65 research outputs found

    Noncanonical DNA elements in the lamin B2 origin of DNA replication

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    DNA replication origins of eukaryotes lack linear replicator elements but contain short (dT)(n) (dA)(n) sequences that could build mutually equivalent unorthodox structures. Here we report that the lamin B2 origin of DNA replication adopts an alternative form characterized by unpaired regions CTTTTTTTTTTCC/GGAAAAAAAAAAG (3900-3912) and CCTTTTTTTTC/GAAAAAAAAGG (4141-4151). Both unpaired regions are resistant to DNase and except in central parts of their homopyrimidine strands are sensitive to single strand-specific chemicals. Interactions that protect central pyrimidines probably stabilize the bubble-like areas. Because DNA fragments containing either one or both bubbles migrate in TBM (89 mM Tris base, 89 mM boric acid, and 2 mM MgCl2) PAGE even faster than expected from their linear size, interacting regions are expected to belong to the same molecule. In an origin fragment containing a single bubble, free homopyrimidine strand can only interact with Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding surfaces from a complementary double stranded sequence. Indeed, this origin fragment reacts with triplex preferring antibody. In competition binding experiments control double stranded DNA or single stranded (dT) 40 do not affect origin-antibody interaction, whereas TAT and GGC triplexes exert competitive effect. Because the chosen fragment does not contain potential GGC forming sequences, these experiments confirm that the lamin B2 origin adopts a structure partly composed of intramolecular TAT triads

    Analysis of CFTR Gene Variants in Idiopathic Bronchiectasis in Serbian Children

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    This study has investigated a potential role of common Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) gene variants in the etiology of noncystic fibrosis bronchiectasis in Serbian children. The study has encompassed 48 patients (19 male and 29 female, aged between 5 and 18 years, median age 10.6 +/- 3.3), diagnosed with idiopathic bronchiectasis based on high-resolution computed tomography of thorax and pathologic examination of lobectomy materials. The CFTR gene analysis was performed on genomic DNA extracted from peripheral blood samples of patients by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-Mediated Site-Directed Mutagenesis method, Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis method, and DNA sequencing. Mutation c.1521_1523delCTT (F508del) was detected with an allelic frequency of 1.0%, and c.224G gt A (R75Q) variant. Carriers of c.1210-12T[5] (IVS8-5T) allele were significantly more common than in the general population (10.4% vs. 5.0%, P = 0.0302). The frequency of homozygotes for Met 470 allele was higher in patients than in the general population (33% vs. 20%), while heterozygotes for p. Met470Val were less frequent (31% vs. 50%), and this difference was statistically significant (P = 0.0222). The results obtained in this study indicate involvement of 2 common CFTR variants, c. 1210-12T[5] and c. 1408A, in idiopathic bronchiectasis in children, but this observation should be further confirmed by more extensive analysis of the CFTR gene in a larger group of patients

    Evaluation of toxicity and antioxidative effects of Tussilago farfara and Verbascum thapsus water extracts in zebrafish and in bronchial epithelial cells

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    Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot) and Verbascum thapsus (mullein) have been used as folk remedies for treating respiratory disorders. The aim of this study was to test the toxicity of the water extracts of T. farfara and V. thapsus in vivo in zebrafish and in vitro in BEAS 2B epithelial bronchial cells. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the antioxidative properties of T. farfara and V. thapsus extracts in cell culture. Our results show that the T. farfara leaf extract does not produce toxic effects on zebrafish embryos or BEAS 2B cells, and that it has a protective effect in BEAS 2B after induction of oxidative stress. The water extract from V. thapsus displayed pronounced toxic effects on zebrafish embryos and BEAS 2B cells and did not exhibit a significant antioxidative effect on BEAS 2B cells exposed to oxidative stress. Our results suggest that the use of T. farfara water leaf extract is potentially safe and effective in treating respiratory disorders, whereas the use of V. thapsus needs further investigation

    CFTR gene analysis in patient with atypical cystic fibrosis

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    U ovom radu je prikazan slučaj atipične cistične fibroze sa graničnom vrednoŔću znojnog testa. U većini slučajeva znojni test je glavni dijagnostički parametar za dijagnostikovanje cistične fibroze, ali se dijagnoza može potvrditi samo na osnovu rezultata molekularno-genetičkog testiranja. Utvrđeno je da je pacijent složeni heterozigot za dve CFTR mutacije, F508del i D1152H. Prisustvo mutacije F508del detektovano je PSM metodom, dok je za analizu prisustva druge mutacije koriŔćena DGGE metoda. Strategija detekcije mutacija kod pacijenata sa cističnom fibrozom, naročito onih sa atipičnim prezentacijama bolesti koji nose ređe mutacije, trebalo bi da uključuje i direktne i indirektne metode molekularne dijagnostike.This paper reports a case of a patient presenting with atypical cystic fibrosis whose sweat test shows borderline values. In vast majority of cases the sweat test is essential diagnostic tool for establishing the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, but only after the molecular genetic testing the diagnosis can be confirmed. The patient was found to be compound heterozygote for two CFTR mutations, F508del and D1152H. The presence of F508del mutation was analyzed by PSM method, while the screening for the second mutation was performed using DGGE. The strategy of mutation detection in cystic fibrosis patients, especially those with atypical presentations who carry less frequent mutations, should include both direct and indirect methods of molecular diagnostics

    Functional analysis of novel alpha-1 antitrypsin variants G320R and V321F

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    Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) gene is highly polymorphic, with a large number of rare variants whose phenotypic consequences often remain inconclusive. Studies addressing functional characteristics of AAT variants are of significant biomedical importance since deficiency and dysfunctionality of AAT are associated with liver and lung diseases. We report the results of the functional analysis of two naturally occurring AAT variants, G320R and V321F, previously identified in patients with lung disease. Neither of variants has been fully functionally characterized. In order to perform their functional analysis both variants were expressed in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems and their intracellular localization, activity, stability, and polymerization were determined. The results of this study demonstrated that variants G320R and V321F have neither impaired activity against porcine pancreatic elastase nor propensity to form polymers. However, both variants had altered electrophoretic mobility and reduced thermostability when compared to M variant of the protein, indicating a slightly impaired secondary or tertiary structure

    Analysis of Y chromosome microdeletions and CFTR gene mutations as genetic markers of infertility in Serbian men

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    Uvod/Cilj. Poremećena plodnost muÅ”kog partnera je glavni uzrok infertiliteta kod polovine neplodnih parova. Na genetskom nivou infertilitet kod muÅ”karaca mogu uzrokovati hromozomske aberacije ili genske mutacije. U ovoj studiji analizirano je prisustvo i tip mikrodelecija Y hromozoma i mutacija u genu za regulator transmembranske provodljivosti u cističnoj fibrozi (CFTR) kao genetska osnova infertiliteta kod muÅ”karaca u Srbiji. Cilj studije je bio da se analiziraju mutacije u CFTR genu i mikrodelecije Y hromozoma, kao potencijalni uzroci infertiliteta kod muÅ”karaca u Srbiji, kao i da se testira hipoteza da su CFTR mutacije kod infertilnih muÅ”karaca predominantno locirane u nekoliko poslednjih egzona. Metode. Studija je obuhvatila 33 muÅ”karca sa oligo ili azospermijom. Detekcija mikrodelecija Y hromozoma u regionu faktora azospermije (AZF) vrÅ”ena je pomoću multipleks PCR metode. Pretraživanje CFTR gena vrÅ”eno je metodom elektroforeze u gelu sa gradijentom denaturiÅ”ućeg agensa (DGGE). Rezultati. Delecije Y hromozoma su detektovane kod četiri bolesnika, predominantno u AZFc regionu (četiri od ukupno Å”est). Mutacije u CFTR genu su detektovane na osam od 66 analizovanih hromozoma infertilnih muÅ”karaca. NajčeŔće detektovana CFTR mutacija je F508del (Å”est od osam). Zaključak. Ova studija je potvrdila da mikrodelecije Y hromozoma i mutacije u CFTR genu igraju važnu ulogu u etiologiji infertiliteta kod muÅ”karaca u Srbiji. Genetsko testiranje koje obuhvata detekciju mikrodelecija Y hromozoma i mutacija u CFTR genu uvedeno je u rutinsku dijagnostičku praksu i ponuđeno je parovima koji pristupaju asistiranoj reprodukciji. S obzirom da tip mikrodelecija Y hromozoma i tip mutacija u CFTR genu imaju prognostički značaj, preporuka je da se genotipizacija AZF regiona i CFTR gena ne vrÅ”i samo kod bolesnika sa umanjenim kvalitetom sperme pre pristupanja asistiranoj reprodukciji, već i u svrhe preimplantacione i prenatalne dijagnostike kod parova kod kojih je uspeÅ”no izvrÅ”ena in vitro fertilizacija.Background/Aim. Impaired fertility of a male partner is the main cause of infertility in up to one half of all infertile couples. At the genetic level, male infertility can be caused by chromosome aberrations or gene mutations. The presence and types of Y chromosome microdeletions and cystic fybrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene mutations as genetic cause of male infertility was tested in Serbian men. The aim of this study was to analyze CFTR gene mutations and Y chromosome microdelations as potential causes of male infertility in Serbian patients, as well as to test the hypothesis that CFTR mutations in infertile men are predominantly located in the several last exons of the gene. Methods. This study has encompassed 33 men with oligo- or azoospermia. The screening for Y chromosome microdeletions in the azoospermia factor (AZF) region was performed by multiplex PCR analysis. The screening of the CFTR gene was performed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) method. Results. Deletions on Y chromosome were detected in four patients, predominantly in AZFc region (four of total six deletions). Mutations in the CFTR gene were detected on eight out of 66 analyzed chromosomes of infertile men. The most common mutation was F508del (six of total eight mutations). Conclusion. This study confirmed that both Y chromosome microdeletions and CFTR gene mutations played important role in etiology of male infertility in Serbian infertile men. Genetic testing for Y chromosome microdeletions and CFTR gene mutations has been introduced in routine diagnostics and offered to couples undergoing assisted reproduction techniques. Considering that both the type of Y chromosome microdeletion and the type of CFTR mutation have a prognostic value, it is recommended that AZF and CFTR genotyping should not only be performed in patients with reduced sperm quality before undergoing assisted reproduction, but also for the purpose of preimplantation and prenatal diagnostics in couples in which in vitro fertilization has been performed successfully

    Tumor necrosis factor alpha and alpha-1 antitrypsin gene variants in Serbian pediatric arterial ischemic stroke patients

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    Etiologija arterijskog ishemijskog moždanog udara (AIS) kod dece je veoma kompleksna i razlikuje se od one kod odraslih. Iako je redak, moždani udar kod dece predstavlja značajan uzrok mortaliteta i morbiditeta. Sve je viÅ”e podataka o ulozi genetičkih faktora, uključujući tu i medijatore inflamacije, u nastanku i ishodu moždanog udara. U ovoj studiji, odabrali smo da ispitamo ulogu polimorfizma -308G/A u genu za faktor nekroze tumora-alfa (eng. Tumor Necrosis Factor Ī± -TNFĪ±), kao i mutacija S i Z u genu za alfa1-antitripsin (AAT)u etiologiji moždanog udara kod dece. Polimorfizam -308G/A u genu za TNFĪ± dovodi do povećanja koncentracije ovog proteina u plazmi, Å”to bi moglo da doprinese patologiji moždanog udara. Pokazano je i da poviÅ”ena koncentracija AAT može da predstavlja rizik za nastanak moždanog udara kod dece. S obzirom da mutacije S i Z u genu za AAT dovode do smanjenja koncentracije ovog proteina u plazmi, one bi mogle da imaju protektivnu ulogu kada je u pitanju moždani udar.Genske varijante TNFĪ± (-308G/A) i AAT (S i Z) su ispitivane u grupi od 26 dece sa AIS i 100 odraslih osoba PCR/RFLP metodom.Nije nađena statistički značajna razlika u učestalosti -308G/A TNFĪ± polimorfizma između pacijenata i kontrola, tako da u naÅ”oj grupi pacijenata TNFĪ± najverovatnije nije imao značajnu ulogu u razvoju bolesti. Ni kod jednog pacijenta nije pronađena nijedna od ispitivanih mutacija u genu za AAT, Å”to je bilo u skladu sa potencijalnom protektivnom ulogom ovih varijanti.AIS je multifaktorijalno oboljenje, u čijoj patologiji veliki broj gena ima -ulogu, tako da je potrebna dalja analiza zajedničkog delovanja većeg broja genskih varijanti da bi se rasvetlila njihova uloga kao genetičkih faktora rizika i njihovog uticaja na razvoj i ishod moždanog udara.The etiology of arterial ischemic stroke (AIS) in children is complex, and different from that in adults. Although rare, stroke in children is an important cause of mortality and morbidity. There is increasing evidence that genetic factors, including inflammation mediators, have a role in occurrence and outcome of stroke. We have chosen to assess the role of polymorphism -308G/A in the promoter of tumor necrosis factor Ī± (TNFĪ±) gene and S and Z mutations in alpha 1-antitrypsin (AAT) gene in the etiology of stroke in children. TNFĪ± polymorphism affects plasma levels of this proinflamatory cytokine, and this could contribute to stroke pathology. It has been shown that increased AAT concentration may present a risk for AIS in children. Since S and Z mutations in AAT gene reduce its levels in plasma they could have a protective role in pediatric stroke. In this study twenty six children with AIS and 100 unrelated individuals from Serbian general population were investigated by PCR/RFLP for these gene variations. No statistically significant difference was observed between patients and general population in distribution of genotypes for -308G/A TNFĪ± polymorphism, so its contributory role in the etiology of stroke was not evident in our group of patients. None of the tested AAT gene mutations were found in patients, which is in concordance with the proposed protective role of deficient AAT variants. AIS is a multifactorial disease, with many genes having a modest role in its pathophysiology, so further analyses of their combined effect are needed to elucidate genetic risk factors in the etiology and outcome of stroke in pediatric patients

