C. sativus lateral roots) of soil volatile and water-soluble substances under decay of plant residues was found. Decay of the Syringa species residues promoted accumulation of phenolic compounds in soil. Thus, the Syringa species residues are source of allelochemicals which are released into environment by means of theirs decay. This should be considered under long-term cultivation
Numerous experimental studies and clinical observations indicates that in one and the same stress situations a human being and animals express a different resistance to emotional stress, the severity of which depends greatly on the individual characteristics of self-regulation of different body functional systems.
Therefore, the stress factors affect homeostasis, activate the systems, responsible for adaptation in different life situations.
The article is aimed to study of the severity of psycho-emotional tension in children with cleft palate, which occurs during the out-patient reception hours and right before the surgical intervention.
Methods and Materials
37 children aged 4-5 years with cleft palate, who had out-patient reception hours and received treatment at the Surgical Unit of Poltava Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital, have been involved into study. The examination was conducted in the clinical room in out-patient conditions and right before the surgical intervention prior to preanesthetic medication. 20 healthy children who were tested in relatively normal condition, as the procedure took place always in one and the same time of the day from 9 to 10 hours, have been assigned to the control group.
Results and Discussion
The outcomes of the Lüscher test established that 26 children (70,3%) demonstrated the high degree of anxiety, 7 children (18.9%) demonstrated medium degree of anxiety and 4 children (10.8%) demonstrated low degree of anxiety. Taking into account the prevalence of individuals with high degree of anxiety in the common group we selected them for the follow up in-depth examination.
Generalization of the results concerning test indices, obtained during the examination of patients at the out-patient reception hours enabled to establish that the rates of the systolic and diastolic pressure increased insignificantly. At the same time the respiratory and pulse rate increased by 1,2 time and the vegetative index by 1,3 time. Hildebrandt’s coefficient and minute volume was tending to increase.
Statistical processing of digital values, obtained in the same group of patients right before the surgical intervention prior to preanesthetic medication in Children's Surgical Unit showed the increase in the rates of arterial pressure by 1,2 times and respiratory and pulse rate by 1,4 and 1,3 times, respectively. Hildebrandt coefficient increased insignificantly, whereas the vegetative index and minute volume was higher by 1,2 and 1,5 times, respectively.
Comparative analysis of the indices, particularly, the systolic and diastolic pressure, Hildebrandt’s coefficient and minute volume (р>0,05), obtained during the examination of children at the out-patient reception hours and at the hospital showed its progressive increase while staying at atypical psycho-emotional atmosphere of the Surgical Unit. At the same time the respiratory and pulse rate, as well as vegetative index increased by 1,2 time (p < 0.05).
Thus, the findings indicate about the direct dependence of the severity degree of neurosis in children with congenital cleft palate from the power of the stress factor’s impact.
• Among children with apparent cleft palate, individuals with the high degree of anxiety (70,3%) prevailed; the medium degree of anxiety was detected in 18,9% of children, and the low degree of anxiety was found in 10,8% of children, which requires carrying out purposeful, individually oriented preanesthetic medication before surgical intervention.
• Psycho-emotional tension in children with apparent cleft palate during the out-patient reception hours and before surgery is caused by the situational condition that adversely affects the body. At the same time changes in functional activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and vegetative nervous system occur, the severity of which depends on the power of the stress factor’s impact
Mathemetical models of the processes of gas dynamics and reduction in blast furnaces
Translated from Russian (Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved., Chern. Metall. 1985 (3) p. 145-146)SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:5828.4(M--36443)T / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo