1,197 research outputs found

    Model testing of radioactive contamination Cs-137 of soils and bottom sediments in the Romachka river (Tomsk region, Russia)

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    This paper presents results of testing models for the radioactive contamination of river water and bottom sediments by 137Cs. The scenario for the model testing is based on data from the Romashka River, which was contaminated as a result of accidents at the Siberian Chemical Combine (Russia, Region of Tomsk). The input data include the following: estimates of inventories of 137Cs in the floodplain of the downstream part of Romashka River; the estimated annual runoff of 137Cs from the downstream part of Romachka River; data on the precipitation, hydrological and hydrochemical characteristics of the river. The endpoints of the scenario are model predictions of the activity concentrations of 137Cs in water and bottom sediments along the Romachka River in 2012-2013. Calculations for the Romashka scenario were performed by the Institute of radioprotection and nuclear safety (model CASTEAUR and HAMSTER. As a whole, the radionuclide predictions for137Cs for all considered models. At the same time the CASTEAUR model estimate the activity concentrations of 137Cs and in water more precisely than in bottom sediments

    Proton and carbon-ion minibeam therapy: from modeling to treatment

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    Arrays of minibeams of protons and 12^{12}C in tissue-like media were modeled with Geant4 toolkit. A set of beam energies was used in simulations to provide a Spead-out Bragg peak (SOBP) extended by 6 cm in depth for protons as well as for 12^{12}C. In both cases, beams of 0.3 mm or 0.5 mm FWHM were arranged at the entrance to a water phantom either on a rectangular or an hexagonal grid to compare two kinds of projectiles and different minibeam patterns. Differential and cumulative dose-volume histograms (DVH) were calculated and compared for protons and 12^{12}C as dose uniformity metrics. A uniform dose distribution was easily achieved with protons due to an enhanced lateral scattering of these projectiles in comparison to 12^{12}C. The cumulative DVHs calculated for 0.3 mm or 0.5 mm minibeams almost coincide in the target volume, but diverge for different grid patterns. In contrast, cumulative entry DVHs were found similar for both grid patterns, but different for 0.3 mm and 0.5 mm minibeams.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, talk given at the XXV International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems "Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics", September 18-23, 2023, Dubna, Russi

    A discrete slug population model determined by egg production

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    Slugs are significant pests in agriculture (as well as a nuisance to gardeners), and it is therefore important to understand their population dynamics for the construction of efficient and effective control measures. Differential equation models of slug populations require the inclusion of large (variable) temporal delays, and strong seasonal forcing results in a non-autonomous system. This renders such models open to only a limited amount of rigorous analysis. In this paper, we derive a novel batch model based purely upon the quantity of eggs produced at different times of the year. This model is open to considerable reduction; from the resulting two variable discrete-time system it is possible to reconstruct the dynamics of the full population across the year and give conditions for extinction or global stability and persistence. Furthermore, the steady state temporal population distribution displays qualitatively different behavior with only small changes in the survival probability of slugs. The model demonstrates how small variations in the favorability of different years may result in widely different slug population fluctuations between consecutive years, and is in good agreement with field data


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    В статье предложен подход к определению инновационного кадрового потенциала региона. Проведена оценка кадрового потенциала в области инноваций на примере Республики Татарстан в период с 2012 по 2015 гг. Произведено сравнение инновационного кадрового потенциала Республики Татарстан с другими регионами.This article proposes an approach to the definition of innovative human resource capacity in the region. Assessment of human capacity in the field of innovation in the case of the Republic of Tatarstan in the period from 2012 to 2015 held. Comparison of the Republic of Tatarstan personnel potential with other regions

    Mutations in human genes that increase the risk for severe influenza infection

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    The system of genetic control of innate immune responses to influenza infection and gene function allows for the development of systemic treatment of influenza with a focus on the phenotype of mutations based on individual genetic susceptibility to severe disease and/or the development of complications.The system of genetic control of innate immune responses to influenza infection and gene function allows for the development of systemic treatment of influenza with a focus on the phenotype of mutations based on individual genetic susceptibility to severe disease and/or the development of complications

    Association of anaemia in primary care patients with chronic kidney disease: cross sectional study of quality improvement in chronic kidney disease (QICKD) trial data.

