2 research outputs found


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     Product of fish procecing industry called “juice water†contain a lot amino acid compound. The aim of this study was analyze sonsory characteristic of natural condiment made from†juice water†by product of fishery industry , coated  with karagenan edible. The method of this study of natural condimenent coated karagenan coating where assessed by trained panelis using by sensory attributes (odor, colour apparance and  taste).The result indicate potencial of natural condiment for seasoning development.This research aims to be able to produce natural flavor that made from raw material of liquid waste of stew and coating with edible coating of carrageenan. A natural flavor enhancer, as a food additive, needs to be done a hedonic organoleptic analysis to see the panelist's preference for natural flavorings. The results of a hedonic organoleptic test show that taste and odor are preferred over the texture and appearance of the natural flavorings

    Marine Waste Analysis And Abundance of gastropods In Mangrove Ecosystem Tongkaina, North Sulawesi

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    This study aims to analyze the relation of marine debris to gastropods in the mangrove ecosystem. This research was conducted from October to December 2019 in the Tongkaina mangrove forest. The method used in this research is the line transects method with 2 different stations. Then do the data analysis of waste density, gastropod abundance index, frequency, diversity index, uniformity, and dominance. Then, analyzing a simple linear regression and correlation is performed to see the relationship between marine debris and gastropod abundance in a mangrove ecosystem. The results showed that the highest inorganic marine debris in the Tongkeina mangrove ecosystem is plastic and followed by cloth, wood, metal and the least was glass. The species of Gastropods found in the mangrove ecosystem are Littoraria scabra, Nerita undulata and Terebralia sulcata. The highest abundance of gastropod species was found at station 2 in transects 1 by Littoraria scraba. The results of the linear regression analysis show that there is a relationship between waste and abundance of gastropods. The increasing amount of waste, lower the abundance of gastropods. Where the correlation value is -0.20506.Keywords: Correlation; Marine debris; Gastropods; Mangrove Ecosystem. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis  hubungan  sampah laut terhadap gastropoda di ekosistem mangrove. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Oktober sampai Desember 2019 di hutan mangrove Tongkaina.  Metode yang digunakan adalah metode line transek dengan 2 stasiun berbeda. Kemudian dilakukan analisa data kepadatan sampah, indeks kelimpaha gastropoda, frekuensi, indeks keanekaragaman, keseragaman dan dominasi. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisa regresi lineier sederhana serta korelasi untuk melihat hubungan yang terjadi antara sampah dan kelimpahan gastrooda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sampah anorganik jenis plasik yang tertinggi di ekosistem mangrove pantai Tongkaina diikuti sampah jenis Kain, Kayu, Logam dan yang paling sedikit adalah sampah jenis kaca. Jenis gastropoda yang ditemukan di ekosistem mangrove yaitu Littoraria scabra, Nerita undulata dan Terebralia sulcata. Nilai kelimpahan jenis gastropoda tertinggi terdapat di stasiun 2 di transek 1 oleh Littoraria scraba. Hasil analisa regresi linier menunjukan bahawa ada hubungan yang terjadi  antara sampah dan kelimpahan gastropoda yang dilihat dari anlisis regresi linier sederhana. Semakin meningkatnya jumlah sampah maka semakin rendah kelimpahan gastropoda. Dimana nilai korelasinya sebesar -0.20506.Kata Kunci : Korelasi; Sampah Laut; Gastropoda; Ekosistem Mangrove