79 research outputs found

    An examination of the association between seeing smoking in films and tobacco use in young adults in the west of Scotland: cross-sectional study

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    The objective is to examine the association between the amount of smoking seen in films and current smoking in young adults living in the west of Scotland in the UK. Cross-sectional analyses (using multivariable logistic regression) of data collected at age 19 (2002–04) from a longitudinal cohort originally surveyed at age 11 (1994–95) were conducted. The main outcome measure is smoking at age 19. No association was found between the number of occurrences of smoking estimated to have been seen in films (film smoking exposure) and current (or ever) smoking in young adults. This lack of association was unaffected by adjustment for predictors of smoking, including education, risk-taking orientation and smoking among peers. There was no association between film smoking exposure and smoking behaviour for any covariate-defined subgroup. Associations have been found between film smoking exposure and smoking initiation in younger adolescents in the United States. In this study, conducted in Scotland, no similar association was seen, suggesting that there may be age or cultural limitations on the effects of film smoking exposure on smoking. The lack of association could be due to methodological issues or greater sophistication of older adolescents and young adults in interpreting media images or the greater ubiquity of real-life smoking instances in Scotland. If the latter, film smoking exposure could become a more important risk factor for smoking uptake and maintenants in older adolescents following the recent ban on smoking in public places in Scotland

    The association of current smoking behavior with the smoking behavior of parents, siblings, friends and spouses

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    Aims: To examine the association of current smoking behavior of adolescents and young adults with the smoking behavior of their parents, siblings, friends and spouses. Design: Using survey data from a large twin-family sample, the association between the smoking behavior of participants and that of their family members, friends and spouses was investigated by calculating the relative risk. To disentangle sex and age differences, calculations were carried out separately for males and females and for three different age groups: 12-15, 16-20 and 21-40 years old. Findings: The smoking behavior of the participants was significantly influenced by the smoking behavior of parents, siblings and friends, but all relative risks decreased with age. No differences in relative risk were found between having older or younger smoking siblings. Within each age group, the relative risk to smoke when having a smoking friend was comparable to the relative risk to smoke when having a smoking same-age and same-sex sibling. For the older participants, the relative risk to smoke was higher for monozygotic (MZ) twins with a smoking co-twin than for dizygotic (DZ) twins with a smoking co-twin. Most findings were sex-dependent: same-sex smoking family members influenced smoking behavior more than opposite-sex family members. The significant association of the smoking behavior of spouses decreased with age, which suggests that assortment for smoking is based on similarity at the time dating began. Conclusions: The results highlight the importance of both social and genetic influences on smoking behavior, with genetic influences increasing with the age of the participant

    Investigating the effect of England’s smoke-free private vehicle regulation on changes in tobacco smoke exposure and respiratory disease in children: a quasi-experimental study

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    BACKGROUND: Comprehensive tobacco control policies can help to protect children from tobacco smoke exposure and associated adverse respiratory health consequences. We investigated the impact of England's 2015 regulation that prohibits smoking in a private vehicle with children present on changes in environmental tobacco smoke exposure and respiratory health in children. METHODS: In this quasi-experimental study, we used repeated cross-sectional, nationally representative data from the Health Survey for England from Jan 1, 2008, to Dec 31, 2017, of children aged up to 15 years. We did interrupted time series logistic or ordinal regression analyses to assess changes in prevalence of self-reported respiratory conditions, prevalence of self-reported childhood tobacco smoke exposure (children aged 8-15 years only), and salivary cotinine levels (children aged 2 years or older) before and after implementation of the smoke-free private vehicle regulation on Oct 1, 2015. Children who were considered active smokers were excluded from the analyses of salivary cotinine levels. Our primary outcome of interest was self-reported current wheezing or asthma, defined as having medicines prescribed for these conditions. Analyses were adjusted for underlying time trends, quarter of year, sex, age, Index of Multiple Deprivation quintile, and urbanisation level. FINDINGS: 21 096 children aged 0-15 years were included in our dataset. Implementation of the smoke-free private vehicle regulation was not associated with a demonstrable change in self-reported current wheezing or asthma (adjusted odds ratio 0·81, 95% CI 0·62-1·05; p=0·108; assessed in 13 369 children), respiratory conditions (1·02, 0·80-1·29; p=0·892; assessed in 17 006 children), or respiratory conditions probably affecting stamina, breathing, or fatigue (0·75, 0·47-1·19; p=0·220; assessed in 12 386 children). Self-reported tobacco smoke e

