11 research outputs found

    Enhanced diastolic reflections on arterial pressure pulse during exercise recovery

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    RESUMEDurant la phase de récupération d'un exercice de course à pied d'intensité maximale ou submaximale, une augmentation de la pression artérielle systolique centrale (aortique) résultant de la réflexion des ondes de pouls sur l'arbre vasculaire est constatée chez l'individu en bonne santé. En diastole cependant, l'impact de la réflexion de ces ondes de pouls sur la pression centrale demeure inconnu durant la récupération d'un exercice.Nous avons évalué les ondes de pouls centrales systolique et diastolique chez onze athlètes d'endurance durant la phase de récupération d'un exercice de course à pied dans des conditions d'effort maximal (sur tapis de course) et lors d'un effort submaximal lors d'une course à pied de 4000 mètres en plein air sur terrain mixte.Pour chaque sujet et lors des deux exercices, l'onde de pouls a été mesurée au niveau radial par tonométrie d'aplanation durant une phase de repos précédant l'exercice, puis à 5, 15, 25, 35 et 45 minutes après la fin de l'exercice. En utilisant une fonction mathématique de transfert, l'onde de pouls centrale a été extrapolée à partir de l'onde de pouls radiale. En compilant la forme de l'onde de pouls centrale avec une mesure simultanée de la pression artérielle brachiale, un index d'augmentation de l'onde de pouls en systole (Alx) et en diastole (Als) peut être calculé, reflétant l'augmentation des pressions résultant de la réflexion des ondes sur l'arbre vasculaire périphérique.A 5 minutes de la fin de l'exercice, les deux index ont été mesurés moindres que ceux mesurés lors de la phase précédant celui-ci. Lors des mesures suivantes, Alx est resté bas, alors que Aid a progressivement augmenté pour finalement dépasser la valeur de repos après 45 minutes de récupération. Le même phénomène a été constaté pour les deux modalités d'exercice (maximal ou submaximal). Ainsi, au-delà de quelques minutes de récupération après un exercice de course d'intensité maximale ou submaximale, nous avons montré par ces investigations que les ondes de pouls réfléchies en périphérie augmentent de façon sélective la pression centrale en diastole chez l'athlète d'endurance.ABSTRACTDuring recovery from a maximal or submaximal aerobic exercise, augmentation of central (aortic) systolic pressure by reflected pressure waves is blunted in healthy humans. However, the extent to which reflected pressure waves modify the central pulse in diastole in these conditions remains unknown. We evaluated systolic and diastolic central reflected waves in 11 endurance-trained athletes on recovery from a maximal running test on a treadmill (treadmill-max) and a 4000m run in field conditions. On both occasions in each subject, the radial pulse was recorded with applanation tonometry in the resting preexercise state and then 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 minutes after exercise termination. From the central waveform, as reconstructed by application of a generalized transfer function, we computed a systolic (Alx) and a diastolic index (Aid) of pressure augmentation by reflections. At 5 minutes, both indices were below preexercise. At further time-points, Alx remained low, while Aid progressively increased, to overshoot above preexercise at 45 minutes. The same behavior was observed with both exercise types. Beyond the first few minutes of recovery following either maximal or submaximal aerobic exercise, reflected waves selectively augment the central pressure pulse in diastole, at least in endurance- trained athletes

    Méthodes de mesure de la pression artérielle pour le diagnostic et le suivi des patients hypertendus [Blutdruckmessung für Diagnose und Überwachung der Hypertonie]

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    - Pour être fiables, les mesures de la pression artérielle doivent être effectuées à l'aide d'un appareil validé et selon des procédures définies, que ce soit au cabinet, à domicile ou à l'occasion d'un enregistrement tensionnel en ambulatoire. - Le risque cardiovasculaire d'un sujet donné est mieux reflété par la pression mesurée à domicile ou enregistrée en ambulatoire que par la pression artérielle mesurée en milieu médical. - L'enregistrement de la pression artérielle en ambulatoire est utile surtout pour mettre en évidence le phénomène de la «blouse blanche» et pour évaluer la qualité du contrôle tensionnel durant le traitement antihypertenseur, en cas d'hypertension réfractaire notamment. - L'automesure de la pression artérielle facilite le suivi à long terme des malades hypertendus sous traitement antihypertenseur et permet d'améliorer l'observance thérapeutique. - La pression artérielle enregistrée en ambulatoire doit être en moyenne <135/85 mm Hg pendant les heures diurnes et <120/70 mm Hg pendant le sommeil. - La pression artérielle mesurée par le malade ou son entourage à domicile doit être <135/85 mm Hg

    Tuberculose miliaire chez une personne âgée: diagnostic inattendu à l'autopsie [Miliary tuberculosis: unexpected autopsy finding in an elderly person].

