8 research outputs found

    A Comparative Study of Two Imaging Techniques of Meibomian Glands

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    Received: 6 February 2023; Revised: 28 February 2023; Accepted: 13 March 2023; Published: 15 March 2023In the present study, two different meibographers, Oculus Keratograph 5M (K5M) that uses 840 nm infrared light and the Visible Light Non-Contact Meibographer (VLNCM) that uses 610 nm visible light have been used to obtain meibography images from normal and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) population. The main objective has been to validate and demonstrate that the use of visible light is useful for observation and quantification of MG in clinical practice. Twenty participants were enrolled in this prospective study. The upper eyelids of one randomly chosen eye were used to obtain results. Forty images were captured and analysed. Three specialized observers were recruited to grade images using Pult and Riede Pult 5-degree scale, in two different sessions. Intra-observer agreement between sessions for both devices was shown. Inter-observer variability analysis showed discrepancy between meiboscores obtained from observers with K5M (p-value < 0.05), except for session 2 in the pathology group, while no statistical difference was found with VLNCM. Repeatability analysis found no statistically significant differences between sessions. Correlation between meibographers showed no statistically significant difference and a moderate correlation coefficient between meiboscores graded with the two devices. The current study suggests that VLNCM can allow MG to be properly visualized and classified in the upper eyelids.Sección Deptal. de Óptica (Óptica)Fac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEe European Fund for Regional Development (EFRD-FEDER, EU)Gobierno de EspañaBanco Santander (España)pu

    Role of instrumental factors in Meibomian gland contrast assessment

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    Purpose: Meibomian gland contrast has been suggested as a potential biomarker in Meibomian gland dysfunction. This study analysed the instrumental factors related to contrast. The objectives were to determine whether the mathematical equations used to compute gland contrast (e.g., Michelson or Yeh and Lin), impact the ability to identify abnormal individuals, to ascertain whether contrast between the gland and the background could be an effective biomarker and to assess whether using contrast-enhancement on the gland image improves its diagnostic efficacy. Methods: A total of 240 meibography images from 40 participants (20 controls and 20 having Meibomian gland dysfunction or blepharitis), were included. The Oculus Keratograph 5M was used to capture images from the upper and lower eyelids of each eye. The contrast of unprocessed images and those pre-processed with contrast-enhancement algorithms were analysed. Contrast was measured on the eight central glands. Two equations for contrast computation were used, and the contrast both between glands and within a gland were calculated. Results: Significant differences were found between the groups for inter-gland area in the upper (p = 0.01) and lower eyelids (p = 0.001) for contrast measured with the Michelson formula. Similar effects were observed when using the Yeh and Lin method in the upper (p = 0.01) and lower eyelids (p = 0.04). These results were obtained for images enhanced with the Keratograph 5M algorithm. Conclusions: Meibomian gland contrast is a useful biomarker of disease related to the Meibomian glands. Contrast measurement should be determined using contrast-enhanced images in the inter-gland area. However, the method used to compute contrast did not influence the results.Sección Deptal. de Óptica (Óptica)Depto. de Optometría y VisiónFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEEuropean Fund for Regional DevelopmentAgencia Estatal de Investigación (España)Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)Banco SSantander (España)pu

    Improving ocular surface comfort in contact lens wearers

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    Purpose Contact lens discomfort (CLD) is a major concern that can lead to the decreased or abandoned use of contact lenses. Contact lens users with dry eye disease are more likely to present with CLD. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a bioprotective preservative free, hypotonic, 0.15% hyaluronic acid (HA)-3% Trehalose artificial tear in managing dry eye symptoms in contact lens wearers. Methods A prospective, single-arm, observational pilot study to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with HA-Trehalose artificial tears in contact lens wearers (N = 33) aged 18–45 years with symptoms of ocular discomfort. Participants used a preservative-free, hypotonic HA-Trehalose artificial tear (1 drop/4 times per day) for 84 days. Participants were assessed using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for dry eye symptoms (pain, photophobia, dry eye sensation, blurry vision, foreign body sensation, itching, tingling/burning, and sticky eye feeling), Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI), Contact Lens Dry Eye questionnaire (CLDEQ-8), Berkley Dry Eye Flow-Chart (DEFC) on Day 0 and Day 84 and tear break-up time (TBUT), ocular surface staining with fluorescein and lissamine green, tear meniscus evaluation, and visual acuity on Day 0, 35, and 84. Results All VAS symptoms (except tingling/burning and sticky eye feeling), OSDI, CLEDQ-8, and DEFC showed statistically significant (p < 0.05) improvement from baseline (Day 0) to Day 84. Similarly, corneal (fluorescein) and conjunctival (lissamine green) quality improved during the study (p < 0.05 at Day 84 versus baseline). Tear break-up time (TBUT), conjunctival (lissamine green) staining, and tear meniscus decreased but the changes were not statistically significant. Visual acuity did not change during the study. There were no ocular or systemic adverse events. Conclusions This study showed that the instillation of a preservative-free, hypotonic, HA-Trehalose artificial tear in contact lenses wearers with dry eye syndrome significantly improved symptoms and reduced associated signs such as corneal and conjunctival staining

