8 research outputs found

    Influence of C-5 substituted cytosine and related nucleoside analogs on the formation of benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide-dG adducts at CG base pairs of DNA

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    Endogenous 5-methylcytosine (MeC) residues are found at all CG dinucleotides of the p53 tumor suppressor gene, including the mutational ‘hotspots' for smoking induced lung cancer. MeC enhances the reactivity of its base paired guanine towards carcinogenic diolepoxide metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) present in cigarette smoke. In the present study, the structural basis for these effects was investigated using a series of unnatural nucleoside analogs and a representative PAH diolepoxide, benzo[a]pyrene diolepoxide (BPDE). Synthetic DNA duplexes derived from a frequently mutated region of the p53 gene (5′-CCCGGCACCC GC[15N3,13C1-G]TCCGCG-3′, + strand) were prepared containing [15N3, 13C1]-guanine opposite unsubstituted cytosine, MeC, abasic site, or unnatural nucleobase analogs. Following BPDE treatment and hydrolysis of the modified DNA to 2′-deoxynucleosides, N2-BPDE-dG adducts formed at the [15N3, 13C1]-labeled guanine and elsewhere in the sequence were quantified by mass spectrometry. We found that C-5 alkylcytosines and related structural analogs specifically enhance the reactivity of the base paired guanine towards BPDE and modify the diastereomeric composition of N2-BPDE-dG adducts. Fluorescence and molecular docking studies revealed that 5-alkylcytosines and unnatural nucleobase analogs with extended aromatic systems facilitate the formation of intercalative BPDE-DNA complexes, placing BPDE in a favorable orientation for nucleophilic attack by the N2 position of guanin

    Interpretation of pH–Activity Profiles for Acid–Base Catalysis from Molecular Simulations

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    The measurement of reaction rate as a function of pH provides essential information about mechanism. These rates are sensitive to the p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> values of amino acids directly involved in catalysis that are often shifted by the enzyme active site environment. Experimentally observed pH–rate profiles are usually interpreted using simple kinetic models that allow estimation of “apparent p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub>” values of presumed general acid and base catalysts. One of the underlying assumptions in these models is that the protonation states are uncorrelated. In this work, we introduce the use of constant pH molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent (CpHMD) with replica exchange in the pH-dimension (pH-REMD) as a tool to aid in the interpretation of pH–activity data of enzymes and to test the validity of different kinetic models. We apply the methods to RNase A, a prototype acid–base catalyst, to predict the macroscopic and microscopic p<i>K</i><sub>a</sub> values, as well as the shape of the pH–rate profile. Results for apo and cCMP-bound RNase A agree well with available experimental data and suggest that deprotonation of the general acid and protonation of the general base are not strongly coupled in transphosphorylation and hydrolysis steps. Stronger coupling, however, is predicted for the Lys41 and His119 protonation states in apo RNase A, leading to the requirement for a microscopic kinetic model. This type of analysis may be important for other catalytic systems where the active forms of the implicated general acid and base are oppositely charged and more highly correlated. These results suggest a new way for CpHMD/pH-REMD simulations to bridge the gap with experiments to provide a molecular-level interpretation of pH–activity data in studies of enzyme mechanisms

    A Multidimensional B‑Spline Correction for Accurate Modeling Sugar Puckering in QM/MM Simulations

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    The computational efficiency of approximate quantum mechanical methods allows their use for the construction of multidimensional reaction free energy profiles. It has recently been demonstrated that quantum models based on the neglect of diatomic differential overlap (NNDO) approximation have difficulty modeling deoxyribose and ribose sugar ring puckers and thus limit their predictive value in the study of RNA and DNA systems. A method has been introduced in our previous work to improve the description of the sugar puckering conformational landscape that uses a multidimensional B-spline correction map (BMAP correction) for systems involving intrinsically coupled torsion angles. This method greatly improved the adiabatic potential energy surface profiles of DNA and RNA sugar rings relative to high-level <i>ab initio</i> methods even for highly problematic NDDO-based models. In the present work, a BMAP correction is developed, implemented, and tested in molecular dynamics simulations using the AM1/d-PhoT semiempirical Hamiltonian for biological phosphoryl transfer reactions. Results are presented for gas-phase adiabatic potential energy surfaces of RNA transesterification model reactions and condensed-phase QM/MM free energy surfaces for nonenzymatic and RNase A-catalyzed transesterification reactions. The results show that the BMAP correction is stable, efficient, and leads to improvement in both the potential energy and free energy profiles for the reactions studied, as compared with <i>ab initio</i> and experimental reference data. Exploration of the effect of the size of the quantum mechanical region indicates the best agreement with experimental reaction barriers occurs when the full CpA dinucleotide substrate is treated quantum mechanically with the sugar pucker correction

