29 research outputs found

    KrÅ” i pitomine Mediterana ā€“ Projekat revitalizacije starog jezgra Trebinja

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    Publikacija ā€žKrÅ” i pitomine Mediterana ā€“ Projekat revitalizacije starog jezgra Trebinjaā€œ urednika Vladana Djokića i Milice Milojević rezultat je istraživačkog rada nastavnika, saradnika i studenata na ispitivanju potencijala razvoja Trebinja, malog grada na tromeđi Crne Gore, Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine. MorfoloÅ”ke karakteristike istorijski značajnog i kulturno bogatog nasleđenog predela učinile su da Trebinje danas prožima različite kulture i urbane teksture, te sažima i međusobno miri, na relativno malom prostoru, planinski i primorski ambijent. Ovako determinisan programski i prostorni okvir pravi je dragulj istraživanja kroz projekat zasnivanog na urbanističko-arhitektonskom problemu koji neguje place-based pristup sa posebnim fokusom na promiÅ”ljanje morfo-tipoloÅ”kih karakteristika konkretnog prostora

    Social Security District Office in Skopje Designed by the Architect Drago Ibler, 1934

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    Povodom 81. obljetnice izgradnje, a na temelju analize originalnih projektnih materijala i dokumentacije vezane za izgradnju, proučavanje postojećeg stanja te izučavanje dokumentacijskih izvora i literature vezanih za kontekst vremena i prostora izgradnje, u članku će biti predstavljena zgrada Okružnoga ureda za osiguranje radnika [OUZOR] u Skopju hrvatskoga arhitekta Drage Iblera, puÅ”tenog u uporabu 1. lipnja 1934. godine.On the occasion of the 81st anniversary of its construction, this paper presents the building of the Social Security District Office [SSDO] in Skopje designed by the Croatian architect Drago Ibler, which was opened on the 1st of June in 1934. This research is based on the analysis of the original design and documents related to its construction, its present condition, as well as documents and literature dealing with that historical period and the site

    Design Studio 06U

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    The Design Studio 06U course is comprised of two parts: the research part (including field work on a specific spatial polygon, research of theoretical sources, current expert studies and relevant documents) and the design part (intervention ideas and designs within the city center and designing spatial concepts of different types of use of square space). Studio methodology comprises of joint work in the studio through lectures and interactive forms of teaching and individual research projects and designs that are structured in three independent parts ā€“ Seminar, Workshop and Design Studio

    NebojŔa Tower, Kalemegdan Fortress

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    The NebojÅ”a Tower (Tower) is a part of a wider monumental complex - the Belgrade Fortress - built on the strategically important position on the confluence of European rivers Sava and Danube in Belgrade city which represents a unique museum of Belgradeā€™s past. The Tower is one of the few better preserved medieval buildings within Belgrade Fortress. It was built in 1456 within the framework of extensive fortifications construction, which was undertaken to rebuild the destroyed and damaged city fortifications. It belongs to the oldest type of early artillery cannon towers which represents a significant architectural and construction achievement of that period on the territory of the city of Belgrade. It was built for the purpose of the city defense and, in a broader sense, was part of the defense system - the wall of Christianity - which successfully stopped Osman empire incursions towards the center of Europe for decades. Centuries later, when it lost its former military significance, it was turned into a dungeon

    Potentials of Nature-Based Solutions for Improvement of Resilience and Landscape Valorization in Urban Environments

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    The relevance of this research topic is a reflection of a need to redefine the concept of nature in architecture and urbanism so as to acknowledge the current environmental and climate issues and the changing position of nature in contemporary culture. Today, the built environment puts very strong pressure on the natural environment, causing climate change and degradation of ecosystems to evolve as a consequence of such tendencies. Keeping in mind that architecture and urbanism produce the environment for humans and at the same time study the relationship between people and their environment, both built and natural, we will argue that architectural and urban design are at the very core of the problem between humans, the natural and built environment, and the changes that occur in these relations. Furthermore, recent decades have seen a constant emphasis on the importance of nature, especially natural elements and principles, within design in order to achieve environmental and cultural sustainability, i.e., harmony between architecture, nature and users. However, the practice of application of these methods and knowledge in architecture still hasnā€™t been developed. The focus of this paper is the implementation of nature-based solutions in the built environment, particularly from the aspects of improving resilience, well-being and landscape valorization. This paper deals with the identification of the key potentials and a range of benefits of ecosystem services, but also of the crucial barriers and limitations impeding the implementation of this concept in contemporary cities.https://city-futuresiv2019.exordo.com/programme/presentations https://city-futuresiv2019.exordo.com/programme/presentation/10

