57 research outputs found

    The assessment of carrying capacity: A crucial tool for managing tourism effects in tourist destinations

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    It is beyond doubt that the theory of tourism lags behind tourism practice. In order to decrease such a gap, theoretical work in tourism has been intensified over the last two decades. The key problems of research include: analysis, interpretation, and management of heterogeneous effects of tourism development, permeating different aspects of human life and work - from the global to the local level. This paper discusses the role, significance, and the ways of estimation and interpretation of the concept of carrying capacity within the conceptual framework of contemporary tourism. The paper also analyses various attitudes and conflicting opinions as to this, still much debated, concept. In the end, some crucial concluding remarks are presented that could alleviate the application of the concept of carrying capacity in practice, assuming its important role in planning tourist destination development and management of various tourism impacts

    Motivational factors of youth tourists visiting Belgrade

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    Youth tourism is characterized by diversity of participants' motivation, in which culture-related motivational factors were designated in the previous research as particularly important. Aim of the research is providing contribution to the current findings about general motivation of youth tourists and their motivation to visit Belgrade. Research was conducted via survey in which the respondents rated importance of different push and pull motivational factors on Likert scales. Results indicate that culture-related push factors were rated highly, but lower than having fun, visiting interesting places, getting away from the routine and excitement. The most important pull factors are contact with the local residents and cultural attractions sightseeing, which were rated higher than recreation and engagement in night life, confirming the important role of culture in the motivation of youth tourists. The fact that Belgrade was on the way to another destination and the perceived inexpensiveness of stay in it were rated as more important pull factors than city's attraction base, which is in accordance with the determined transit quality of the visit. By using statistical methods (t-test, ANOVA), it was established that socio-demographic characteristics and trip frequency had significant influence on general and tourists' motivation to visit Belgrade

    The Assessment of Carrying Capacity ā€“ A Crucial T ool for M anaging T ourism E ffects in T ourist D estinations

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    It is beyond doubt that the theory of tourism lags behind tourism practice. In order to decrease such a gap, theoretical work in tourism has been intensified over the last two decades. The key problems of research include: analysis, interpretation, and management of heterogeneous effects of tourism development, permeating different aspects of human life and work ā€“ from the global to the local level. This paper discusses the role, significance, and the ways of estimation and interpretation of the concept of carrying capacity within the conceptual framework of contemporary tourism. The paper also analyses various attitudes and conflicting opinions as to this, still much debated, concept. In the end, some crucial concluding remarks are presented that could alleviate the application of the concept of carrying capacity in practice, assuming its important role in planning tourist destination development and management of various tourism impacts

    Socio-cultural Impacts of Contemporary Tourism

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    The topic of the paper is devoted to analysis of socio-cultural impacts of tourism, as effects on the people of host communities resulting from their direct and indirect associations with tourists. The social and cultural impacts of tourism are the ways in which tourism is contributing to changes in value systems, individual behavior, family structure and relationships, collective lifestyles, safety levels, moral conduct, traditional ceremonies and community organizations. Special attention is devoted to considering complexity of tourists/host interrelationships and discussing the techniques for appraisal of quality and quantity of socio-cultural changes which tourism provokes in local communities