    The incidence of experimental smoking in school children: an 8-year follow-up of the child and adolescent behaviors in long-term evolution (CABLE) study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies have established that most regular adult smokers become addicted in their adolescent years. We investigated the incidence of and risk factors associated with initial experimental smoking among a group of school children who were followed for 8 years.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used cohort data collected as part of the Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution (CABLE) study, which selected nine elementary schools each from an urban area (Taipei City) and a rural area (Hsingchu county) in northern Taiwan. From 2002 to 2008, children were asked annually whether they had smoked in the previous year. An accelerated lifetime model with Weibull distribution was used to examine the factors associated with experimental smoking.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In 2001, 2686 4<sup>th</sup>-graders participated in the study. For each year from 2002 to 2008, their incidences of trial smoking were 3.1%, 4.0%, 2.8%, 6.0%, 5.3%, 5.0% and 6.0%, respectively. There was an increase from 7<sup>th </sup>to 8<sup>th </sup>grade (6.0%). Children who were males, lived in rural areas, came from single-parent families, had parents who smoked, and had peers who smoked were more likely to try smoking earlier. The influence of parents and peers on experimental smoking demonstrated gradient effects.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study used a cohort to examine incidence and multiple influences, including individual factors, familial factors, and community factors, on experimental smoking in adolescents. The findings fit the social ecological model, highlighting the influences of family and friends. School and community attachment were associated with experimental smoking in teenagers.</p

    Moderation of the Association between Media Exposure and Youth Smoking Onset: Race/Ethnicity, and Parent Smoking

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    This study of youth smoking onset aims to replicate previously published media moderation effects for race/ethnicity in a national longitudinal multiethnic sample of U.S. adolescents. Previous research has demonstrated that associations between media and smoking during adolescence are greater for Whites than Hispanics or Blacks, and for youth living in non-smoking families. In this study, changes in smoking status over 24 months were assessed among 4,511 baseline never-smokers. The incidence of smoking onset was 14.3% by 24 months with no differences by race/ethnicity. Blacks had higher exposure to movie smoking and overall television viewing compared with Whites and Hispanics. Whites responded to movie smoking regardless of parent smoking but more strongly if their parents were non-smokers. In contrast, Black adolescents showed little behavioral response to any media, regardless of parent smoking. Hispanic adolescents responded only to TV viewing and only when their parents did not smoke. In an analysis assessing the influence of the race of smoking characters on smoking behavior of White and Black adolescents, Whites responded to both White and Black movie character smoking, whereas Blacks responded only to smoking by Black movie characters. Taken as a whole, the findings replicate and extend previous findings, suggesting media factors are more influential among adolescents at low to moderate overall risk for smoking. We draw analogies between these low-moderate risk adolescents and “swing voters” in national elections, suggesting that media effects are more apt to influence an adolescent in the middle of the risk spectrum, compared with his peers at either end of it

    Smoking in film in New Zealand: measuring risk exposure

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    BACKGROUND: Smoking in film is a risk factor for smoking uptake in adolescence. This study aimed to quantify exposure to smoking in film received by New Zealand audiences, and evaluate potential interventions to reduce the quantity and impact of this exposure. METHODS: The ten highest-grossing films in New Zealand for 2003 were each analysed independently by two viewers for smoking, smoking references and related imagery. Potential interventions were explored by reviewing relevant New Zealand legislation, and scientific literature. RESULTS: Seven of the ten films contained at least one tobacco reference, similar to larger film samples. The majority of the 38 tobacco references involved characters smoking, most of whom were male. Smoking was associated with positive character traits, notably rebellion (which may appeal to adolescents). There appeared to be a low threshold for including smoking in film. Legislative or censorship approaches to smoking in film are currently unlikely to succeed. Anti-smoking advertising before films has promise, but experimental research is required to demonstrate cost effectiveness. CONCLUSION: Smoking in film warrants concern from public health advocates. In New Zealand, pre-film anti-smoking advertising appears to be the most promising immediate policy response

    Does smoking among friends explain apparent genetic effects on current smoking in adolescence and young adulthood?

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    We used data from a prospective cohort study of twins to investigate the influence of unmeasured genetic and measured and unmeasured environmental factors on the smoking behaviour of adolescents and young adults. Twins were surveyed in 1988 (aged 11–18 years), 1991, 1996 and 2004 with data from 1409, 1121, 732 and 758 pairs analysed from each survey wave, respectively. Questionnaires assessed the smoking behaviour of twins and the perceived smoking behaviour of friends and parents. Using a novel logistic regression analysis, we simultaneously modelled individual risk and excess concordance for current smoking as a function of zygosity, survey wave, parental smoking and peer smoking. Being concordant for having peers who smoked was a predictor of concordance for current smoking (P<0.001). After adjusting for peer smoking, monozygotic (MZ) pairs were no more alike than dizygotic pairs for current smoking at waves 2, 3 and 4. Genetic explanations are not needed to explain the greater concordance for current smoking among adult MZ pairs. However, if they are invoked, the role of genes may be due to indirect effects acting through the social environment. Smoking prevention efforts may benefit more by targeting social factors than attempting to identify genetic factors associated with smoking

    Factores asociados al consumo de drogas ilícitas en estudiantes de secundaria, universitarios y población general en Colombia

