20 research outputs found
Nuclear interactions with modern three-body forces lead to the instability of neutron matter and neutron stars
It is shown that the neutron matter interacting through Argonne V18
pair-potential plus modern variants of Urbana or Illinois three-body forces is
unstable. For the energy of neutrons , which interact through these
forces, we prove mathematically that ,
where is a constant. This means that: (i) the energy per particle and
neutron density diverge rapidly for large neutron numbers; (ii) bound states of
neutrons exist for large enough. The neutron matter collapse is
possible due to the form of the repulsive core in three-body forces, which
vanishes when three nucleons occupy the same site in space. The old variant of
the forces Urbana VI, where the phenomenological repulsive core does not vanish
at the origin, resolves this problem. We prove that to prevent the collapse one
should add a repulsive term to the Urbana IX potential, which should be larger
than 50 MeV when 3 nucleons occupy the same spatial position
Selecting fast folding proteins by their rate of convergence
We propose a general method for predicting potentially good folders from a
given number of amino acid sequences. Our approach is based on the calculation
of the rate of convergence of each amino acid chain towards the native
structure using only the very initial parts of the dynamical trajectories. It
does not require any preliminary knowledge of the native state and can be
applied to different kinds of models, including atomistic descriptions. We
tested the method within both the lattice and off-lattice model frameworks and
obtained several so far unknown good folders. The unbiased algorithm also
allows to determine the optimal folding temperature and takes at least 3--4
orders of magnitude less time steps than those needed to compute folding times
Universal Angular Probability Distribution of Three Particles near Zero Energy Threshold
We study bound states of a 3--particle system in described by
the Hamiltonian ,
where the particle pair has a zero energy resonance and no bound
states, while other particle pairs have neither bound states nor zero energy
resonances. It is assumed that for a converging sequence of coupling constants
the Hamiltonian has a sequence of
levels with negative energies and wave functions , where the
sequence totally spreads in the sense that for all . We
prove that for large the angular probability distribution of three
particles determined by approaches the universal analytical
expression, which does not depend on pair--interactions. The result has
applications in Efimov physics and in the physics of halo nuclei