2,125 research outputs found

    Promoter switching allows simultaneous transcription of LANA and K14/vGPCR of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus

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    Latent transcription of the latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA/ORF73) of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus is driven by the LANAp-c. Complexity arises during lytic reactivation, however, as the bicistronic K14/vGPCR transcript initiates 32 bp downstream of LANAp-c in the opposite orientation. We identify an Rta/ORF50-inducible LANA promoter (LANAp-i) that is distinct from the LANAp-c. LANAp-c is unaffected by Rta/ORF50. Utilization of the second, downstream LANAp-i explains how LANA and K14/vGPCR are simultaneously transcribed during de novo infection or lytic reactivation. Transactivation of LANAp-i and K14/vGPCRp requires the C-terminal activation domain of Rta/ORF50 and is mediated by DNA-binding-dependent and -independent Rta/ORF50 mechanisms. Transcriptional profiling following viral reactivation support promoter reporter phenotypes. In sum, -elements within the LANAp were selected to ensure faithful expression of LANA and other genes regulated by LANAp during all stages of the KSHV lifecycle despite potential interference from K14/vGPCRp activity

    Liposomal daunorubicin as treatment for Kaposi’s sarcoma

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    Anthracycline compounds including daunorubicin are the foundation of many modern chemotherapeutic regimens. However, the side-effects of these compounds can be severe, leading to alopecia, nausea, immune deficiency, and cardiotoxicity. For immunocompromised patients with aggressive Kaposi’s sarcoma (KS), these complications often preclude the completion of appropriate chemotherapeutic regimens. This review focuses on the development and efficacy of liposomal daunorubicin (DaunoXome®; DNX) carriers for the treatment of KS. Encouragingly, DNX demonstrated increased in vivo stability and specificity. As a result, KS patients benefit from higher cumulative chemotherapeutic doses without significant cardiotoxicity. Tumor response to DNX treatment surpasses that of non-encapsulated daunorubicin and is similar to that observed with conventional multi-drug therapies such as ABV (doxorubicin, bleomycin, vincristine). Moreover, some reports indicate the patient quality of life during therapy may improve with DNX treatment. Although the development of DNX represents a significant advance in KS therapy, recent data suggest that additional modification of the liposomal carrier to include pegylation or target specific antibodies may further increase daunorubicin efficacy in the future

    Viral effects on the content and function of extracellular vesicles

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    The release of membrane-bound vesicles from cells is being increasingly recognized as a mechanism of intercellular communication. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) or exosomes are produced by virus-infected cells and are thought to be involved in intercellular communication between infected and uninfected cells. Viruses, in particular oncogenic viruses and viruses that establish chronic infections, have been shown to modulate the production and content of EVs. Viral microRNAs, proteins and even entire virions can be incorporated into EVs, which can affect the immune recognition of viruses or modulate neighbouring cells. In this Review, we discuss the roles that EVs have during viral infection to either promote or restrict viral replication in target cells. We will also discuss our current understanding of the molecular mechanisms that underlie these roles, the potential consequences for the infected host and possible future diagnostic applications

    Promoter switching allows simultaneous transcription of LANA and K14/vGPCR of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus

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    Latent transcription of the latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA/ORF73) of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus is driven by the LANAp-c. Complexity arises during lytic reactivation, however, as the bicistronic K14/vGPCR transcript initiates 32 bp downstream of LANAp-c in the opposite orientation. We identify an Rta/ORF50-inducible LANA promoter (LANAp-i) that is distinct from the LANAp-c. LANAp-c is unaffected by Rta/ORF50. Utilization of the second, downstream LANAp-i explains how LANA and K14/vGPCR are simultaneously transcribed during de novo infection or lytic reactivation. Transactivation of LANAp-i and K14/vGPCRp requires the C-terminal activation domain of Rta/ORF50 and is mediated by DNA-binding-dependent and -independent Rta/ORF50 mechanisms. Transcriptional profiling following viral reactivation support promoter reporter phenotypes. In sum, -elements within the LANAp were selected to ensure faithful expression of LANA and other genes regulated by LANAp during all stages of the KSHV lifecycle despite potential interference from K14/vGPCRp activity

    Faster quantitative real-time PCR protocols may lose sensitivity and show increased variability

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    Quantitative real-time PCR has become the method of choice for measuring mRNA transcription. Recently, fast PCR protocols have been developed as a means to increase assay throughput. Yet it is unclear whether more rapid cycling conditions preserve the original assay performance characteristics. We compared 16 primer sets directed against Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) mRNAs using universal and fast PCR cycling conditions. These primers are of clinical relevance, since they can be used to monitor viral oncogene and drug-resistance gene expression in transplant patients and EBV-associated cancers. While none of the primers failed under fast PCR conditions, the fast PCR protocols performed worse than universal cycling conditions. Fast PCR was associated with a loss of sensitivity as well as higher variability, but not with a loss of specificity or with a higher false positive rate