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    Miliary tuberculosis is a rare disease that is difficult to diagnose because of its non-specific presentation. It should be suspected in elderly patients who complaint of failure to thrive, unexplained fatigue and weight loss. Using a clinical situation where the diagnosis was made only at autopsy, we briefly review the epidemiology of miliary tuberculosis and propose recommendations for the diagnosis and the prophylaxis of latent tuberculosis. Finally, we discuss criteria to perform epidemiological investigations among close contacts in this situation

    Enhanced diastolic reflections on arterial pressure pulse during exercise recovery.

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    During recovery from a maximal or submaximal aerobic exercise, augmentation of central (aortic) systolic pressure by reflected pressure waves is blunted in healthy humans. However, the extent to which reflected pressure waves modify the central pulse in diastole in these conditions remains unknown. We evaluated systolic and diastolic central reflected waves in 11 endurance-trained athletes on recovery from a maximal running test on a treadmill (treadmill-max) and a 4000 m run in field conditions. On both occasions in each subject, the radial pulse was recorded with applanation tonometry in the resting preexercise state and then 5, 15, 25, 35, and 45 min after exercise termination. From the central waveform, as reconstructed by application of a generalized transfer function, we computed a systolic (AIx) and a diastolic index (AId) of pressure augmentation by reflections. At 5 min, both indices were below preexercise. At further time-points, AIx remained low, while AId progressively increased, to overshoot above preexercise at 45 min. The same behavior was observed with both exercise types. Beyond the first few minutes of recovery following either maximal or submaximal aerobic exercise, reflected waves selectively augment the central pressure pulse in diastole, at least in endurance-trained athletes

    Dose-dependent vasodilatory effects of acetylcholine and local warming on skin microcirculation

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    The assessment of the skin microvasculature response to iontophoretically applied acetylcholine (ACh) and local warming makes it possible to explore noninvasively in humans the functional integrity of endothelium. The present study aimed to examine whether these two stimuli of nitric oxide (NO) release have a dose-dependent vasorelaxant activity. For this purpose we assessed in healthy subjects using a laser-Doppler imaging system the increase in forearm blood flow following transdermal application of increasing amounts of ACh [with an iontophoretic current of either 0.28 mC/cm2 (n = 18), 0.56 mC/cm2 (n = 14), 1.4 mC/cm2 (n = 26), 7 mC/cm2 (n = 14), 28 mC/cm2 (n = 14), or 48 mC/cm2 (n = 6)] or graded warming of the skin [to either 37 degrees C (n = 8), 39 degrees C (n = 4) or 41 degrees C (n = 12)]. The maximal vasodilation was significantly smaller with the lowest dose than with the higher doses of ACh, and a plateau was reached with the 1.4 mC/cm2 dose. The skin blood flow responses to ACh were not dependent on the pulsed or continuous pattern of iontophoretic administration. The hyperemia induced by the local heating to 41 degrees C was significantly greater than that observed with the other temperatures. When measured in the same subjects, the magnitude of the maximal ACh-mediated skin blood flow increase was significantly smaller than the vasodilation associated with the warming to 41 degrees C. In summary, transdermally applied ACh and local heating of the skin induce a dose-dependent vasorelaxation. These techniques represent a unique means to investigate noninvasively the functional vasodilatory capacity of the skin microvasculature

    A comparative study of reactive hyperemia in human forearm skin and muscle.

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    Reactive hyperemia (RH) in forearm muscle or skin microcirculation has been considered as a surrogate endpoint in clinical studies of cardiovascular disease. We evaluated two potential confounders that might limit such use of RH, namely laterality of measurement and intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Twenty-three young non-smoking healthy adults were enrolled. In Experiment 1 (n=16), the RH elicited by 3 min of ischemia was recorded in the muscle (strain gauge plethysmography, hand excluded) and skin (laser Doppler imaging) of both forearms. In Experiment 2 (n=7), RH was determined in the dominant forearm only, one hour following oral acetylsalicylic acid (1 g) or placebo. In Experiment 1, peak RH was identical in both forearms, and so were the corresponding durations of responses. RH lasted significantly less in muscle than in skin (p=0.003), a hitherto unrecognized fact. In the skin, acetylsalicylate reduced duration (43 vs. 57.4 s for placebo, p=0.03), without affecting the peak response. In muscle, duration tended to decrease with acetylsalicylate (21.4 vs. 26.0 s with placebo, p=0.06) and the peak increase in blood flow was blunted (27.2 vs. 32.4 ml/min/100 ml tissue with placebo, p=0.003). We conclude that, when using RH as a surrogate endpoint in studies of cardiovascular disease, a confounding by laterality of measurement need not be feared, but NSAIDS may have an influence, although perhaps not on the peak response in the skin

