7 research outputs found

    Clinical Negative Pressure Measurement after Border Molding Procedure

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    Introduction: Border molding of the custom tray’s edge is an important stage in the treatment of an edentulous jaw that determines the stability of prosthesis at rest and function. Solid, thermoplastic and silicon impression materials may be used in border molding. After bolder molding procedure, the negative pressure between the custom tray and the prosthetic field is created. This is an informal indication for a good impression.Aim: To compare the negative pressure created after border molding procedure with different impression materials.Materials and methods: 35 patients (17 men and 18 women) aged 51 to 87 years with a complete edentulous upper jaw were examined. New clinical method for negative pressure measurement was created.  We used a special custom tray with palatal adaptor and a pump. Two groups of impression materials were tested:  thermoplastic (Kerr impression compound green sticks, GC Iso functional sticks) and silicones (Detaseal function, Sta-seal f). Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA, confirmed by the absolute value analysis used to compare negative results, and a log transformation analysis for greater precision and also for negative data comparison.Results: A statistically significant difference was found between the two thermoplastic materials – GC Iso functional sticks and Impression compound green sticks. The mean group difference between these materials was 0.049 bars. There was no statistically significant difference between the other groups of materials.Conclusion: Quantitative measurement of negative pressure, created between the custom tray and the prosthetic field is entirely possible under clinical conditions

    Laboratory investigation of Accuracy of Impression Materials for Border Molding

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    Introduction: Border molding of the edge of the individual impression tray is an important stage of prosthetic treatment of edentulous jaws, which often depends on the final result of the treatment. Classical thermoplastic impression materials for border molding have positive qualities that make them preferable by clinicians for their hardness, unlimited manipulation time and high impression sharpness. Modern silicone impression materials for border molding have long manipulating time and appropriate viscosity to allow dentists to perform functional tests.Aim: To determine the accuracy of different impression materials for border molding of individual impression trays.Materials and methods: Four impression materials for border molding were laboratory tested: Kerr impression compound green sticks and thermoplastic GC Iso functional sticks, additive type silicone Detaseal function and condensation type silicone sta-seal f. A modified individual impression tray designed by authors was used, allowing for laboratory load and stability. Ten impressions were taken and their formed edges were measured at 10 points three times - immediately after hardening/elasification, and 24 hours and 48 hours after hardening/elasification.Results: The results were analysed using ANOVA repetition analysis, where a statistically insignificant difference in the accuracy of three of the impression materials for border molding was established, except the C-type of silicone.Conclusions: Good manipulative qualities and measured accuracy in laboratory tests define these materials as very good for border molding procedures

    Digital Occlusion Analysis after Orthodontic Treatment: Capabilities of the Intraoral Scanner and T-Scan Novus System

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    Digital technology is becoming increasingly popular in dentistry. The aim of this article is to demonstrate and compare the capabilities of two different digital approaches, namely, intraoral scanning and digital examination of occlusion, in the final analysis of occlusion after orthodontic treatment. The capabilities and limitations of both systems are emphasized to help clinicians determine which system to use in specific cases. Materials and methods: The study included 32 patients (15 males and 17 females) in the retention phase after orthodontic treatment. Patients were aged 15 to 28 years with a mean age of 18.62 years (±4.17), and 62.2% were aged under 18 years. At the beginning of the orthodontic treatment, 18 patients had Angle Class I and 14 had Angle Class II. Overall, 18 patients were treated without extractions and 14 with extractions, while 12 had impacted teeth. All patients wore an Essix retainer in the upper jaw and a fixed canine-to-canine retainer in the lower jaw. Intraoral scanning was performed using Trios color (3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014), and digital occlusion imaging was performed using T-Scan Novus (Tekscan, Norwood, MA, USA, 2018). SPSS 23.0 was used to perform descriptive statistical analysis. Result and Conclusion: With the 3Shape system, the contacts are marked based on the proximity between dentitions. The T-Scan system measures the strength of the contacts, regardless of their area. Despite its many advantages, intraoral scanning is not a reliable method for recording occlusions. The results obtained are not incorrect, but they include limited parameters for analysis. The T-Scan system provides comprehensive results and allows analysis and treatment of occlusal dysfunctions. The T-Scan system can provide information on the first contact, strength of the contacts, contact distribution on each tooth, sequence of contacts, maximum bite force and maximum intercuspation, path of the lower jaw movement, and occlusion and disocclusion times as well as record videos with active sequences and distributions of the contacts. There is a good collaboration between intraoral scanning and digital occlusion determination