    Stanje i perspektive razvoja banjskog turizma u Srbiji

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    Apart from very contaminated spatial areas, there are places with attractive and non-polluted environment, that are suitable for tourism and recreation. Such places are spa resorts, characterized by numerous and various natural elements having significant health and recreative functions (thermo-mineral springs, rare gases, favorable climatic conditions, rich vegetation, etc.), which attract attention of ample tourist demand. Serbia is welknown as a 'country of spa resorts', because of a great number of thermo-mineral springs, long tradition and their significance for tourism economy. Official statistical service keeps records of tourist flows only at 30 spa resorts (approximately), having participation at 95% of the total tourist trade in Serbia's spas. The topic of this paper is devoted to estimation of the present state and perspectives of spa tourism in Serbia. Special attention is focused on: analysis of resources for spa tourism, discussion of key factors for tourist valorization of Serbia's spas, investigation of structural features of spa tourism, comparison of Serbia's experiences in domain of spa tourism with contemporary trends in certain spa resorts in other European countries, and, finally, defining the most important tasks for spa tourism improvement.Za razliku od prostora visoke kontaminacije, postoje i sanatogeni prostori, kao idealno mesto za razreÅ”avanje čovekovih rekreativnih potreba, u koje ubrajamo banjska mesta. Ova mesta raspolažu brojnim i raznovrsnim prirodnim elementima sa naglaÅ”enim zdravstveno-rekreativnim funkcijama (termomineralni izvori, plemeniti gasovi, peloid, povoljni klimatski elementi, raznovrsna vegetacija i sl.), koja odavno pobuđuju veliko interesovanje turističke tražnje. Srbiju popularno zovu 'državom banja', a takav epitet je dobila zbog brojnosti termomineralnih izvora, duge tradicije i značaja u turističkom prometu. Iako u Srbiji postoji veliki broj termalnih i mineralnih izvora, zvanična statistika beleži turistički promet samo u 30-ak banja, na koje otpada oko 95% banjskog turističkog prometa naÅ”e zemlje. Predmet ovog rada odnosi se na ocenu stanja i perspektiva razvoja banjskog turizma u Srbiji. Posebna pažnja je posvećena analizi motivske osnove za razvoj banjskog turizma, zatim razmatranju najvažnijih činilaca turističke valorizacije banja Srbije, utvrđivanju strukturnih svojstava banjskog turizma, poređenju iskustava i rezultata turističke valorizacije banja Srbije sa savremenim trendovima razvoja poznatijih banjskih centara u Evropi, kao i definisanju najvažnijih zadataka unapređenja banjskog turizma u Srbiji

    The Influence of Environment and Energy Macro Surroundings on the Development of Tourism in the 21st Century

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    Trying to anticipate the future of tourism may be a particularly fraught task. However, this does not mean that trying to predict the future of tourism is not without value. From a business perspective, examining the future enables firms to anticipate new business conditions and develop new strategies. From a destination perspective, reflections on the future enable consideration of how to maintain or improve the qualities of a destination. The paper is focused on an analysis of the impacts of the energy and ecological macro environments on tourism trends in 21st century. Mass international tourism has thrived on the abundant and cheap supply of energy, and this may be about to change as the world moves towards ā€™Peak Oilā€™. The resultant scarcity and high price of all energy fuels will produce changes in human activities, specifically in tourism. The basis of the health of the economy is the health of the environment. Therefore issues of global environmental changes are increasingly influencing consideration of trends in tourism. In this looming transitional era tourism needs to make some dramatic changes to harmonize with the new realities of a post-energy world affected additionaly by global warming and other environmental changes

    Stanje i perspektive razvoja banjskog turizma u Srbiji

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    Apart from very contaminated spatial areas, there are places with attractive and non-polluted environment, that are suitable for tourism and recreation. Such places are spa resorts, characterized by numerous and various natural elements having significant health and recreative functions (thermo-mineral springs, rare gases, favorable climatic conditions, rich vegetation, etc.), which attract attention of ample tourist demand. Serbia is welknown as a 'country of spa resorts', because of a great number of thermo-mineral springs, long tradition and their significance for tourism economy. Official statistical service keeps records of tourist flows only at 30 spa resorts (approximately), having participation at 95% of the total tourist trade in Serbia's spas. The topic of this paper is devoted to estimation of the present state and perspectives of spa tourism in Serbia. Special attention is focused on: analysis of resources for spa tourism, discussion of key factors for tourist valorization of Serbia's spas, investigation of structural features of spa tourism, comparison of Serbia's experiences in domain of spa tourism with contemporary trends in certain spa resorts in other European countries, and, finally, defining the most important tasks for spa tourism improvement.Za razliku od prostora visoke kontaminacije, postoje i sanatogeni prostori, kao idealno mesto za razreÅ”avanje čovekovih rekreativnih potreba, u koje ubrajamo banjska mesta. Ova mesta raspolažu brojnim i raznovrsnim prirodnim elementima sa naglaÅ”enim zdravstveno-rekreativnim funkcijama (termomineralni izvori, plemeniti gasovi, peloid, povoljni klimatski elementi, raznovrsna vegetacija i sl.), koja odavno pobuđuju veliko interesovanje turističke tražnje. Srbiju popularno zovu 'državom banja', a takav epitet je dobila zbog brojnosti termomineralnih izvora, duge tradicije i značaja u turističkom prometu. Iako u Srbiji postoji veliki broj termalnih i mineralnih izvora, zvanična statistika beleži turistički promet samo u 30-ak banja, na koje otpada oko 95% banjskog turističkog prometa naÅ”e zemlje. Predmet ovog rada odnosi se na ocenu stanja i perspektiva razvoja banjskog turizma u Srbiji. Posebna pažnja je posvećena analizi motivske osnove za razvoj banjskog turizma, zatim razmatranju najvažnijih činilaca turističke valorizacije banja Srbije, utvrđivanju strukturnih svojstava banjskog turizma, poređenju iskustava i rezultata turističke valorizacije banja Srbije sa savremenim trendovima razvoja poznatijih banjskih centara u Evropi, kao i definisanju najvažnijih zadataka unapređenja banjskog turizma u Srbiji

