2 research outputs found

    Effect of light emitted by diodes on growth and pigment content of black currant plantlets in vitro

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    The effects of cool white, natural white, and warm white lights, which have a continuous spectrum throughout the region of surfactant, and blue-red light spectrum on in vitro growth and development of black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) was studied. It was demonstrated that the spectral composition of light affected length and fresh mass of shoots and roots as well as concentrations of chlorophylls, carotenoids, and anthocyanins. The plants grown under warm white light had the longest shoots (2.5 卤 0.2 cm) and fresh mass of shoots (166 卤 12 mg) and roots (80 卤 16 mg) relatively to 芯ne鈥檚 grown under other light types. Under blue-red and warm white lights black currant leaves possessed the highest concentrations of chlorophyll a (2.66 卤 0.31 and 2.17 卤 0.14 碌mol路gwm-1, respectively), chlorophyll b (1.15 卤 0.15 and 0.87卤 0.05 碌mol路gwm-1), carotenoids (0.89 卤 0.09 and 0.78 卤 0.05 碌mol路gwm-1, respectively) and anthocyanins (1.37 卤 0.20 and 1.09 卤 0.05 碌mol路gwm-1, respectively). Thus, blue-red (B:R = 1:4) and warm white lights may be used as an alternative light source for upland black currant culture systems