28 research outputs found

    Sexuality of dancers and Japanese martial arts athletes

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    WSTĘP: Celem badania było wykazanie ewentualnych różnic w seksualności między tancerzami i zawodnikami japońskich sztuk walki a sportowcami innych dyscyplin i osobami nieuprawiającymi sportu w ogóle.MATERIAŁ I METODY: Badaniem objęto łącznie 384 osoby, w tym 180 kobiet (46,8%) i 204 mężczyzn (53,2%). Wyróżniono cztery grupy: grupę pierwszą stanowiły osoby profesjonalnie zajmujące się tańcem, grupę drugą stanowiły osoby uprawiające japońskie sztuki walki, grupę trzecią tworzyli sportowcy innych dyscyplin (przede wszystkim gier zespołowych i lekkoatletyki), czwartą grupę rekrutowano spośród osób nieuprawiających sportu.WYNIKI I WNIOSKI: Analiza wyników wykazała istnienie wielu różnic istotnych statystycznie pomiędzy badanymi grupami. Mężczyźni we wszystkich grupach osiągali zdecydowanie wyższe wyniki w kwestionariuszu Mell-Krat niż kobiety w jakiejkolwiek grupie. Sportowcy, zarówno kobiety, jak i mężczyźni, uzyskali zdecydowanie wyższe wartości w kwestionariuszu Mell-Krat niż osoby nieuprawiające sportu.Introduction. Aim of the study was to show eventual differences In sexuality between professional dancers andjapanese martial arts athletes, as well as athletes of other disciplines and people that do not practice sport.Materials and methods. 384 people were examinated, 180 women (46,8%) and 204 men (53,2%). Among thissample, 4 groups were formed: group one: professional dancers, group two: japanese martial arts athletes, groupthree: athletes of other disciplines (team sports and athletics mostly), group four: people that do not practice sport.Results and conclusions. Data analysis showed several statistically important differences between investigatedgroups. Men in all groups achieved assertively higher results in Mell-Krat questionnaire than women of any group.Athletes, and gender doesn’t matter, achieved decidedly higher results in Mell-Krat questionnaire than peoplewhich do not practice sport at all

    Human Umbilical Cord Blood Treatment in a Mouse Model of ALS: Optimization of Cell Dose

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    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a multicausal disease characterized by motor neuron degeneration in the spinal cord and brain. Cell therapy may be a promising new treatment for this devastating disorder. We recently showed that a single low dose (10(6) cells) of mononuclear human umbilical cord blood (MNC hUCB) cells administered intravenously to G93A mice delayed symptom progression and modestly prolonged lifespan. The aim of this pre-clinical translation study is to optimize the dose of MNC hUCB cells to retard disease progression in G93A mice. Three different doses of MNC hUCB cells, 10x10(6), 25x10(6) and 50x10(6), were administered intravenously into pre-symptomatic G93A mice. Motor function tests and various assays to determine cell effects were performed on these mice.Our results showed that a cell dose of 25x10(6) cells significantly increased lifespan of mice by 20-25% and delayed disease progression by 15%. The most beneficial effect on decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines in the brain and spinal cord was found in this group of mice. Human Th2 cytokines were found in plasma of mice receiving 25x10(6) cells, although prevalent human Th1 cytokines were indicated in mice with 50x10(6) cells. High response of splenic cells to mitogen (PHA) was indicated in mice receiving 25x10(6) (mainly) and 10x10(6) cells. Significantly increased lymphocytes and decreased neutrophils in the peripheral blood were found only in animals receiving 25x10(6) cells. Stable reduction in microglia density in both cervical and lumbar spinal cords was also noted in mice administered with 25x10(6) cells.These results demonstrate that treatment for ALS with an appropriate dose of MNC hUCB cells may provide a neuroprotective effect for motor neurons through active involvement of these cells in modulating the host immune inflammatory system response

    Anti-science wave sweeps Poland

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    Multifocal Extra-Adrenal Paraganglioma – Case Report

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    Paraganglioma is a rare neoplasm originating from extra-adrenal pheochromocytes of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. It is usually benign and the treatment method of choice is a complete resection of the tumour. The authors present a case of 66-year-old female patient with a multifocal benign retroperitoneal paraganglioma, which was completely removed during surgery

    Challenges of the Immunotherapy: Perspectives and Limitations of the Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Treatment

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    Immunotherapy is a quickly developing type of treatment and the future of therapy in oncology. This paper is a review of recent findings in the field of immunotherapy with an emphasis on immune checkpoint inhibitors. The challenges that immunotherapy might face in near future, such as primary and acquired resistance and the irAEs, are described in this article, as well as the perspectives such as identification of environmental modifiers of immunity and development of anti-cancer vaccines and combined therapies. There are multiple factors that may be responsible for immunoresistance, such as genomic factors, factors related to the immune system cells or to the cancer microenvironment, factors emerging from the host cells, as well as other factors such as advanced age, biological sex, diet, many hormones, existing comorbidities, and the gut microbiome

    WGS Data Collections: How Do Genomic Databases Transform Medicine?

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    As a scientific community we assumed that exome sequencing will elucidate the basis of most heritable diseases. However, it turned out it was not the case; therefore, attention has been increasingly focused on the non-coding sequences that encompass 98% of the genome and may play an important regulatory function. The first WGS-based datasets have already been released including underrepresented populations. Although many databases contain pooled data from several cohorts, recently the importance of local databases has been highlighted. Genomic databases are not only collecting data but may also contribute to better diagnostics and therapies. They may find applications in population studies, rare diseases, oncology, pharmacogenetics, and infectious and inflammatory diseases. Further data may be analysed with Al technologies and in the context of other omics data. To exemplify their utility, we put a highlight on the Polish genome database and its practical application

    The Spectrum of the Heterozygous Effect in Biallelic Mendelian Diseases—The Symptomatic Heterozygote Issue

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    Heterozygous carriers of pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants in autosomal recessive disorders seem to be asymptomatic. However, in recent years, an increasing number of case reports have suggested that mild and unspecific symptoms can occur in some heterozygotes, as symptomatic heterozygotes have been identified across different disease types, including neurological, neuromuscular, hematological, and pulmonary diseases. The symptoms are usually milder in heterozygotes than in biallelic variants and occur “later in life”. The status of symptomatic heterozygotes as separate entities is often disputed, and alternative diagnoses are considered. Indeed, often only a thin line exists between dual, dominant, and recessive modes of inheritance and symptomatic heterozygosity. Interestingly, recent population studies have found global disease effects in heterozygous carriers of some genetic variants. What makes the few heterozygotes symptomatic, while the majority show no symptoms? The molecular basis of this phenomenon is still unknown. Possible explanations include undiscovered deep-splicing variants, genetic and environmental modifiers, digenic/oligogenic inheritance, skewed methylation patterns, and mutational burden. Symptomatic heterozygotes are rarely reported in the literature, mainly because most did not undergo the complete diagnostic procedure, so alternative diagnoses could not be conclusively excluded. However, despite the increasing accessibility to high-throughput technologies, there still seems to be a small group of patients with mild symptoms and just one variant of autosomes in biallelic diseases. Here, we present some examples, the current state of knowledge, and possible explanations for this phenomenon, and thus argue against the existing dominant/recessive classification