6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Risks by L-Type (5x5) Matrix Method in an Ore Concentration Structure%253A A Case Study

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    Workplaces are places with a dynamic structure. This situation often leaves employees vulnerable to certain risks. Occupational accidents in the workplace are caused by various reasons such as production methods, human presence and environmental factors. For this reason, the most important element of a sustainable production is to ensure occupational health and safety. Creating a safe working environment in a workplace can only be achieved with a risk assessment prepared with the participation of people with high levels of competence (employer%252Fdeputy, occupational safety specialist, workplace doctor and other persons). Risk assessment begins during the establishment or design process of a workplace. This process consists of various processes such as identifying hazards, identifying and analyzing risks, deciding on risk control measures, and documentation. The most important point to be considered while making a risk assessment is to determine the most appropriate risk assessment method for the exploitation or plant. Factors such as production method, sector, type of risks and interaction with each other are among the main determining factors in determining the hazard class of workplaces. In this study, risks were evaluated in an ore beneficiation plant. The ore beneficiation facility is an area where the conversion of the ore extracted from the underground into the final product takes place. The work area is located in a very hazard class. Considering these issues, risks were evaluated using the L Type Matrix (5x5) method in the study. The L-Type Matrix method is more advantageous than many methods in that it is easy to understand and can be applied to many processes. A total of 72 risks were identified in the study. These risks are scored%253B 18 low risk, 30 medium risk, 24 high risk were identified. Considering the result of the study, some solution suggestions are presented in order to provide a safer working environment in the conclusion and suggestions section of the study


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    The aim of present study was to examine the effects of plyometric jump (jump squat) exercises on vertical jump, and to investigate the relation between these exercises and some physical fitness and other defining characteristics in female volleyball players. The sampling of the study consisted of 10 voluntary female players, who were active licensed players at Bursa Nova Sports Club in Turkey Volleyball 2nd League, and who had the following defining characteristics; age: 16±0.8 years; sports age: 9.5±0.1 years; height: 176±6.7 cm; body weight: 65.8±5.7 kg; fat %: 26.9±4.3; fat amount: 17.7±4.2 kg; lean weight 47.6 ± 3.1 kg, total body fluid 34.9±2.3. The participants did not face any disabilities or diseases in the past six months; and participated in the training program regularly. They applied a normal diet during the entire study process. A total of 6 trainings a week, 3 sets in each training, 30 jumps in each set, which means a total of a total of 24 trainings, 72 sets and 2160 plyometric jumps (jump squat) were added to the seasonal training programs of the players for 4 weeks. The Bosco Test was used. On Sunday, one day before the plyometric studies were started, the other 4 Vertical Jump Measurement Tests (T2, T3, T4, T5) -including the determining the vertical jump measurements test (T1) - were carried out on Sundays every weekend. The body composition was determined by the Tanita Body Composition Analyzer TBF-300. The data that were obtained in this way were analyzed with One-Way ANOVA and Pearson Correlations Coefficient tests in the SPSS for Windows 22 Statistical Program. As a result, a statistically significant relation was detected between the vertical jump, which is one of the descriptive characteristics of volleyball players, and the amount of fat % and fat (p˂0.05). The vertical jump arithmetic averages were determined to be T1 33.8±4.8 cm; T2 34.4±4.5 cm; T3 35.2±4.7 cm; T4 36.5±4.9 cm; T5 36.4±4.7 cm (F=34.353; p<0.05). The effects of the plyometric exercises on vertical jump were found to be F=34.353 (p<0.001). It can be claimed that the plyometric exercises that were applied on the volleyball players have positive effects and an inversely-proportional relation with body fat %, fat amount, and vertical jump.  Article visualizations

    Borlama Süresinin Düşük Karbonlu Mikro Alaşımlı Çeliklerin Sertlik Değerleri Üzerine Etkisi

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    Özet: Bu çalışmada, borlanan düşük karbonlu çeliklerin sertlik değerleri ölçülmüştür. Borlama işlemi 1123 K sıcaklıkta ve değişik sürelerde ticari ekabor-II tozları kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan X Işınları Kırınımı (XRD) ve Enerji Dağınım Spektroskopisi (EDX) analizleri ile borlanan düşük karbonlu mikroalaşımlı çeliklerin borür tabakasında FeB ve Fe2B fazlarının oluştuğunu gözlenmiştir. Borlama işleminin bir neticesi olarak difüzyon ve oluşan sert bor fazlar yüzünden, borlama süresi ile borür tabakası kalınlığı ve sertlik değerlerinde bir artışın olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Anahtar kelimeler: Ekabor, XRD, EDX, difüzyon, FeB, Fe2B The Effect of Boriding Time on Hardness Values of Low Carbon Micro Alloyed Steels Abstract: In this study, hardness values of borided low carbon microalloyed steels were measured. The boronizing treatment was performed at 1123 K under various exposure times using Ekabor-II commercial powders. The presence of FeB and Fe2B phases in the boride layer of the boronized low carbon microalloyed steels were observed using an X-ray diffractometer and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis. It was concluded that boride layer thickness and hardness values increase with increasing boriding time due to hard boride phases and diffusion as a result of boronizing process. Key words: Ecabor, XRD, EDX, diffusion, FeB, Fe2

    Bilateral Pneumothorax during Apnea Test: A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Brain death is characterized by irreversible loss of all brain functions and it is defined as a clinical condition where intracranial circulation stops. Apnea test is one of the tests which is used in the clinical diagnosis of brain death, absence of brain stem reflexes, and as a complement to absence of motor response to painful stimulants. Apnea test is a test which has a high complication rate. Complications such as hypoxia, hypotension, acidosis, cardiac arrhythmia, asystole, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum and pneumoperitoneum may develop during an apnea test. In this case report, a patient with biletarel pneumothorax due to air trapping because of an oxygen cannula blocking the airway

    An unanswered plasmapheresis treatment with fresh frozen plasma in the "TTP-HUS" case: Effect of plasmapheresis with unfrozen fresh plasma

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    Trombotik Mikroanjiopatik Hastalıklar içerisinde değerlendirilen TTP ve HÜS fizyopatolojisi farklı olan yalnız benzer klinik ve tedavisi olan hastalıklardır. Ateş, kanlı ishal, şuurunda gerileme, idrar yapamama şikâyetleri ile yoğun bakım ünitemize yatırılan 39 yaşında bayan hastanın bakılan laboratuvar sonuçları ve klinik muayenesi sonrası TTP-HÜS tanıları ile takibine başlandı. Plazmaferez tedavisi düzenlenen hastanın taze donmuş plazma ile uygulanan plazmaferez tedavisine yanıt vermediği görüldü. Donmamış taze plazma ile uygulanan plazmaferez işlemiyle ise dramatik bir iyileşme izlendi. Taze donmuş plazmanın etkisiz olduğu vakalarda donmamış taze plazma kullanımının hastanın tedavisinde bafları oranını artırabileceği düşünüldü.TTP and HUS are evaluated in Thrombotik Microangiopathic Disaeases which have a different pathophysiology but have a same sign and treatment. Thirty nine years old woman who was presented with fever, bloody diarrhea, decrease in consciousness and inability to urinate complaint for one week was admitted to our intensive care unit and she was diagnosed TTP-HUS due to laboratory results and physical examinations. Plasmapheresis was planned with fresh frozen plasma for the patient and we could not acquire any response with this treatment. Subsequently unfrozen fresh plasma treatment was applied and wegained a dramatical healing in physical and laboratuary status. In the cases which does not response to the fresh frozen plasma treatment, unfrozen plasma treatment should be considered to increase the success