    PhDAY 2020 -FOO (Facultad de Óptica y Optometría)

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    Por cuarto año consecutivo los doctorandos de la Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid cuentan con un congreso propio organizado por y para ellos, el 4º PhDAY- FOO. Se trata de un congreso gratuito abierto en la que estos jóvenes científicos podrán presentar sus investigaciones al resto de sus compañeros predoctorales y a toda la comunidad universitaria que quiera disfrutar de este evento. Apunta en tu agenda: el 15 de octubre de 2020. En esta ocasión será un Congreso On-line para evitar que la incertidumbre asociada a la pandemia Covid-19 pudiera condicionar su celebración

    Mejora del comfort en la superficie ocular de usuarios de lentes de contacto

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    Received 14 December 2020, Revised 11 November 2021, Accepted 17 November 2021, Available online 25 November 2021, Version of Record 14 May 2022.Purpose: Contact lens discomfort (CLD) is a major concern that can lead to the decreased or abandoned use of contact lenses. Contact lens users with dry eye disease are more likely to present with CLD. This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a bioprotective preservative free, hypotonic, 0.15% hyaluronic acid (HA)-3% Trehalose artificial tear in managing dry eye symptoms in contact lens wearers. Methods: A prospective, single-arm, observational pilot study to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with HA-Trehalose artificial tears in contact lens wearers (N = 33) aged 18–45 years with symptoms of ocular discomfort. Participants used a preservative-free, hypotonic HA-Trehalose artificial tear (1 drop/4 times per day) for 84 days. Participants were assessed using Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for dry eye symptoms (pain, photophobia, dry eye sensation, blurry vision, foreign body sensation, itching, tingling/burning, and sticky eye feeling), Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI), Contact Lens Dry Eye questionnaire (CLDEQ-8), Berkley Dry Eye Flow-Chart (DEFC) on Day 0 and Day 84 and tear break-up time (TBUT), ocular surface staining with fluorescein and lissamine green, tear meniscus evaluation, and visual acuity on Day 0, 35, and 84. Results: All VAS symptoms (except tingling/burning and sticky eye feeling), OSDI, CLEDQ-8, and DEFC showed statistically significant (p < 0.05) improvement from baseline (Day 0) to Day 84. Similarly, corneal (fluorescein) and conjunctival (lissamine green) quality improved during the study (p < 0.05 at Day 84 versus baseline). Tear break-up time (TBUT), conjunctival (lissamine green) staining, and tear meniscus decreased but the changes were not statistically significant. Visual acuity did not change during the study. There were no ocular or systemic adverse events. Conclusions: This study showed that the instillation of a preservative-free, hypotonic, HA-Trehalose artificial tear in contact lenses wearers with dry eye syndrome significantly improved symptoms and reduced associated signs such as corneal and conjunctival staining.Laboratoires Thea (Francia)Depto. de Optometría y VisiónFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEpu

    Variación de los contrastes glandulares a lo largo del día

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    Presentada en ARVO, Seattle, May 5-9, 2024. Presentation Number: 6562- B0249 References [1] Wise RJ, Sobel RK, Allen RC. Meibography: A review of techniques and technologies. Saudi J Ophthalmol. 2012 Oct 1;26(4):349–56. [2]Diz‐Arias E, Fernández‐Jiménez E, Peral A et al. Role of instrumental factors in Meibomian gland contrast assessment. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. 2023;43:1050-8. [3] Diz-Arias E, Fernandez-Jimenez E, Peral l et al. Code for computing Meibomian gland contrast. GitHub. https://github.com/Infor UCM/ContrasteMG. [Internet]. 2022. Accessed 24 April, 2023.Purpose: To evaluate Meibomian glands (MG), specialized imaging techniques are used. The most commonly used technique for the observation of MG is non-contact meibography with infrared light. This technique allows to see specific details of the MG, provides quantitative measurements, in addition to structural appearance, shortening, distortions or atrophy. [1] Recent studies have shown that the analysis of MG contrasts can represent an advance in the diagnosis of related pathologies to MG, such as Meibomian gland dysfunction and Blepharitis. [2] The present study wants to observe the contrast variation throughout the day in the spaces between two adjacent MG, interglandular contrasts (CINTER) and within the same gland, intraglandular contrasts (CIN). The main objective of this study is to observe the variation of MG contrasts throughout the day and analyze its possible correlation with alterations related to these glands. Methods: A prospective, descriptive, pilot study was carried out on 8 participants, including controls, MG pathology participants, and contact lens users. A set of tests were performed, including symptomatology tests, clinical tests to recognize the ocular surface and an assessment of the MG. Images of the MG were taken throughout the day, with the Oculus Keratograph 5MTM. Meibography images were captured from 8 am to 8 pm in two hours slots. The eyelids were everted and the images were always captured by the same clinical examiner. The meibography images have been processed with the Matlab® program to analyze the CINTER and CIN contrast. [3] Results: Preliminary results show that there is an oscillatory and fluctuating trend in glandular contrasts throughout the day, following different patterns in each subject. Conclusions: As has been previously studied, MG contrasts are postulated as a possible biomarker of MG alterations. The study of the behavior of these contrasts throughout the day and in different groups of subjects may lead to advances in the diagnosis of MG alterations or pathologies such as Meibomian gland dysfunction or Blepharitis, and could also provide further insight on the meibum production cycle and MG physiology.Depto. de Optometría y VisiónFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEsubmittedPagado por el auto

    El Jarama medieval

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    Convocatoria de Premios Nacionales de Innovación Educativa 2004, Tercer premio. Esta innovación no está publicad. El material complementario contiene: 1 libro antiguo, 1 saquito aromático, pelotas de malabares, 1 marioneta, 1 collar, 1colgante estrella, 1 cometa, cestería (cesta o posavasos), pintura de códices, las tres en raya de arcilla, fular, vidriera de cristal, vidriera de acetato, 1 códice de música, menú de la comida medieval, libro de seres mágicos, Programa 'El Jarama medieval', Programa 'El asedio a un castillo', Programa de Carnaval, Taller cultural de Escuela Infantil 'La Edad Media', Taller cultural, hiervas medicinales y trucos de botica, cuadros de arpilleraProyecto para el acercamiento del alumnado al estudio de la época medieval a través de distintos aspectos: historia, costumbres forma de vida, ocio, diferentes culturas, leyendas, debates, críticas, manifestaciones artísticas, etc. La elección del tema estuvo determinada por considerar la Edad Media una época histórica altamente didáctica y motivadora tanto para el alumnado como para el profesorado. Una época desde la que arrancan una gran variedad de oficios, tradiciones, una época donde distintas religiones y culturas convivían y que facilita su tratamiento desde todos los ámbitos y áreas curriculares que facilita la participación de toda la comunidad escolar. Se dio un enfoque a la metodología que sirviese a los alumnos para aprender gracias a la experiencia propia y avanzar en la adquisición de conocimientos a través de la utilización de los medios de comunicación e información que proporcionan las nuevas tecnologías. El propósito era que los alumnos madurasen de una forma integral, proporcionándoles aprendizajes significativos. El desarrollo de la innovación se inició con el conocimiento general de la época y con los disfraces en Carnaval, se visitó el Castillo de Coca y un parque temático de edificios representativos de la época y tuvo su mayor esplendor en el desarrollo de la Semana Cultural.Ministerio Educación CIDEBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; Fax +34917748026; [email protected]

    XV Congreso de Investigación de Estudiantes de Grado en Ciencias de la Salud. XIX Congreso de Ciencias Veterinarias y Biomédicas: trabajos premiados.

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    Trabajos premiados de investigación (clínica, básica) o revisión bibliográfica, en temas relacionados con las Ciencias de la Salud, realizados por alumnos de Grado principalmente de las titulaciones de Biología, Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos, Enfermería, Farmacia, Fisioterapia, Logopedia, Medicina, Nutrición Humana y Dietética, Odontología, Óptica y Optometría, Podología, Psicología, Terapia Ocupacional y Veterinaria.DecanatoFac. de OdontologíaFac. de Ciencias BiológicasFac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaFac. de FarmaciaFac. de MedicinaFac. de Óptica y OptometríaFac. de PsicologíaFac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu