102 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Dalam Menggunakan Jasa Bengkel Mobil Di HP Motor Palembang

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    The study was conducted to analyze the influence of service quality on customer satisfaction in the services of auto repair shops in HP Motor Palembang, to determine and analyze the influence of service quality on customer satisfaction in the services of a car repair shop in "HP Motor" Palembangand To know the most dominant variable in affect customer satisfaction on auto repair shop in "Hp Motor" Palembang. This type of research is the case study.Population in this study is the public or people who come to “HP Motor” whereas the sample used in this study is part of the consumers who have used the services of HP motor repair shop,as many as 100 respondents and the sampling technique used is the purposive sampling technique. Data collection technique with questionnaire and interview.Testing instruments conducted with test the validity and reliability. Data analysis technique which used is quantitative analysis technique and qualitative analysis techniques. These results indicate that Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy variables significantly affect customer satisfaction onauto repair shops in HP Motor Palembang in amount 26,7% and the remaining is explained by other causes that are not observed (in amount 73.3%)it evidenced of the of using Analysis Regression linier

    Optimalisasi Daya Mesin Diesel Common Rail

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    This research aims is to increase engine power by raising the air temperature and fuel temperature into the engine and its effect on the resulting of SFC. Diesel engines that are use turbocharger, the air temperatures have increased but the fuel temperature is still fixed. The problem is how if the air temperature and fuel temperature are raised whether the engine power will increase and the SFC will change. This study was conducted with experiments using a car that the air temperature is adjusted up to 100oC and the fuel temperature that goes into the engine is made a maximum of 70oC. The test results show that with rising air temperatures and fuel temperatures going into the average power engine will raise and save fuel, power and saving SFC occurs at 90°C and 70oC fuel. Rotation of engine that can produce power and fuel-efficient is at around 2000 rpm

    Upaya Harmonisasi Hukum dalam Bidang HKI dan Dampaknya Bagi Pembangunan Nasional

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    The effort oflawhamionizatior} ontheright isintended tocreatethestrong law. That is the law with two goals: first is for International interest in which through this harmonization, the trade handicaps on the right field can be omitted and automatically it gives the competition power to national business takers and the second isfor national interestlike economy, politics as well as social achivable. By this reason, the effort oflaw harmonization is able to support national economical development

    Penerapan Norma Hukum Tata Negara Darurat Serta Kaitannya dengan Penanggulangan Gangguan Keamanan dan Bencana Tsunami di Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

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    During sixty six years history of Indonesia Republic not has become free of danger in the form disruption of security and great disaster. Therefore government has Emergency Constitutional Law in Act Number 29 Prp 1959 about State in Emergency. However sometimes when the state is facing a challenger the act about state in emergency not enacted, therefore a opinion that the emergency de jure and emergency de facto. If emergency situation officially declared, it is emergency de jure, but if emergency not officially declared, it is emergency de facto

    Anthropological Controversies: The ‘Crimes’ and Misdemeanors that Shaped a Discipline.

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    This book uses controversies as a gateway through which to explore the origins, ethics, key moments, and people in the history of anthropology. It draws on a variety of cases including complicity in "human zoos", Malinowski’s diaries, and the Human Terrain System to explore how anthropological controversies act as a driving force for change, how they offer a window into the history of and research practice in the discipline, and how they might frame wider debates such as those around reflexivity, cultural relativism, and the politics of representation. The volume provokes discussion about research ethics and practice with tangible examples where gray areas are brought into sharp relief. The controversies examined in the book all involve moral or practical ambiguities that offer an opportunity for students to engage with the debate and the dilemmas faced by anthropologists, both in relation to the specific incidents covered and to the problems posed more generally due to the intimate and political implications of ethnographic research

    From voting to engaging: promoting democratic values across an international school network

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    Using a mixed methods design, the researchers investigated understandings and practices of democracy across Round Square, a worldwide network of 180 schools committed to shared values. An extensive questionnaire received 4020 student and 863 teacher returns; additionally, leaders, students, and parents from five case study schools on different continents were interviewed. All stakeholder groups were found to value democracy highly, but saw its implementation in their schools as challenging and limited. While staff and parents espoused more holistic understandings of democratic practices and cultures, students focused primarily on systems of election and representation. A philosophically informed framework for developing ‘responsible leadership’, and a values-led approach to school improvement, are offered to deepen students’ democratic agency through informed, active, and reflective engagement with people, situations, and curricula

    The Influence Of Peer Group Interaction And Moral Development Toward Aggression Behavior of School-Aged Children In Urban Poor Areas

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    This research aimed to analyze the relationship and influence of children and family characteristic,  interaction of peer group, moral development toward agression behavior of  school age chidren in Tegal Lega Village, Middle District of Bogor and Empang Village, South District of Bogor.  Design of this research was cross sectional study. Population of this reserch were family with school-age late childhood or 4-6 class elementery school. The samples consist 100 children and mothers  were chosen by proportional random sampling. The data collected by interview based on questionnaire. Result showed that were significant and negative correlation between moral development with aggression behavior.  Meanwhile, result showed that were significant and negative influence between moral development toward aggression behavior. This research was not found influence between child characteristic and peer group interaction toward aggression behavior