    Konceptualni okvir u domenu zdravih gradova: značenje, svrha i formativni elementi

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    Many recent researches and studies have pointed out the necessity of developing comprehensive conceptual frameworks for healthy cities. Accordingly, this study aims to explain the conceptual framework for healthy cities research, planning, and design by identifying its meaning, purpose and formative elements. The research was conducted through qualitative techniques, such as conceptual, thematic and content analysis of the relevant literature and case studies. Results show that the conceptual framework contains voluminous conceptual knowledge about healthy cities and suggest that conceptual framework on healthy cities can include elements such as: 1) a subject, problems, methods, research questions, 2) theories, models, empirical data and practice data, concepts and relations among these concepts, principles; 3) the visual presentation of its contents, and a manual for its usage and development; authorsā€™ values, beliefs and thinking. A conceptual framework, based on the elements mentioned above, serves to systematically explain the healthy cities and to support the research, planning and design in the process of its developing. These findings can help to advance knowledge and scientific understanding of conceptual frameworks of contemporary cities in the domain of health, planning, designing and research. Also, the presented findings can serve as a basis for developing a comprehensive conceptual framework for healthy cities in the future. For example, existing conceptual frameworks could be analysed and new ones developed according to the proposed elements and purposes. In these cases, the proposed elements and purposes would be a unique criterion for the analysis and development of the conceptual frameworks.Mnoga nedavna istraživanja i studije su ukazivale na neophodnost razvoja sveobuhvatnih konceptualnih okvira za zdrave gradove. Shodno tome, ova studija teži da objasni konceptualni okvir za istraživanje, planiranje i projektovanje zdravih gradova određujući njegovo značnje, svrhu i formativne elemente. Istraživanje je sprovedeno kroz kvalitativne tehnike, kao Å”to su konceptualna, tematska i analiza sadržaja relevantne literature i studija slučaja. Rezultati pokazuju da konceptualni okvir sadrži obimno konceptualno znanje o zdravim gradovim i sugeriÅ”u da konceptualni okvir o zdravim gradovima treba da sadrži elemente kao Å”to su: 1) predmet, problemi, metode, istraživačka pitanja, 2) teorije, modeli, empirijski podaci i praktični podaci, pojmovi i odnosi između ovih pojmova, principa; 3) vizuelni prikaz njegovog sadržaja i priručnik za njegovu upotrebu i izradu; vrednosti, uverenja i razmiÅ”ljanja autora. Konceptualni okvir zasnovan na prethodno navedenim elementima služi da podrži istraživanje, planiranje i projektovanje u procesu razvoja zdravih gradova. Ovi nalazi mogu pomoći da se unapredi znanje i naučno razumevanje konceptualnih okvira o savremenim zdravim gradovima u domenu zdravlja, planiranja, projektovanja i istraživanja. Takođe, prikazani nalazi mogu da posluže kao osnova za razvoj sveobuhvatnog konceptualnog okvira za zdrave gradove u budućnosti. Na primer, postojeći konceptualni okviri bi mogli da se analizirju kao i da se razviju novi prema predloženim elementima i svrsi. U navedenim slučajevima, predloženi elementi i svrhe bi bili jedinstveni kriterijum za analizu postojećih i razvoj novih konceptualnih okivira

    Urban morphology education in Serbia: Origin, genesis and new tendencies

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    The origin of urban morphology education goes back to the beginning of the 1970s and a period of radical education reforms at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, where urban environment became the main interdisciplinary topic. The importance of urban form has been since emphasized by planners, architects and politicians in various planning documents, symposiums and as such, became an essential segment of the architectural education. The subjects such as Contemporary architecture and form of the city, Urban environment and urbanization, Urban technic and composition and City environment were an important segment of the education for many years. This tradition was strengthened even more in newest accreditation, due to the individual contribution of academics who introduced new courses such as Urban Morphology and Urban Typology and Morphology. Having in mind recent contribution of researchers to emphasize the challenges of teaching urban morphology, this paper aims to enlighten the origin and genesis of the education of urban morphology at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade and to shed the light on new tendencies and means of teaching in present days. The paper will analyze syllabus of the courses, teaching methodology and present examples of studentā€™s projects on three different levels and courses: ex cathedra on the bachelor level, practical implementation of theoretical notions in studio design on master level and research-based work on the PhD level