    Treatment of Kaposi Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus-Associated Cancers

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    Kaposi sarcoma (KS) is the most frequent AIDS-defining cancer worldwide. KS-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is the etiological agent of KS, and the virus is also associated with two lymphoproliferative diseases. Both KS and KSHV-associated lymphomas, are cancers of unique molecular composition. They represent a challenge for cancer treatment and an opportunity to identify new mechanisms of transformation. Here, we review the current clinical insights into KSHV-associated cancers and discuss scientific insights into the pathobiology of KS, primary effusion lymphoma, and multicentric Castleman’s disease

    Profiling viral gene expression in lymphomas

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    Efficiency clustering for low-density microarrays and its application to QPCR

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pathway-targeted or low-density arrays are used more and more frequently in biomedical research, particularly those arrays that are based on quantitative real-time PCR. Typical QPCR arrays contain 96-1024 primer pairs or probes, and they bring with it the promise of being able to reliably measure differences in target levels without the need to establish absolute standard curves for each and every target. To achieve reliable quantification all primer pairs or array probes must perform with the same efficiency.</p> <p><b>Results</b></p> <p>Our results indicate that QPCR primer-pairs differ significantly both in reliability and efficiency. They can only be used in an array format if the raw data (so called CT values for real-time QPCR) are transformed to take these differences into account. We developed a novel method to obtain efficiency-adjusted CT values. We introduce transformed confidence intervals as a novel measure to identify unreliable primers. We introduce a robust clustering algorithm to combine efficiencies of groups of probes, and our results indicate that using <it>n </it>< 10 cluster-based mean efficiencies is comparable to using individually determined efficiency adjustments for each primer pair (<it>N </it>= 96-1024).</p> <p><b>Conclusions</b></p> <p>Careful estimation of primer efficiency is necessary to avoid significant measurement inaccuracies. Transformed confidence intervals are a novel method to assess and interprete the reliability of an efficiency estimate in a high throughput format. Efficiency clustering as developed here serves as a compromise between the imprecision in assuming uniform efficiency, and the computational complexity and danger of over-fitting when using individually determined efficiencies.</p

    Expression of the Antisense-to-Latency Transcript Long Noncoding RNA in Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus

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    ABSTRACT The regulation of latency is central to herpesvirus biology. Recent transcriptome-wide surveys have uncovered evidence for promiscuous transcription across the entirety of the Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) genome and postulated the existence of multiple viral long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). Next-generation sequencing studies are highly dependent on the specific experimental approach and particular algorithms of analysis and therefore benefit from independent confirmation of the results. The antisense-to-latency transcript (ALT) lncRNA was discovered by genome-tiling microarray (Chandriani et al., J Virol 86:7934–7942, 2010, https://doi.org/10.1128/JVI.00645-10 ). To characterize ALT in detail, we physically isolated this lncRNA by a strand-specific hybrid capture assay and then employed transcriptome sequencing and novel reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) assays to distinguish all RNA species in the KSHV latency region. These methods confirm that ALT initiates at positions 120739/121012 and encodes a single splice site, which is shared with the 3′-coterminal K14-vGPCR/ORF74 mRNA, terminating at 130873 (GenBank accession number GQ994935 ), resulting in an ∼10,000-nucleotide transcript. No shorter ALT isoforms were identified. This study also identified a novel intron within the LANA 5′ untranslated region using a splice acceptor at 127888. In summary, ALT joins PAN/nut1/T1.1 as a bona fide lncRNA of KSHV with potentially important roles in viral gene regulation and pathogenesis. IMPORTANCE Increasing data support the importance of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), including microRNAs (miRNAs) and lncRNAs, which have been shown to exert critical regulatory functions without coding for recognizable proteins. Defining the sequences of these ncRNAs is essential for future studies aiming to functionally characterize a specific ncRNA. Most lncRNA studies are highly dependent on high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatic analyses, few studies follow up on the initial predictions, and analyses are at times discordant. The manuscript characterizes one key viral lncRNA, ALT, by physically isolating ALT and by a sequencing-independent assay. It provides for a simple assay to monitor lncRNA expression in experimental and clinical samples. ALT is expressed antisense to the major viral latency transcripts encoding LANA as well as the viral miRNAs and thus has the potential to regulate this key part of the viral life cycle

    Determinants of mTOR inhibitor therapy in AIDS-associated malignancies

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    Rapamycin/Sirolimus™ leads to the regression of transplant- associated Kaposi sarcoma (KS). It also leads to disease stabilization in HIV-associated KS. Case reports and a wealth of preclinical studies support rapamycin’s efficacy also in AIDS associated lymphoma, such as primary effusion lymphoma (PEL). Rapamycin inhibits the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and papamycin derivatives are approved for the treatment of mantle cell lymphoma and other cancers. It is not universally effective against all solid tumors. Even within this group of clinically responsive cancers, there are exceptions of cases or cell models in which this drug or its derivatives (rapalogs) fail