28 research outputs found

    mRNA-based skin identification for forensic applications

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    Although the identification of human skin cells is of important relevance in many forensic cases, there is currently no reliable method available. Here, we present a highly specific and sensitive messenger RNA (mRNA) approach for skin identification, meeting the key requirements in forensic analyses. We examined 11 candidate genes with skin-specific expression, as ascertained from expression databases and the literature, as well as five candidate reference genes ascertained from previous studies, in skin samples and in other forensically relevant tissues. We identified mRNA transcripts from three genes CDSN, LOR and KRT9, showing strong over-expression in skin samples relative to samples from forensic body fluids, making them suitable markers for skin identification. Out of the candidate reference genes tested, only ACTB showed similarly high expression in skin and body-fluid samples, providing a suitable reference marker for quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) analysis of skin. Analyses of palmar and thumbprint skin samples indicate that our qPCR approach for the three skin-targeted mRNA markers, as well as the reference mRNA marker ACTB, is highly sensitive, allowing successful detection of minute amounts of skin material including full, half and quarter thumbprints, albeit with decreased success in decreasing print material. Furthermore, thumbprints stored for 6.5 months provided similar results relative to freshly analysed samples implying reasonable time-wise stability of the three skin-targeted mRNAs as well as the ACTB reference mRNA. Our study represents the first attempt towards reliable mRNA-based skin identification in forensic applications with particular relevance for future trace/touched object analyses in forensic case work. Although the approach for skin identification introduced here can be informative when applied on its own, we recommend for increased reliability the integration of (one or more of) the skin-targeted mRNA markers presented here into multiplex assays additionally including mRNA markers targeting alternative cell types expected in forensic samples

    Stable RNA markers for identification of blood and saliva stains revealed from whole genome expression analysis of time-wise degraded samples

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    Human body fluids such as blood and saliva represent the most common source of biological material found at a crime scene. Reliable tissue identification in forensic science can reveal significant insights into crime scene reconstruction and can thus contribute toward solving crimes. Limitations of existing presumptive tests for body fluid identification in forensics, which are usually based on chemoluminescence or protein analysis, are expected to be overcome by RNA-based methods, provided that stable RNA markers with tissue-specific expression patterns are available. To generate sets of stable RNA markers for reliable identification of blood and saliva stains we (1) performed whole-genome gene expression analyses on a series of time-wise degraded blood and saliva stain samples using the Affymetrix U133 plus2 GeneChip, (2) consulted expression databases to obtain additional information on tissue specificity, and (3) confirmed expression patterns of the most promising candidate genes by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction including additional forensically relevant tissues such as semen and vaginal secretion. Overall, we identified nine stable mRNA markers for blood and five stable mRNA markers for saliva detection showing tissue-specific expression signals in stains aged up to 180 days of age, expectedly older. Although, all of the markers were able to differentiate blood/saliva from semen samples, none of them could differentiate vaginal secretion because of the complex nature of vaginal secretion and the biological similarity of buccal and vaginal mucosa. We propose the use of these 14 stable mRNA markers for identification of blood and saliva stains in future forensic practice

    MicroRNA markers for forensic body fluid identification obtained from microarray screening and quantitative RT-PCR confirmation

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are non-protein coding molecules with important regulatory functions; many have tissue-specific expression patterns. Their very small size in principle makes them less prone to degradation processes, unlike messenger RNAs (mRNAs), which were previously proposed as molecular tools for forensic body fluid identification. To identify suitable miRNA markers for forensic body fluid identification, we first screened total RNA samples derived from saliva, semen, vaginal secretion, and venous and menstrual blood for the expression of 718 human miRNAs using a microarray platform. All body fluids could be easily distinguished from each other on the basis of complete array-based miRNA expression profiles. Results from quantitative reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR; TaqMan) assays for microarray candidate markers confirmed strong over-expression in the targeting body fluid of several miRNAs for venous blood and several others for semen. However, no candidate markers from array experiments for other body fluids such as saliva, vaginal secretion, or menstrual blood could be confirmed by RT-PCR. Time-wise degradation of venous blood and semen stains for at least 1 year under lab conditions did not significantly affect the detection sensitivity of the identified miRNA markers. The detection limit of the TaqMan assays tested for selected venous blood and semen miRNA markers required only subpicogram amounts of total RNA per single RT-PCR test, which is considerably less than usually needed for reliable mRNA RT-PCR detection. We therefore propose the application of several stable miRNA markers for the forensic identification of blood stains and several others for semen stain identification, using commercially available TaqMan assays. Additional work remains necessary in search for suitable miRNA markers for other forensically relevant body fluids

    Forensic pregnancy diagnostics with placental mRNA markers

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    Current methods for pregnancy diagnostics are based on immunodetection of pregnancy-specific proteins and in a forensic context suffer from sensitivity and specificity issues. Here, we applied reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) technology to 11 genes previously reported with placental mRNA circulating in maternal blood. We found two genes, hPL and βhCG, with pregnancy-specific expression in whole blood samples. RT-PCR detection of hPL was positive in all samples tested throughout the pregnancy, whereas βhCG was detectable until half of the second trimester but not at later gestation ages. For hPL, in vitro stability of the transcript was demonstrated until 2 months of age, and the hPL-specific RT-PCR assay applied was highly sensitive with reliable detection from down to 0.25 cm2 dried bloodstain. We therefore suggest hPL-specific RT-PCR as a new molecular tool for forensic pregnancy diagnostics from dried blood stains. Moreover, our results indicate that the time-wise reverse expression of hPL and βhCG during pregnancy may allow an RT-PCR-based estimation of the gestational age from blood stains, adding to the value of forensic pregnancy diagnosis for crime scene investigations

    The Design Technique for Power Management Unit of the Tag IC for Radio Frequency Identification of Critical Infrastructure Objects

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    The ultra-high frequency (UHF) tag IC’s main part of the power management unit (PMU) design technique is presented. The technique is a step-by-step algorithm for designing a PMU and consists of five interrelated stages. At the first stage, the requirements for the parameters of the PMU (output voltage, output DC power, efficiency, output capacitor capacity) and the Q-factor of the tag analog front-end are determinates. At the second stage, the design of an electrical circuit of a voltage multiplier (VM) is carried out. VM is required to convert the voltage of the input radio frequency (RF) signal into an DC voltage. During the third stage, the design of the electrical circuit of the DC voltage limiter is carried out, which is necessary to reduce the output voltage of VM to a safe level. The result of stage 4 is an electrical circuit of surge protection designed to provide the required level of immunity of the tag IC to the effects of electrostatic discharge and a high-power RF signal. As part of the final stage, the evaluation and alignment with the required Q-factor value of the tag IC analog front-end is carried out. The proposed technique can be used for the development of domestic UHF tag ICs (ISO 18000-6C, GJB 7377.1, etc.) based on CMOS technological processes, including ICs designed for radio frequency identification of critical infrastructure objects. Using the presented technique, the design of a PMU with an estimated efficiency value of 70%, an estimated Q-factor of the analog front-end of less than 15 at an RF input signal power of -12.7 dBm was performed

    Towards simultaneous individual and tissue identification: A proof-of-principle study on parallel sequencing of STRs, amelogenin, and mRNAs with the Ion Torrent PGM

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    Abstract DNA-based individual identification and RNA-based tissue identification represent two commonly-used tools in forensic investigation, aiming to identify crime scene sample donors and helping to provide links between DNA-identified sample donors and criminal acts. Currently however, both analyses are typically performed separately. In this proof-of-principle study, we developed an approach for the simultaneous analysis of forensic STRs, amelogenin, and forensic mRNAs based on parallel targeted DNA/RNA sequencing using the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine® (PGM™) System coupled with the AmpliSeq™ targeted amplification. We demonstrated that 9 autosomal STRs commonly used for individual identification (CSF1PO, D16S539, D3S1358, D5S818, D7S820, D8S1179, TH01, TPOX, and vWA), the AMELX/AMELY system widely applied for sex identification, and 12 mRNA markers previously established for forensic tissue identification (ALAS2 and SPTB for peripheral blood, MMP10 and MMP11 for menstrual blood, HTN3 and STATH for saliva, PRM1 and TGM4 for semen, CYP2B7P1 and MUC4 for vaginal secretion, CCL27 and LCE1C for skin) together with two candidate reference mRNA markers (HPRT1 and SDHA) can all be successfully combined. Unambiguous mRNA-based tissue identification was achieved in all samples from all forensically relevant tissues tested, and STR sequencing analysis of the tissue sample donors was 100% concordant with conventional STR profiling using a commercial kit. Successful STR analysis was obtained from 1 ng of genomic DNA and mRNA analysis from 10 ng total RNA; however, sensitivity limits were not investigated in this proof-of-principle study and are expected to be much lower. Since dried materials with noticeable RNA degradation and small DNA/RNA amplicons with high-coverage sequencing were used, the achieved correct individual and tissue identification demonstrates the suitability of this approach for analyzing degraded materials in future forensic applications. Overall, our study demonstrates the feasibility of simultaneously obtaining multilocus STR, amelogenin, and multilocus mRNA information for combined individual and tissue identification from a small sample of degraded biological material. Moreover, our study marks the first step towards combining many DNA/RNA markers for various forensic purposes to increase the effectiveness of molecular forensic analysis and to allow more forensically relevant information to be obtained from limited forensic material

    Differential expression of a new isoform of DLG2 in renal oncocytoma

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    BACKGROUND: Renal oncocytoma, a benign tumour of the kidney, may pose a differential diagnostic problem due to overlapping phenotype with chromophobe renal cell carcinoma or other types of renal cell tumours. Therefore, identification of molecular markers would be of great value for molecular diagnostics of this tumour type. METHODS: In the current study we applied various techniques, including Affymetrix microarray hybridization and semiquantitative RT-PCR, to identify genes expressed differentially in renal oncocytomas. Subsequently, we used RACE and Northern blot hybridization to characterize the potential candidates for molecular diagnosis. RESULTS: We have identified new isoform of DLG2 gene, which contains 3'-end exons of the known DLG2 gene along with the hypothetical gene FLJ37266. The new isoform is specifically upregulated in renal oncocytoma, whereas the known DLG2 gene is downregulated in this type of kidney tumour. CONCLUSION: The new isoform of DLG2 is the promising candidate gene for molecular differential diagnostics of renal oncocytoma

    Nucleic acids for forensic tissue identification

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    Nucleic acids for forensic tissue identification

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    Gene expression profiling of chromophobe renal cell carcinomas and renal oncocytomas by Affymetrix GeneChip using pooled and individual tumours

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    Due to overlapping morphology, malignant chromophobe renal cell carcinomas (RCC) and benign renal oncocytomas (RO) may pose a diagnostic problem. In the present study, we have applied different algorithms to evaluate the data sets obtained by hybridisation of pooled and also individual samples of renal cell tumours (RCT) onto two different gene expression platforms. The two approaches revealed high similarities in the gene expression profiles of chromophobe RCCs and ROs but also some differences. After identifying the differentially expressed genes by statistic analyses, the candidate genes were further selected by a real time and normal RT-PCR and their products were analysed by immunohistochemistry. We have identified CD82 and S100A1 as valuable markers for chromophobe RCC as well as AQP6 for ROs. However, these genes are expressed at the protein level in other types of RCTs as well albeit at a low frequency and low intensity. As none of the selected genes marks exclusively one type of RCTs, for the differential diagnosis of chromophobe RCCs and ROs, a set of markers such as CD82, S100A1 and AQP6 as well as some others would be an option in routine histological laboratories