    Neophodnost 'Znanja o znanju' u turizmu

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    Knowledge, as the most productive factor of production and international competitiveness, represents an area of the biggest interest for every country, because with its increasing and spreading, numerous strategically important goals are achieved. However, there's always open question of fullness, depth, resource, direction, intensity etc. of state regulations so sensitive and very important area of work such as a 'production' of knowledge (research work), its dispersion, transfer and usage, but also misusage. Following that, it's important to point at the existence of international (global) mechanism of control, not so much of creation, because it's not so possible, but applying of some knowledge's (nuclear armament control, toxic waste control, radioactive material control etc.). By that, the humanity is actually, defending itself from himself, from its irresponsible members. Considering that tourist activity is actively enhanced and dynamic, the use of knowledge is necessary in all tourist offices extension modalities. A high quantum of knowledge is also requireable at a tourist market with high competitiveness.Znanje, kao najproduktivniji činilac proizvodnje i međunarodne konkurentnosti, logično predstavlja oblast od najvećeg interesa za svaku državu, jer se njegovim uvećanjem i Å”irenjem postiže viÅ”e strateÅ”ki važnih ciljeva. Međutim, uvek ostaje otvoreno pitanje obima, dubine, načina, smera, intenziteta itd. državne regulacije tako osetljive i vitalno važne oblasti rada kao Å”to je 'proizvodnja' znanja (naučno-istraživački rad), njegova diseminacija, transfer i upotreba, ali i zloupotreba. U tom smislu potrebno je ukazati i na postojanje međunarodnih (globalnih) mehanizma kontrole, ne toliko stvaranja, jer to i nije sasvim moguće, koliko primene nekih znanja (kontrola nuklearnog naoružanja, kontrola upotrebe toksičnih i radioaktivnih materija itd.), čime se, zapravo, čovečanstvo brani od sebe samog, od svojih neodgovornih pripadnika. Budući da je turistička delatnost radno intenzivna i dinamična, upotreba znanja je neophodna u svim modalitetima pružanja turističkih usluga. Visokokonkurentno turističko tržiÅ”te, takođe zahteva veliki kvantum znanja

    Economic impact of cruise tourism along the pan-European corridor VII

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    This paper provides some tentative estimates of the economic impact of cruise tourism in receptive countries and regions along the Pan-European Corridor VII. Examples are provided to illustrate the potential benefit to Vojvodina Region (Case study). The results of the analysis have shown that the Corridor VII cruises have positive impact on Vojvodina Province, primarily the riparian area of the Danube (only Novi Sad - the "Port of Vojvodina for cruisers"). Although the benefits exclude accommodation and food expenditure, they are noticeable within the following segments: tourism promotion (broadening the scopes of Vojvodina Province as a receptive area for the foreign market through its cultural heritage and natural values); increase in foreign tourist turnover, visitor's expenditures; new job opportunities (adequate infrastructure and superstructure rendering services to ships, crew and passengers) - harbors, carriers, souvenir shops, etc. / new products, business net, exchange money, invisible export, etc. The results of the research may initiate further studies on the cause and effect connections between this type of travelling and resources of receptive countries, upon which the travels are based, both aiming at adequate design and launching of the tourist offer, i.e. the optimal development of receptive countries through sustainable tourism. Also, the discussion provides potentially useful information to the different stakeholders in the evolving cruise tourism industry, particularly regarding expected (private or social) returns on investment
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