3 research outputs found

    Measurement of maintenance excellence

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    U održavanju je potrebno imati kvalificirane i obučene zaposlenike kako za uporabu suvremene opreme za održavanje, za defektažu i izvođenje radova održavanja tako i za primjenu suvremenih zahtijeva organizacije i menadžmenta. Zbog toga je potrebno redizajnirati procese održavanja na širi način od "klasičnog", koje se bazira na terotehnološkom konceptu. Uređenje održavanja treba se ostvarivati na istim suvremenim principima na kojima se zasniva postizanje poslovne izvrsnosti sustava u cjelini. To ujedno uključuje i poslovnu filozofiju koju čine procesni pristup projektiranja i rada, integrirani sustav menadžmenta baziran na primjeni određenih standarda (kvaliteta, životna sredina, sigurnost na radu i dr.) i elementima poslovne izvrsnosti. Izvrsnost održavanja predstavlja okvir za izazovan kritički osvrt na cjelovitost i produktivnost svakog poslovnog procesa ili projekta. Kroz izvrsnost održavanja, organizacija nastoji osigurati visoku kvalitetu procesa koji podržava kontinuirani napredak u funkciji održavanja i usmjerava se na različita područja kao što su strategije, zaposleni, informacije, rad i ostali poslovni aspekti održavanja.It is necessary for maintenance to have qualified and trained staff, capable of using modern equipment for maintenance, defect inspection and maintenance work, able of applying modern requirements of organization and management. Therefore, it is necessary to redesign the maintenance processes in a more extensive way than the classical, which is based on the terotechnological concept. Maintenance organization should be achieved at the same modern principles as the business excellence system of a company as a whole. This also includes a business philosophy that consists of the process approach to the design and operations of a company, an integrated management system based on the application of certain standards (quality, environment, safety at work, etc.) and elements of business excellence of a company. Maintenance excellence is a framework for a challenging and critical review of the integrity and productivity of any business process or project. Through maintenance excellence, any company seeks to provide a high quality process that supports continuous improvement focusing on various areas such as strategy, employees, information, work and other business aspects of maintenance

    Identification and first insights into the structure of chitin from the endemic freshwater demosponge Ochridaspongia rotunda (Arndt, 1937)

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    Studies on the identification, properties and function of chitin in sponges (Porifera), which are recognized as the first multicellular organisms on Earth, continue to be of fundamental scientific interest. The occurrence of chitin has so far been reported in 21 marine sponge species and only in two inhabiting fresh water. In this study, we present the discovery of alpha-chitin in the endemic demosponge Ochridaspongia rotunda, found in Lake Ohrid, which dates from the Tertiary. The presence of chitin in this species was confirmed using special staining, a chitinase test, FTIR, Raman and NEXAFS spectroscopy, and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESIMS). In contrast to the case of marine sponges, chitin in O. rotunda has been found only within its holdfast, suggesting a role of chitin in the attachment of the sponge to the hard substratum. Isolated fibrous matter strongly resemble the shape and size of the sponge holdfast with membrane-like structure

    Marine biomaterials: Biomimetic and pharmacological potential of cultivated Aplysina aerophoba marine demosponge

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    Marine demosponges of the Verongiida order are considered a gold-mine for bioinspired materials science and marine pharmacology. The aim of this work was to simultaneously isolate selected bromotyrosines and unique chitinous structures from A. aerophoba and to propose these molecules and biomaterials for possible application as antibacterial and antitumor compounds and as ready-to-use scaffolds for cultivation of cardiomyocytes, respectively. Among the extracted bromotyrosines, the attention has been focused on aeroplysinin-1 that showed interesting unexpected growth inhibition properties for some Gram-negative clinical multi-resistant bacterial strains, such as A. baumannii and K. pneumoniae, and on aeroplysinin-1 and on isofistularin-3 for their anti-tumorigenic activity. For both compounds, the effects are cell line dependent, with significant growth inhibition activity on the neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y by aeroplysinin-1 and on breast cancer cell line MCF-7 by isofistularin-3. In this study, we also compared the cultivation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs) on the A. aerophoba chitinous scaffolds, in comparison to chitin structures that were pre-coated with Geltrex™, an extracellular matrix mimetic which is used to enhance iPSC-CM adhesion. The iPSC-CMs on uncoated and pure chitin structures started contracting 24 h after seeding, with comparable behaviour observed on Geltrex-coated cell culture plates, confirming the biocompatibility of the sponge biomaterial with this cell type. The advantage of A. aerophoba is that this source organism does not need to be collected in large quantities to supply the necessary amount for further pre-clinical studies before chemical synthesis of the active compounds will be available. A preliminary analysis of marine sponge bioeconomy as a perspective direction for application of biomaterials and secondary bioactive metabolites has been finally performed for the first time