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    BACKGROUND: Anaemia is a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease and treating anaemia in chronic kidney disease (CKD) may improve outcomes. However, little is known about the scope to improve primary care management of anaemia in CKD. METHODS: An observational study (N = 1,099,292) with a nationally representative sample using anonymised routine primary care data from 127 Quality Improvement in CKD trial practices (ISRCTN5631023731). We explored variables associated with anaemia in CKD: eGFR, haemoglobin (Hb), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), iron status, cardiovascular comorbidities, and use of therapy which associated with gastrointestinal bleeding, oral iron and deprivation score. We developed a linear regression model to identify variables amenable to improved primary care management. RESULTS: The prevalence of Stage 3-5 CKD was 6.76%. Hb was lower in CKD (13.2 g/dl) than without (13.7 g/dl). 22.2% of people with CKD had World Health Organization defined anaemia; 8.6% had Hb ≤ 11 g/dl; 3% Hb ≤ 10 g/dl; and 1% Hb ≤ 9 g/dl. Normocytic anaemia was present in 80.5% with Hb ≤ 11; 72.7% with Hb ≤ 10 g/dl; and 67.6% with Hb ≤ 9 g/dl; microcytic anaemia in 13.4% with Hb ≤ 11 g/dl; 20.8% with Hb ≤ 10 g/dl; and 24.9% where Hb ≤ 9 g/dl. 82.7% of people with microcytic and 58.8% with normocytic anaemia (Hb ≤ 11 g/dl) had a low ferritin (<100 ug/mL). Hypertension (67.2% vs. 54%) and diabetes (30.7% vs. 15.4%) were more prevalent in CKD and anaemia; 61% had been prescribed aspirin; 73% non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs); 14.1% warfarin 12.4% clopidogrel; and 53.1% aspirin and NSAID. 56.3% of people with CKD and anaemia had been prescribed oral iron. The main limitations of the study are that routine data are inevitably incomplete and definitions of anaemia have not been standardised. CONCLUSIONS: Medication review is needed in people with CKD and anaemia prior to considering erythropoietin or parenteral iron. Iron stores may be depleted in over >60% of people with normocytic anaemia. Prescribing oral iron has not corrected anaemia

    Ноцицептивний супровід хронічного колостазу оганічного походження у дітей

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    Метою дослідження було вивчити характеристики й іррадіацію болю та його морфофункціональні чинники при хронічних колостазах у дітей. Дослідження базувалося на аналізі комплексного клініко-рентгенологічного обстеження 88 дітей з хронічними порушеннями дефекації, які перебували на стаціонарному лікуванні в клініці дитячої хірургії Вінницького національного медичного університету імені М. І. Пирогова в період з 2012 по 2016 роки, що склали основну групу. Контрольну групу склали 30 дітей, що були госпіталізовані з приводу абдомінального больового синдрому, в результаті обстеження яких змін з боку товстої та тонкої кишки не виявлено. Провідною формою болю у дітей із хронічним колостазом був вісцеральний біль, який спостерігався у 67 (76,14 %) дітей, із них при доліхосигмі у 24 (72,73 %), а при доліхоколон відповідно у 47 (85,45 %) пацієнтів. У 47,73 % дітей з хронічним колостазом біль був спастичного характеру, зумовлений як спазмом окремих функціонально активних ділянок товстої кишки, так і вираженими порушеннями кровообігу в басейні верхньої брижової артерії

    Evaluating perspectives of economy "decarbonation" - environmental aspect

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    The present paper deals with evaluation of economy "decarbonation" perspectives in post-Soviet states. The dynamics of this process over the period of 1990-2014 has been studied and the countries have been ranked respectively. Decoupling of GDP growth and CO2 emissions has been identified. The authors suggest a classification of tools to manage the process

    Research Neural Network to Recognize Blood Cells

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    The work investigates a neural network classifier for the differential diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and lymphomas. Specialized software was developed for research. The accuracy characteristics of the recognition of red blood cells were obtained in studies, it allows to judge about the possibility of using neural networks for classification of blood cells. Keywords: neural network, digital image processing, blood cells detection, acute lymphoblastic leukemia

    Economic tools for realization of methane production project on Kuzbass coal deposits

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    Environmental issues and, above all, issues related to the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, such as coal bed methane, actualize the challenge of searching a variety of options for its disposal. The difference in the macroeconomic, industrial, geological and infrastructural features determine the need to choose the most cost-effective option for using of methane emitted from the coal deposits. Various economic ways to improve the profitability of production are viewed on the basis of the analysis of methane production project from Kuzbass coal deposits, Kemerovo region, Russia