    Influence of C-5 substituted cytosine and related nucleoside analogs on the formation of benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide-dG adducts at CG base pairs of DNA

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    Endogenous 5-methylcytosine (MeC) residues are found at all CG dinucleotides of the p53 tumor suppressor gene, including the mutational ‘hotspots’ for smoking induced lung cancer. MeC enhances the reactivity of its base paired guanine towards carcinogenic diolepoxide metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) present in cigarette smoke. In the present study, the structural basis for these effects was investigated using a series of unnatural nucleoside analogs and a representative PAH diolepoxide, benzo[a]pyrene diolepoxide (BPDE). Synthetic DNA duplexes derived from a frequently mutated region of the p53 gene (5′-CCCGGCACCC GC[15N3,13C1-G]TCCGCG-3′, + strand) were prepared containing [15N3, 13C1]-guanine opposite unsubstituted cytosine, MeC, abasic site, or unnatural nucleobase analogs. Following BPDE treatment and hydrolysis of the modified DNA to 2′-deoxynucleosides, N2-BPDE-dG adducts formed at the [15N3, 13C1]-labeled guanine and elsewhere in the sequence were quantified by mass spectrometry. We found that C-5 alkylcytosines and related structural analogs specifically enhance the reactivity of the base paired guanine towards BPDE and modify the diastereomeric composition of N2-BPDE-dG adducts. Fluorescence and molecular docking studies revealed that 5-alkylcytosines and unnatural nucleobase analogs with extended aromatic systems facilitate the formation of intercalative BPDE–DNA complexes, placing BPDE in a favorable orientation for nucleophilic attack by the N2 position of guanine.ISSN:1362-4962ISSN:0301-561

    A Variational Linear-Scaling Framework to Build Practical, Efficient Next-Generation Orbital-Based Quantum Force Fields

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    We introduce a new hybrid molecular orbital/density-functional modified divide-and-conquer (mDC) approach that allows the linear-scaling calculation of very large quantum systems. The method provides a powerful framework from which linear-scaling force fields for molecular simulations can be developed. The method is variational in the energy and has simple, analytic gradients and essentially no break-even point with respect to the corresponding full electronic structure calculation. Furthermore, the new approach allows intermolecular forces to be properly balanced such that nonbonded interactions can be treated, in some cases, to much higher accuracy than the full calculation. The approach is illustrated using the second-order self-consistent charge density-functional tight-binding model (DFTB2). Using this model as a base Hamiltonian, the new mDC approach is applied to a series of water systems, where results show that geometries and interaction energies between water molecules are greatly improved relative to full DFTB2. In order to achieve substantial improvement in the accuracy of intermolecular binding energies and hydrogen bonded cluster geometries, it was necessary to extend the DFTB2 model to higher-order atom-centered multipoles for the second-order self-consistent intermolecular electrostatic term. Using generalized, linear-scaling electrostatic methods, timings demonstrate that the method is able to calculate a water system of 3000 atoms in less than half of a second, and systems of up to 1 million atoms in only a few minutes using a conventional desktop workstation

    Influence of C-5 substituted cytosine and related nucleoside analogs on the formation of benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide-dG adducts at CG base pairs of DNA

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    Endogenous 5-methylcytosine ((Me)C) residues are found at all CG dinucleotides of the p53 tumor suppressor gene, including the mutational ‘hotspots’ for smoking induced lung cancer. (Me)C enhances the reactivity of its base paired guanine towards carcinogenic diolepoxide metabolites of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) present in cigarette smoke. In the present study, the structural basis for these effects was investigated using a series of unnatural nucleoside analogs and a representative PAH diolepoxide, benzo[a]pyrene diolepoxide (BPDE). Synthetic DNA duplexes derived from a frequently mutated region of the p53 gene (5′-CCCGGCACCC GC[(15)N(3),(13)C(1)-G]TCCGCG-3′, + strand) were prepared containing [(15)N(3), (13)C(1)]-guanine opposite unsubstituted cytosine, (Me)C, abasic site, or unnatural nucleobase analogs. Following BPDE treatment and hydrolysis of the modified DNA to 2′-deoxynucleosides, N(2)-BPDE-dG adducts formed at the [(15)N(3), (13)C(1)]-labeled guanine and elsewhere in the sequence were quantified by mass spectrometry. We found that C-5 alkylcytosines and related structural analogs specifically enhance the reactivity of the base paired guanine towards BPDE and modify the diastereomeric composition of N(2)-BPDE-dG adducts. Fluorescence and molecular docking studies revealed that 5-alkylcytosines and unnatural nucleobase analogs with extended aromatic systems facilitate the formation of intercalative BPDE–DNA complexes, placing BPDE in a favorable orientation for nucleophilic attack by the N(2) position of guanine