1,612 research outputs found

    Cascades of energy and helicity in the GOY shell model of turbulence

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    The effect of extreme hyperviscous damping, νknp,p=\nu k_n^p, p=\infty is studied numerically in the GOY shell model of turbulence. It has resently been demonstrated [Leveque and She, Phys. Rev. Lett, 75,2690 (1995)] that the inertial range scaling in the GOY model is non-universal and depending on the viscous damping. The present study shows that the deviation from Kolmogorov scaling is due to the cascade of the second inviscid invariant. This invariant is non-positive definite and in this sense analogous to the helicity of 3D turbulent flow.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    A note on dissipation in helical turbulence

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    In helical turbulence a linear cascade of helicity accompanying the energy cascade has been suggested. Since energy and helicity have different dimensionality we suggest the existence of a characteristic inner scale, ξ=kH1\xi=k_H^{-1}, for helicity dissipation in a regime of hydrodynamic fully developed turbulence and estimate it on dimensional grounds. This scale is always larger than the Kolmogorov scale, η=kE1\eta=k_E^{-1}, and their ratio η/ξ\eta / \xi vanishes in the high Reynolds number limit, so the flow will always be helicity free in the small scales.Comment: 2 pages, submitted to Phys. Fluid

    Multi-class oscillating systems of interacting neurons

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    We consider multi-class systems of interacting nonlinear Hawkes processes modeling several large families of neurons and study their mean field limits. As the total number of neurons goes to infinity we prove that the evolution within each class can be described by a nonlinear limit differential equation driven by a Poisson random measure, and state associated central limit theorems. We study situations in which the limit system exhibits oscillatory behavior, and relate the results to certain piecewise deterministic Markov processes and their diffusion approximations.Comment: 6 figure

    Estimation in the partially observed stochastic Morris-Lecar neuronal model with particle filter and stochastic approximation methods

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    Parameter estimation in multidimensional diffusion models with only one coordinate observed is highly relevant in many biological applications, but a statistically difficult problem. In neuroscience, the membrane potential evolution in single neurons can be measured at high frequency, but biophysical realistic models have to include the unobserved dynamics of ion channels. One such model is the stochastic Morris-Lecar model, defined by a nonlinear two-dimensional stochastic differential equation. The coordinates are coupled, that is, the unobserved coordinate is nonautonomous, the model exhibits oscillations to mimic the spiking behavior, which means it is not of gradient-type, and the measurement noise from intracellular recordings is typically negligible. Therefore, the hidden Markov model framework is degenerate, and available methods break down. The main contributions of this paper are an approach to estimate in this ill-posed situation and nonasymptotic convergence results for the method. Specifically, we propose a sequential Monte Carlo particle filter algorithm to impute the unobserved coordinate, and then estimate parameters maximizing a pseudo-likelihood through a stochastic version of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm. It turns out that even the rate scaling parameter governing the opening and closing of ion channels of the unobserved coordinate can be reasonably estimated. An experimental data set of intracellular recordings of the membrane potential of a spinal motoneuron of a red-eared turtle is analyzed, and the performance is further evaluated in a simulation study.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOAS729 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Pseudo resonance induced quasi-periodic behavior in stochastic threshold dynamics

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    Here we present a simple stochastic threshold model consisting of a deterministic slowly decaying term and a fast stochastic noise term. The process shows a pseudo-resonance, in the sense that for small and large intensities of the noise the signal is irregular and the distribution of threshold crossings is broad, while for a tuned intermediate value of noise intensity the signal becomes quasi-periodic and the distribution of threshold crossings is narrow. The mechanism captured by the model might be relevant for explaining apparent quasi-periodicity of observed climatic variations where no internal or external periodicities can be identified.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Stochastics and Dynamic

    The space-clamped Hodgkin-Huxley system with random synaptic input: inhibition of spiking by weak noise and analysis with moment equations

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    We consider a classical space-clamped Hodgkin-Huxley model neuron stimulated by synaptic excitation and inhibition with conductances represented by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes. Using numerical solutions of the stochastic model system obtained by an Euler method, it is found that with excitation only there is a critical value of the steady state excitatory conductance for repetitive spiking without noise and for values of the conductance near the critical value small noise has a powerfully inhibitory effect. For a given level of inhibition there is also a critical value of the steady state excitatory conductance for repetitive firing and it is demonstrated that noise either in the excitatory or inhibitory processes or both can powerfully inhibit spiking. Furthermore, near the critical value, inverse stochastic resonance was observed when noise was present only in the inhibitory input process. The system of 27 coupled deterministic differential equations for the approximate first and second order moments of the 6-dimensional model is derived. The moment differential equations are solved using Runge-Kutta methods and the solutions are compared with the results obtained by simulation for various sets of parameters including some with conductances obtained by experiment on pyramidal cells of rat prefrontal cortex. The mean and variance obtained from simulation are in good agreement when there is spiking induced by strong stimulation and relatively small noise or when the voltage is fluctuating at subthreshold levels. In the occasional spike mode sometimes exhibited by spinal motoneurons and cortical pyramidal cells the assunptions underlying the moment equation approach are not satisfied