    E-cigarette liquid and condensate leads to impaired embryonic development of zebrafish

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    Introduction: E-cigarettes are advertised as safer alternative to tradicional cigarettes. However, they contain chemicals that can exhibit toxic effects on the organism. Notably, effects of e-cigarettes on in utero development are not well studied. We wanted to compare potential toxic effects of e-cigarette liquid and vapor condensate on development of zebrafish embryos. Methods: Six hour old zebrafish embryos were exposed to different concentrations of e-cigarette liquid or vapour condensate ā€“ 0.1% and 1%. Untreated embryos were used as control. Each treatment and control were set up in triplicate, with at least 20 embryos per treatment. The effects on survival, hatching and developmental malformations were monitored using light microscopy, at 3 timepoints - 24, 48 and 72 hours post fertilization (hpf). Results: No noticeable differences between control and treated groups were observed 24 hpf. Hatched larvae (35%) treated with 0.1% condensate had scoliosis and malformations- yolk sac and pericardial edema at 48 hpf. In groups treated with 1% of condensate or liquid, hatching was delayed and did not start 48 hpf. At 72 hpf timepoint, in wells with 1% condensate, less than 30% of larvae hatched in total, which was comparable to wells with e-cigarette liquid (25%). Malformations that were observed in all treatements are hemagglutionation, pericardial or yolk sac edema, and scoliosis. In groups with 0.1% condensate these maformations were observed in lower number of embryos, but the percentage of hatched larvae was higher (approximately 80%) at 72 hpf. Conclusions: Chronic exposure to e-cigarette vapor condensate and liquid leads to severe disorders of zebrafish embryonic development

    Targeting autophagy to modulate cell survival: a comparative analysis in cancer, normal and embryonic cells

