2,201 research outputs found

    Brane-Localized Goldstone Fermions in Bulk Supergravity

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    We construct the action and transformation laws for bulk five-dimensional AdS supergravity coupled to one or two brane-localized Goldstone fermions. The resulting bulk-plus-brane system gives a model-independent description of brane-localized supersymmetry breaking in the Randall-Sundrum scenario. We explicitly reduce the action and transformation laws to spontaneously broken four-dimensional supergravity.Comment: 22 page

    Simple d=4 supergravity with a boundary

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    To construct rigidly or locally supersymmetric bulk-plus-boundary actions, one needs an extension of the usual tensor calculus. Its key ingredients are the extended (F-, D-, etc.) density formulas and the rule for the decomposition of bulk multiplets into (co-dimension one) boundary multiplets. Working out these ingredients for d=4 N=1 Poincar\'e supergravity, we discover the special role played by R-symmetry (absent in the d=3 N=1 case we studied previously). The U(1)AU(1)_A R-symmetry has to be gauged which leads us to extend the old-minimal set of auxiliary fields S, P, A_\mu by a U(1)AU(1)_A compensator aa. Our results include the ``F+A'' density formula, the ``Q+L+A'' formula for the induced supersymmetry transformations (closing into the standard d=3 N=1 algebra) and demonstration that the compensator aa is the first component of the extrinsic curvature multiplet. We rely on the superconformal approach which allows us to perform, in parallel, the same analysis for new-minimal supergravity.Comment: 26 pages. JHEP forma

    Rigid supersymmetry with boundaries

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    We construct rigidly supersymmetric bulk-plus-boundary actions, both in xx-space and in superspace. For each standard supersymmetric bulk action a minimal supersymmetric bulk-plus-boundary action follows from an extended FF- or DD-term formula. Additional separately supersymmetric boundary actions can be systematically constructed using co-dimension one multiplets (boundary superfields). We also discuss the orbit of boundary conditions which follow from the Euler-Lagrange variational principle.Comment: 28 pages, JHEP clas

    Mass-Deformed BLG Theory in Light-Cone Superspace

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    Maximally supersymmetric mass deformation of the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson (BLG) theory corresponds to a {non-central} extension of the d=3 N=8 Poincare superalgebra (allowed in three dimensions). We obtain its light-cone superspace formulation which has a novel feature of the dynamical supersymmetry generators being {cubic} in the kinematical ones. The mass deformation picks a quaternionic direction, which breaks the SO(8) R-symmetry down to SO(4)xSO(4). The Hamiltonian of the theory is shown to be a quadratic form of the dynamical supersymmetry transformations, to all orders in the mass parameter, M, and the structure constants, f^{a b c d}.Comment: 23 page

    The supermultiplet of boundary conditions in supergravity

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    Boundary conditions in supergravity on a manifold with boundary relate the bulk gravitino to the boundary supercurrent, and the normal derivative of the bulk metric to the boundary energy-momentum tensor. In the 3D N=1 setting, we show that these boundary conditions can be stated in a manifestly supersymmetric form. We identify the Extrinsic Curvature Tensor Multiplet, and show that boundary conditions set it equal to (a conjugate of) the boundary supercurrent multiplet. Extension of our results to higher-dimensional models (including the Randall-Sundrum and Horava-Witten scenarios) is discussed.Comment: 22 pages. JHEP format; references added; published versio

    Tensor calculus for supergravity on a manifold with boundary

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    Using the simple setting of 3D N=1 supergravity, we show how the tensor calculus of supergravity can be extended to manifolds with boundary. We present an extension of the standard F-density formula which yields supersymmetric bulk-plus-boundary actions. To construct additional separately supersymmetric boundary actions, we decompose bulk supergravity and bulk matter multiplets into co-dimension one submultiplets. As an illustration we obtain the supersymmetric extension of the York-Gibbons-Hawking extrinsic curvature boundary term. We emphasize that our construction does not require any boundary conditions on off-shell fields. This gives a significant improvement over the existing orbifold supergravity tensor calculus.Comment: 20 pages, JHEP format; published versio
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