536 research outputs found


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    Mentality is defined as an assembly of manners of acting or thinking about someone or something. Related to the history of mentalities in the 19th century the core elements were the building of the nation and the constitutional law and only at the beginning of the 20th century the economic development and the relations between social classes. Mentalities change hard and slowly. Therefore, quick leaps (social, economic, political and cultural) cannot be done within a population which is immersed in old mentalities. The traditional rural society is animated by religious dogmas and conceptions. Old mentalities of the population very often generate social unrest. In Romania between the two world wars these mentalities were the background of the future social changes imposed after the Soviet model and which continue to influence even today the development of the country. Enlightened minds of Romania concerned in the first decades of the 20th century about learning and evaluating the mentalities specific to our nation. Foreseeing the important and creative role of individuals for a nation on multiple levels, these free-thinking minds inferred the assembly of conscience and behaviour traits that build up the national characteristics of the Romanian nation. In a comparative regard of the studies quoted hereunder, that we might characterise as being of reference for characterising the mentalities of our nation in the period between the two World Wars of the 20th century, we may conclude that the Romanian nation pertains to the extended family of the European nations and world nations; demanding times endowed the Romanian nation and its representative with some negative behavioural traits, but which are not predominant; the Romanian’s nature is positive, constructive and creative. A logical conclusion imposes itself: despite the relatively low number of population, along centuries, the Romanian nation still holds a place of honour in the world gallery of sciences and arts, with original, innovative, creative, unique ideas which added in furthering human knowledge towards new thresholds of progress and civilisation. Even if they had sometimes to face hardships of time and people alike, the mentioned priorities prove beyond any doubt the ancestral virtues of intelligence and investigative minds, the millennial creative and enduring genius of the Romanian nation. This is the specific of the Romanian nation which has not yet had its last word in the evolution of Humanity towards Good, Progress and Civilisation.history of mentalities, the nature and psyche of Romanians, Romanian mentality, new spirituality, European Spirituality


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    The autumn of 2008 has produced, starting from the American and European mortgage credits crisis, the most powerful and deep financial, monetary and economic crisis, which last phases the most advanced states of the planet seemed to be experienced in the first half of 2009. As anything that happened in the life of humans, the economic crises have not only bad, negative sides, but they also have good, positive sides.financial; monetary and economic crisis; fraud

    STRUCTURAL FUNDS AND OVERCOMING THE ECONOMIC CRISIS Emilian M. Dobrescu, Romanian Academy and Spiru Haret University Cristina Barna, Spiru Haret University Bucharest

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    The European Commission is the authority that supervises the EuropeanUnion structural funds, which are meant to finance the measures of structural aid at thecommunity level, aiming to promote the regions lagging behind in development, toreconvert the areas affected by industrial decline, to fight against the long-termunemployment, to help the youth professional insertion or to promote the ruraldevelopment. Besides the Structural Funds, other financial instruments are in use,namely the Cohesion Fund. Between 2007 and 2013, Romania will benefit fromstructural funds in the amount of 32 billion Euros, granted by the European Union. Suchfunds need to be effectively managed and they have to reach where development is animperative; otherwise, they are in danger of being forfeited. The paper herein aims togive a general presentation of the structural funds, a highlight of the dissimilaritiesbetween them and the pre-accession funds, the explanation of the criteria for granting thestructural funds, as well as an in-depth analysis of the National Strategic ReferenceFramework 2007-2013. At the same time, beyond the absorption obstacles(documentation, evaluation, bank credits), the structural and the cohesion funds arepresented as solution to overcome the current economic crisis.structural funds, operational program, cohesion policy, economic crisis


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    Since January 1st, 2007, Romania has entered a new era of progress where thefocus is on the economic convergence with the other European Union member states. TheNational Plan for Development 2007-2013 represents the strategic and financial multi-yearlyplanning document that directs the sustainable economic-social development of Romania instep with the Cohesion Policy of the European Union. This paper examines the issue ofabsorption funds as main determinant of Romania’s success during the post-accession period.Considering the global objective and also the specific objectives of the Strategy ofDevelopment 2007 ââ¬â 2013, we analyze the absorption of the community funds on the sixpriorities of the National Plan for Development - competitiveness, transport infrastructure,environment, human resources, rural development and regional development, presenting amulti-yearly comparative analysis of the financial programming 2007 ââ¬â 2013.post-accession, national plan for development, national strategy of development,structural funds, structural funds absorption rate


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    Sustainable Development Concerning with Mankind’s Climate Changes

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    Mankind has witnessed many outstanding weather happenings which determined radical climate changes and thus, the draught is expected further to grow. Many experts, academics and scientists all over the continents have strongly called for attention about the importance of saving the water, either for housing and industrial consumers. According to the February - 2007 UNO Report, Terra is the subject of an accelerated global heating process, firstly due to the carbon emissions. Several decades further the climate changes will continue even if, theoretically, these emissions could partly be stopped. As one of the official UNO’s institutions, the World Meteorology Organisation certified the global heating and alerts about another worrying phenomenon,namely the soil disaster.environment, climate changes, global warming, greenhouse effect, sustainable development, EU policy on the environment, climate protection
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