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    Autophagy is linked to multiple cancer-related signaling pathways, and represents a defense mechanism for cancer cells under therapeutic stress. The crosstalk between apoptosis and autophagy is essential for both tumorigenesis and embryonic development. We studied the influence of autophagy on cell survival in pro-apoptotic conditions induced by anticancer drugs in three model systems: human cancer cells (NCI-H460, COR-L23 and U87), human normal cells (HaCaT and MRC-5) and zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio). Autophagy induction with AZD2014 and tamoxifen antagonized the pro-apoptotic effect of chemotherapeutics doxorubicin and cisplatin in cell lines, while autophagy inhibition by wortmannin and chloroquine synergized the action of both anticancer agents. This effect was further verified by assessing cleaved caspase-3 and PARP-1 levels. Autophagy inhibitors significantly increased both apoptotic markers when applied in combination with doxorubicin while autophagy inducers had the opposite effect. In a similar manner, autophagy induction in zebrafish embryos prevented cisplatin-induced apoptosis in the tail region while autophagy inhibition increased cell death in the tail and retina of cisplatin-treated animals. Autophagy modulation with direct inhibitors of the PI3kinase/Akt/mTOR pathway (AZD2014 and wortmannin) triggered the cellular response to anticancer drugs more effectively in NCI-H460 and zebrafish embryonic models compared to HaCaT suggesting that these modulators are selective towards rapidly proliferating cells. Therefore, evaluating the autophagic properties of chemotherapeutics could help determine more accurately the fate of different cell types under treatment. Our study underlines the importance of testing autophagic activity of potential anticancer agents in a comparative approach to develop more rational anticancer therapeutic strategies.Related to published version: [https://imagine.imgge.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1004]This is the peer reviewed version of the paper: Divac Rankov, A., Ljujić, M., Petrić, M., Radojković, D., Pesić, M., & Dinić, J. (2017). Targeting autophagy to modulate cell survival: A comparative analysis in cancer, normal and embryonic cells. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 148(5), 529ā€“544. [https://doi.org/10.1007/s00418-017-1590-4

    Prevalence of S and Z alpha 1-antitrypsin mutations in patients with pancreatic diseases in Serbian population

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    Jedan od osnovnih izazova u proučavanju patologije bolesti pankreasa predstavlja dalje razjaÅ”njavanje uloge proteaza i antiproteaza, zbog toga Å”to poremećena ravnoteža između njih može dovesti do oÅ”tećenja pankreasa. Alfa 1-antitripsin (AAT) je jedan od najvažnijih inhibitora proteolitičkih enzima u serumu, među kojima su i enzimi pankreasa: tripsin, himotripsin i elastaza. Pretpostavlja se da mutacije u AAT genu mogu da utiču na pojavu i razvoj bolesti pankreasa. Prisustvo najčeŔćih mutacija u AAT genu, označenih kao Z i S, analizirano je u 160 pacijenata sa bolestima pankreasa (50 pacijenata sa kancerom pankreasa, 50 pacijenata sa hroničnim pankreatitisom i 60 pacijenata sa dijabetesom tipa 2) i u 129 zdravih osoba. Prisustvo mutacija detektovano je analizom dužina restrikcionih fragmenata. Jedan pacijent sa kancerom pankreasa je bio heterozigotni nosilac Z mutacije, kao i jedan pacijent sa dijabetesom tipa 2. Jedan pacijent sa hroničnim pankreatitisom je bio heterozigotni nosilac S mutacije. Dve najčeŔće mutacije u AAT genu su bile statistički značajno učestalije kod pacijenata sa bolestima pankreasa (3 / 160 pacijenata, alelska frekvencija 0,9%) nego u kontrolnoj grupi (1 / 129 osoba, alelska frekvencija 0,4%). Rezultati ove studije, koje ukazuju na moguću povezanost Z i S mutacija sa umerenim povećanjem rizika za razvoj bolesti pankreasa.One of the key points in research of pancreatic disease pathology is further elucidation of the role of proteases and antiproteases, since their imbalance can lead to pancreatic injury. Alpha 1-antitrypsin (AAT) is one of the most important serum inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes, including pancreatic enzymes trypsin, chymotrypsin and elastase. It is speculated that mutations in the AAT gene may influence the onset and the development of pancreatic disease. The presence of the most common AAT mutations Z and S was analyzed in 160 patients with pancreatic diseases (50 patients with pancreatic cancer, 50 patients with chronic pancreatitis and 60 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus) and 129 healthy individuals by PCR-mediated site-directed mutagenesis (PSM) method. One patient with pancreatic cancer was found to be a carrier of Z mutation, as well as one patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus. One patient with chronic pancreatitis was found to be a carrier of S mutation. The common AAT mutations were statistically significantly over-represented in patients with pancreatic diseases (3 of 160 patients, allelic frequency 0.9%) than in the control group (1 of 129 individuals, allelic frequency 0.4%). The results of this study, requiring confirmation, suggest that common AAT mutations Z and S may be associated with a modest increase in susceptibility to the development of pancreatic disease
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