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    The aim of the current investigation is to analyze the dental-technicians’ awareness of the soft relining materials, their characteristics, advantages, shortcomings and methods for relining. Materials and methods: For the purpose of this investigation a standard questionnaire has been presented. A direct survey method, documentary and statistical method, as well as graphical methods, including tables, charts, graphics and figures, were used. Data were analysed with the help of IBM SPSS Statistics (ver. 19). Results: One hundred and eight dental technicians were included in the survey, evenly distributed by gender. Removable and fixed prosthodontics is the most commonly mentioned spheres of dental activities. Almost all included in the investigation point out the laboratory relining method as the most frequently used. Acrylic and silicone SRM are the most used groups of relining materials. Change of colour and hardness are the most frequently noticed shortcomings of these materials. The majority of the dental technicians declare that they have never done replacement of SRM or the relining has lasted more than a year. Discussion: The correlation between the age and the years of labour service among the participants is quite obvious. Most of them start working soon after their graduation. Removable prosthodontics is among the priorities for the majority of the labs. Conclusion: Although their unambiguous advantages, the soft relining materials have lots of shortcomings as well. The major problems are connected with their change of colour and hardness. Nevertheless, the dental technicians find them useful and reliable in overcoming specific prosthetic problems


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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyse the dentists, awareness of the soft relining materials – their behaviour, advantages and disadvantages. Materials and methods: A direct survey method was applied, as well as a documentary method of gathering statistical information. For the purpose of this investigation, a standard questionnaire has been presented, consisting of seven questions each. Results: The age group have no influence on the frequency of use of soft relining materials in practice. According to 49.57% of the interviewed dentists, the most frequently observed disadvantage is the hardening of these materials in a very short notice. Staining from food and beverage and frequently noticed bond failure from the denture basis were also observed, 18,26% consider discolouration from disinfectants a problem as well. The majority of the interviewed (56,52%) have been answered, that their patients are pleased from the applied SRM. 70,43% have been answered that SRM matches the denture basis and the rest 29,57% have been pointed out that these materials are not very aesthetic. Discussion: Although the majority of the dentists declare, that they are aware of the properties of the soft relining materials, they are a little bit sceptical about their use in practice. On the other hand, the patients are satisfied and find them very useful and beneficial. Conclusion: It can be concluded, that he majority of the dentists are very well acquainted with the soft relining materials, their purpose and way of application


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    Background: The removable prosthetics is a big part of Prosthetic Dentistry. The prosthetic field is very important for successful treatment with partial or complete dentures. Maxillary bone is covered with soft tissues, but its anatomy is essential for retention, chewing stability and comfort of the patients. Purpose: The study’s aim was to evaluate the dimensions of maxillary bone in specific zones for removable dentures. Methods: Sixteen craniums were measured in 10 different zones. It was used an Electronic Digital Caliper 0-150 mm. Results: Consistently were applied F-test and Welch t-test for equality of variance and group’s comparison mean, respectively. The spread of the data was described by calculating range and standard deviation. The estimated value of range was highest in the FI-A1P, followed by FI-AC and FI-A2P. The smallest amplitude was established in the TM-PP and SNA. The estimated value of standard deviation was 2,57/2,51 in FI-AC zone, 2,46/2,59 in FI-A1P zone and a few smaller 2,08/2,13 in FI-A2P zone. The lowest values were in TM-PP and SNA areas. Conclusion: Tuber maxillae and Spina nasalis anterior have stable dimensions. The areas of canine and premolars are varied, because the zone is tasked by chewing function

    The Progress in Bioprinting and Its Potential Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life

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    The intensive development of technologies related to human health in recent years has caused a real revolution. The transition from conventional medicine to personalized medicine, largely driven by bioprinting, is expected to have a significant positive impact on a patient’s quality of life. This article aims to conduct a systematic review of bioprinting’s potential impact on health-related quality of life. A literature search was conducted in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. A comprehensive literature search was undertaken using the PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect databases between 2019 and 2023. We have identified some of the most significant potential benefits of bioprinting to improve the patient’s quality of life: personalized part production; saving millions of lives; reducing rejection risks after transplantation; accelerating the process of skin tissue regeneration; homocellular tissue model generation; precise fabrication process with accurate specifications; and eliminating the need for organs donor, and thus reducing patient waiting time. In addition, these advances in bioprinting have the potential to greatly benefit cancer treatment and other research, offering medical solutions tailored to each individual patient that could increase the patient’s chance of survival and significantly improve their overall well-being. Although some of these advancements are still in the research stage, the encouraging results from scientific studies suggest that they are on the verge of being integrated into personalized patient treatment. The progress in bioprinting has the power to revolutionize medicine and healthcare, promising to have a profound impact on improving the quality of life and potentially transforming the field of medicine and healthcare