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    Tesis doctoralSegún los estudios poblacionales que se realizan en Colombia desde 1992, el consumo de drogas ilegales crece en Colombia de manera sostenida. Tales estudios presentan análisis descriptivos, distribuciones porcentuales y prevalencias, sin que se ahonde en el escrutinio de los factores que están incidiendo en las cifras de consumo. Con el interés de ahondar en la comprensión de éste fenómeno, facilitar su predicción y contribuir con su atención integral, en esta investigación se propone identificar factores individuales, familiares y del contexto, asociados al consumo de drogas ilegales en Colombia. Para alcanzar dichos propósitos se realizan dos investigaciones: 1) una revisión sistemática sobre los factores que inciden en el consumo de drogas ilegales y 2) la formulación de tres modelos de factores asociados al consumo de drogas ilegales en Colombia y la clasificación del tipo de consumidores, a partir de los factores identificados previamente. Se analizaron las bases de datos de estudios nacionales realizados con población general, estudiantes de secundaria y estudiantes universitarios, en las cuales se utilizó la metodología del Sistema Interamericano de Datos Uniformes sobre Consumo de Drogas. Inicialmente se establecieron en cada uno de los tres grupos analizados, los factores relacionados con el consumo de sustancias ilícitas y las clases latentes de consumidores, los cuales permitieron plantear tres modelos de factores asociados al consumo, uno para cada población. Se encontró que el consumo de drogas ilícitas en el último año, se asoció en las tres poblaciones, con tener amigos y familiares consumidores de drogas ilícitas; haber iniciado el consumo de tabaco y alcohol, y tener una baja percepción del riesgo con respecto al uso de marihuana. Por su parte, con el análisis de clases latentes se identificaron tres clases entre los consumidores de drogas ilícitas en la población general, seis clases entre escolares y cuatro clases entre universitarios. Los resultados indican factores que pueden ser considerados para orientar la prevención del consumo de drogas ilegales y su atención integral.1. INTRODUCCIÓN 2. JUSTIFICACIÓN Y PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 3. OBJETIVOS 4. ESTUDIO 1: REVISIÓN SISTEMÁTICA SOBRE LOS FACTORES ASOCIADOS AL RIESGO DEL CONSUMO DE DROGAS ILEGALES 5. ESTUDIO 2: FORMULACIÓN DE MODELOS DE CONSUMO DE DROGAS ILÍCITAS EN COLOMBIA, CON ESTUDIANTES DE SECUNDARIA, UNIVERSITARIOS Y POBLACIÓN GENERAL 6.REFERENCIAS 7. ANEXOSDoctoradoDoctor en Psicologí

    Is there an association between seeing incidents of alcohol or drug use in films and young Scottish adults' own alcohol or drug use? A cross sectional study

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    &lt;p&gt;Background: As the promotion of alcohol and tobacco to young people through direct advertising has become increasingly restricted, there has been greater interest in whether images of certain behaviours in films are associated with uptake of those behaviours in young people. Associations have been reported between exposure to smoking images in films and smoking initiation, and between exposure to film alcohol images and initiation of alcohol consumption, in younger adolescents in the USA and Germany. To date no studies have reported on film images of recreational drug use and young people's own drug use.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methods: Cross sectional multivariable logistic regression analysis of data collected at age 19 (2002-4) from a cohort of young people (502 boys, 500 girls) previously surveyed at ages 11 (in 1994-5), 13 and 15 in schools in the West of Scotland. Outcome measures at age 19 were: exceeding the 'sensible drinking' guidelines ('heavy drinkers') and binge drinking (based on alcohol consumption reported in last week), and ever use of cannabis and of 'hard' drugs. The principle predictor variables were an estimate of exposure to images of alcohol, and of drug use, in films, controlling for factors related to the uptake of substance use in young people.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Results: A third of these young adults (33%) were classed as 'heavy drinkers' and half (47%) as 'binge drinkers' on the basis of their previous week's consumption. Over half (56%) reported ever use of cannabis and 13% ever use of one or more of the 'hard' drugs listed. There were linear trends in the percentage of heavy drinkers (p = .018) and binge drinkers (p = 0.012) by film alcohol exposure quartiles, and for ever use of cannabis by film drug exposure (p = .000), and for ever use of 'hard' drugs (p = .033). The odds ratios for heavy drinking (1.56, 95% CI 1.06-2.29 comparing highest with lowest quartile of film alcohol exposure) and binge drinking (1.59, 95% CI 1.10-2.30) were attenuated by adjustment for gender, social class, family background (parental structure, parental care and parental control), attitudes to risk-taking and rule-breaking, and qualifications (OR heavy drinking 1.42, 95% CI 0.95-2.13 and binge drinking 1.49, 95% CI 1.01-2.19), and further so when adjusting for friends' drinking status (when the odds ratios were no longer significant). A similar pattern was seen for ever use of cannabis and 'hard' drugs (unadjusted OR 1.80, 95% CI 1.24-2.62 and 1.57, 95% CI 0.91-2.69 respectively, 'fully' adjusted OR 1.41 (0.90-2.22 and 1.28 (0.66-2.47) respectively).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusions: Despite some limitations, which are discussed, these cross-sectional results add to a body of work which suggests that it is important to design good longitudinal studies which can determine whether exposure to images of potentially health-damaging behaviours lead to uptake of these behaviours during adolescence and early adulthood, and to examine factors that might mediate this relationship.&lt;/p&gt