    Feihl F. A comparative study of reactive hyperemia in human forearm skin and muscle. Physiological research/Academia Scientiarum Bohemoslovaca. 2008; 57:685–692. [PubMed: 17949255] Crecelius et al. Page 10 Circ Res. Author manuscript; available

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    Summary Reactive hyperemia (RH) in forearm muscle or skin microcirculation has been considered as a surrogate endpoint in clinical studies of cardiovascular disease. We evaluated two potential confounders that might limit such use of RH, namely laterality of measurement and intake of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). Twenty-three young non-smoking healthy adults were enrolled. In Experiment 1 (n=16), the RH elicited by 3 min of ischemia was recorded in the muscle (strain gauge plethysmography, hand excluded) and skin (laser Doppler imaging) of both forearms. In Experiment 2 (n=7), RH was determined in the dominant forearm only, one hour following oral acetylsalicylic acid (1 g) or placebo. In Experiment 1, peak RH was identical in both forearms, and so were the corresponding durations of responses. RH lasted significantly less in muscle than in skin (p=0.003), a hitherto unrecognized fact. In the skin, acetylsalicylate reduced duration (43 vs. 57.4 s for placebo, p=0.03), without affecting the peak response. In muscle, duration tended to decrease with acetylsalicylate (21.4 vs. 26.0 s with placebo, p=0.06) and the peak increase in blood flow was blunted (27.2 vs. 32.4 ml/min/100 ml tissue with placebo, p=0.003). We conclude that, when using RH as a surrogate endpoint in studies of cardiovascular disease, a confounding by laterality of measurement need not be feared, but NSAIDS may have an influence, although perhaps not on the peak response in the skin

    No major impact of skin aging on the response of skin blood flow to a submaximal local thermal stimulus.

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    OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to investigate how aging affects dermal microvascular reactivity in skin areas differentially exposed to sunlight, and therefore to different degrees of photoaging. METHODS: We assessed, in young (18-30 years, n = 13) and aged males (≥60 years, n = 13), the thigh, forearm, and forehead's skin vasodilatory response to local heating (LTH) with a LDI. In each subject and at each location, local Tskin was brought from 34°C (baseline) to 39 or 41°C for 30 minutes, to effect submaximal vasodilation, with maximal vasodilation then elicited by further heating to 44°C. RESULTS: The CVCs evaluated at baseline and after maximal vasodilation (CVCmax ) were higher in the forehead than in the two other anatomical locations. On all locations, CVCmax decreased with age but less markedly in the forehead compared to the two other locations. When expressed in % of CVCmax , the plateau increase of CVCs in response to submaximal temperatures (39 and 41°C) did not vary with age, and minimally so with location. CONCLUSION: Skin aging, whether intrinsic or combined with photoaging, reduces the maximal vasodilatory capacity of the dermal microcirculation, but not its reactivity to local heating

    Foot skin blood flow following infrainguinal revascularization for critical lower limb ischemia.

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    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to assess the blood flow in the feet before and after lower limb revascularization using laser Doppler imaging (LDI). METHODS: Ten patients with critical lower limb ischemia were prospectively enrolled from June to October 2004. All patients underwent successful unilateral surgical interventions including above-knee bypass, distal bypass and endarterectomy. Skin blood flow (SBF) over the plantar surface of both forefeet and heels was measured by LDI 24h before and 10 days after revascularization, expressed in perfusion units (PU), and reported as mean+/-SD. RESULTS: Measurements in the forefoot and heel were similar. Before revascularization mean SBF was significantly lower in the ischemic foot (130+/-71 PU) compared to the contralateral foot (212+/-68 PU), p<0.05. After revascularization a significant increase of the SBF in the forefoot (from 135+/-67 to 202+/-86 PU, p=0.001) and hindfoot (from 148+/-58 to 203+/-83, p=0.001) was observed on the treatment side. However, a large decrease of the SBF was seen in forefoot and hindfoot on the untreated side (from 250+/-123 PU to 176+/-83 and from 208+/-116 to 133+/-40, p=0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION: This study confirms the benefits of revascularization in patients with nonhealing foot lesions due to critical limb ischemia. A significant increase of the SBF was observed on the treatment side. However, an unexpected decrease was observed on the untreated side