    Bringing nature indoors: Design and development of indoor living spaces in harmony with nature for active and healthy ageing in urban environments

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    The focus of this research is improving the well-being and happiness of the elderly in terms of the design and development of their indoor living spaces in harmony with nature. Multiple scientific studies have pointed out the benefits and importance of nature for people, especially for children and older populations. These benefits (increased participation in physical activities, improved mental health and cognitive function and an increase in social interaction) found through access to nature are key ingredients to well-being during ageing. As our population ages rapidly, and at the same time, the majority of people live in cities since urbanisation is continuing worldwide, it is important to provide and foster reconnection with nature for the senior members of our communities. Todayā€™s cities suffer from many health and environmental problems. In recent years, the growing awareness of sustainability and climate change issues has made it even more apparent that bringing nature into our homes is essential. Bringing nature indoors causes people to feel happier, healthier, calmer, and, at the same time more energetic and optimistic about their lives. Natural environments also help to improve sleeping patterns, reduce pain, speed up recovery and even increase longevity. This research deals with different design strategies, principles, scales, concepts and patterns of biophilic design for elderly people, as well as their different benefits for health and well-being, with the aim of improving the design of dwelling environments in urban areas. The research also stimulates further discussions about the question of how bringing nature indoors through design (of interior/ architectural spaces, furniture) can improve the well-being of the elderly and how these can enable them to undertake activities that contribute to their well-being. It means creating a sensitive and responsive design that highlights a) a visual connection to nature, b) pulpability and soundness of nature and c) nurturing a sense of place, a community in which the role of aesthetics is crucial for behavioural change

    Review of Analytical Tools and Design Approaches in Architectural Heritage Higher Education: Sharing HERSUS Project Experiences

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    This paper builds on the experiences of the Erasmus+ project titled Enhancing of Heritage Awareness and Sustainability of Built Environment in Architectural and Urban Design Higher Education (HERSUS), coordinated by the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Architecture as a leading higher education institution, with partner institutions of Universita Iuav di Venezia, University of Cyprus ā€“ Department of Architecture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki ā€“ School of Architecture and the University of Sevilla ā€“ UNESCO Chair on Built Urban Heritage CREhAR in the digital era. The paper will provide systematic review of analytical tools and design approches derived from the Statements for teaching through design for sustainability of the built environment and heritage awareness (Third Intellectual Output of HERSUS Project). The Design Tools implies a driving and operational element of a design process applied systemically to achieve a design goal and solve a design problem. Although very often considered exclusively as a technical and procedural entity of design, Tools have become both social instruments in the design process (collaborative Tools) and a digital innovation in design (3D and simulation Tools), thus significantly contributing to the contemporary practice of architectural heritage research encouraging an entirely new view of its analysis, valorisation, documentation, and redesign

    Contemporary lighting solutions in the historic urban landscape: Project-oriented approach

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    Integration of sustainable project management into small business practices is seldom examined in architectural lighting design. One of the major elements of the sustainability of urban ambience entities and preservation of social, architectural and urban values is lighting phenomenon. Its significance is reflected in the aesthetic, as well as the functional qualities of safety and amenity for users. Usually, keeping the traditional types of luminaries (i.e. lanterns) in order to preserve ambience values lies in contradiction with the contemporary requirements, mostly because of the obsolete structural support which normally yields the application of the obsolete lighting technology. On the other hand, the introduction of contemporary luminaries in the urban areas of cultural and historical significance is often undesirable. Thus, the issue of sustainability of the historical urban ambiance entities in the context of the application of the contemporary lighting technical solutions is presented in this paper from the point of view of a project-oriented small organization, which holds in core business the philosophy of the confirmation of the existing lighting fittings to the users' space. This paper proposes and confirms business model which assures preservation of architectural ambient, with added value of the energy efficiency, functionality, life cycle savings, safety and amenity for the users, through the case study of Park vojvode Bojovica in Belgrade, Serbia by experimental collecting of model inputs, whereas the obtained results are verified by means of numeric simulation. Results of this case study make contributions to the domain of management of sustainable projects in area of architectural lighting design while exploring broader social context