3 research outputs found

    Experimental Study of Two-Phase Thermosyphons of the Thermoelectric Cooling Unit

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    Проведены экспериментальные исследования теплопередающей способности двухфазных термосифонов, заправленных фреоном 134А. Термосифоны изготовлены из нержавеющей стали, имеют длину 400 мм и внутренний диаметр 10,5 мм, протяженность зоны испарения составляла 200 мм, а длина конденсатора – 60 мм. Приведены данные измерений температурного состояния и теплопередающих характеристик термосифонов в зависимости от передаваемого теплового потока, угла наклона от вертикали и температуры теплоносителя системы теплоотводаExperimental studies of the heat transfer capacity of two- phase thermosiphons filled with Freon 134A have been carried out. Thermosyphons are made of stainless steel, have a length of 400 mm and an internal diameter of 10.5 mm, the length of the evaporation zone was 200 mm, and the length of the condenser was 60 mm.The data of measurements of the temperature state and heat transfer characteristics of thermosiphons depending on the transferred heat flux, the angle of inclination from the vertical and the temperature of the coolant of the heat removal system are give

    Study of the Hydrothermal-Catalytic Influence on the Oil-Bearing Rocks of the Usinskoye Oil Field

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    In this work, a synthesis of an oil-soluble iron-based catalyst precursor was carried out and its efficiency was tested in a laboratory simulation of the aquathermolysis process at different temperatures. The rocks of the Usinskoe field from the Permian deposits of the Komi Republic, obtained by steam-gravity drainage, and the iron-based catalyst precursor, as well as the products of non-catalytic and catalytic aquathermolysis, were selected as the object of study. As a result, it was found that the content of alkanes in the samples after thermal steam treatment (TST) at 300 °C increased 8-fold compared to the original oil, and the content of cycloalkanes in the sample with the catalyst increased 2-fold compared to the control experience. This may indicate that not only the carbon-heteroatom bonds (C-S, N, O) but also the C-C bonds were broken. It also shows that increasing the iron tallate concentration at TST 300 °C leads to a decrease in the molecular mass of the oil compared to the control experiment. According to SEM, the catalyst is nanodisperse particles with a size of ≈60–80 nm, which are adsorbed on the rock surface, catalyst removal occurs at a small scale

    Study of the Hydrothermal-Catalytic Influence on the Oil-Bearing Rocks of the Usinskoye Oil Field

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    In this work, a synthesis of an oil-soluble iron-based catalyst precursor was carried out and its efficiency was tested in a laboratory simulation of the aquathermolysis process at different temperatures. The rocks of the Usinskoe field from the Permian deposits of the Komi Republic, obtained by steam-gravity drainage, and the iron-based catalyst precursor, as well as the products of non-catalytic and catalytic aquathermolysis, were selected as the object of study. As a result, it was found that the content of alkanes in the samples after thermal steam treatment (TST) at 300 °C increased 8-fold compared to the original oil, and the content of cycloalkanes in the sample with the catalyst increased 2-fold compared to the control experience. This may indicate that not only the carbon-heteroatom bonds (C-S, N, O) but also the C-C bonds were broken. It also shows that increasing the iron tallate concentration at TST 300 °C leads to a decrease in the molecular mass of the oil compared to the control experiment. According to SEM, the catalyst is nanodisperse particles with a size of ≈60–80 nm, which are adsorbed on the rock surface, catalyst removal occurs at a small scale