    The comfort of the river: understanding the affective geographies of angling waterscapes in young people’s coping practices

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    This paper draws on ethnographic research with angling intervention programmes working with ‘disaffected’ young people in the UK to demonstrate how young people use the affective geographies of waterscapes to regulate their feelings and escape stressful lives. But rather than interpret the restorative or therapeutic quality of waterscapes as the consequence of (passive) immersion into green/blue spaces, we argue that ‘comfort’ is derived from an ongoing, active engagement with(in) the world. Drawing on works influenced by phenomenological theories and relational understandings of the more-than-human world, we illustrate how the affectual qualities of waterscapes are continually ‘woven’ into being through the material and embodied practices of young anglers. However, understanding why waterscapes ‘matter’ to young people also requires accounting for those assemblages originating in the past that shape these co-experienced worlds

    Aktivitas Daya Hambat Ekstrak Etanol Biji Pinang (Areca catechu L.) terhadap Isolat Bakteri Gigi

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    Areca nut is traditionally used by the community to strengthen teeth. Areca nuts contain alkaloid, flavonoid, and terpenoid as antibacterials. This study aims to determine the types of dental bacteria resulting from isolates and determine the effect of the administration of ethanol extract of areca nut (Areca catechu L.) on the results of isolates of dental bacteria. Antibacterial activity testing using disc diffusion method with the concentration of areca nut ethanol extract 10%, 20% and 30%. The results showed that bacteria of the tooth are Lactobacillus casei, Branhamella catarrhalis, Streptococcus sp. Ethanol extract of areca nut (Areca catechu L.) is better to inhibit the growth of Lactobacillus casei compared to Branhamella catarrhalis and Streptococcus sp in the medium to weak category. Two Way ANOVA test results on inhibitory zone diameter stated that there were differences between the concentration groups of 10%, 20%, 30%, positive control and negative controls and there were differences in the inhibitory activity of Lactobacillus casei compared to Branhamella catarrhalis and Streptococcus sp but there were no significant differences on the inhibitory activity of Branhamella catarrhalis with Streptococcus sp.Biji pinang secara tradisional digunakan masyarakat untuk menguatkan gigi. Biji pinang mempunyai kandungan alkaloid, flavonoid, dan terpenoid sebagai antibakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis bakteri gigi hasil isolat dan mengetahui aktivitas daya hambat ekstrak etanol biji pinang (Areca catechu L.) terhadap hasil isolat bakteri gigi. Pengujian aktivitas antibakteri menggunakan metode difusi cakram dengan konsentrasi ekstrak etanol biji pinang 10%, 20% dan 30%. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bakteri gigi hasil isolat yang didapat Lactobacillus casei, Branhamella catarrhalis, Streptococcus sp. Ekstrak etanol biji pinang (Areca catechu L.) lebih bagus menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Lactobacillus casei dibandingkan dengan Branhamella catarrhalis dan Streptococcus sp dengan kategori sedang sampai lemah. Hasil uji Anova dua arah terhadap diameter zona hambat menyatakan terdapat perbedaan antara kelompok konsentrasi 10%, 20%, 30%, kontrol positif dan kontrol negatif dan terdapat perbedaan aktivitas daya hambat  bakteri Lactobacillus casei dibandingkan dengan Branhamella catarrhalis dan Streptococcus sp tetapi tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada aktivitas daya hambat terhadap bakteri Branhamella catarrhalis dengan Streptococcus sp. &nbsp

    In Vivo Antihypercholesterolemic Potential of Uncaria cordata (Lour.) Merr as Ethanolic Extract

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    The present investigation aims to evaluate the antihypercholesterolemic potential of Uncaria cordata (Lour.) Merr. as an ethanolic extract in diet-induced hypercholesterolemic male white mice model. In this study, white mice were segregated into 6 groups; all the groups except the normal control group were given a high-fat diet to induce hypercholesterolemia. After induction of cholesterolemia, normal and negative control groups were treated with NaCMC, the positive control group was treated with atorvastatin, and the remaining three groups received ethanolic extract Uncaria cordata (Lour.) Merr. in three doses (100, 200, and 400 mg/Kg BW) for a treatment period of 29 days. Measurement of cholesterol levels was performed on days 0, 15, 22, and 29 using EasyTouchÂź GCU digital devices. The results were analyzed by one way ANOVA test and ANOVA Repeated test. The results showed that the ethanol extract of the Uncaria cordata (Lour.) Merr. root plant dose 100, 200, and 400 mg/Kg BW effect in lowering total cholesterol in male white mice significantly (P <0,05). Ethanol extract from Uncaria cordata (Lour.) Merr. a dose of 200 mg/Kg BW showed a better decrease in cholesterol levels on day 29 compared to day 22
