2 research outputs found
Immobilization of Bacillus licheniformis
- Author
- Alloue W Destain J, El Medjoub T,
- Boller T Meier C, and Menzler S
- Dinç
- Dische Z and Borenfreund E
- Hall CE Karboune S, Florence H, an
- Jung-Kul LEE
- Kara F Demirel G, and Tü
- Katchalski-Katzir E and Kraemer DM
- Mateo C Fernandez-Lorente G, Abian
- Novick SJ and Rozzell JD
- Patrick JW and Lee N
- Ponnandy PRABHU
- Prabhu P Tiwari MK, Jeya M, Gunase
- Wang PY Tsai SW, and Chen TL
- Ye-Wang ZHANG
- Yeom SJ Ji JH, Yoon RY, and Oh DK
- Publication venue
- 'Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Kohlenhydrate Nachweis und Bestimmung der Mono- und Oligosaccharide
- Author
- A Behre
- A Dahlqvist
- A Emmerich
- A Jeanes
- A Jolles
- A Tiselius
- AM Mattson
- Aoac-Methods
- Auerbach. F. and E. Bodlander
- Auerbach. F. and G. Borries
- Auerbach. F. Zit. nach Z
- B Issekutz
- B Klein
- B Matkovics
- Bailey R.W.
- Barakat. M.Z. and M.E. Abd-El Wahab
- BD Rites
- BF Miller
- BK Goss
- C Barfoed
- C Barfoed
- CA Browne
- Capello
- CE Dent
- CE Weill
- CHS Hanes
- CJ Kruisheer
- CM Wilson
- D Gross
- D Keilnc
- D Keilnc
- D Miller
- DAA Mossel
- DEL Kruuers
- DF Ddrso
- DF Ddrso
- Die Trennung von Glykose und Fructose
- Dische Z.,and H. Popper
- Dische Z.,DuBois, M., K. Gilles, J.K. Hamilton, P.A.,Rebers and F. Smith
- Dische Z.,L.B. Shettles and M. Osxos
- DJS Gray
- DL Morris
- DM Smith
- E Becker
- E Borel
- E Borenfreund
- E Chargaff
- E Lunt
- E Pascike
- E Reinefeld
- E Sieben
- E Stahl
- E Waldmann
- EA Lloyd
- EF Potter
- EF Potter
- EF Potter
- EF Potter
- EF Potter
- EF Potter
- EF Potter
- EJ Bates
- EL Hirst
- EL-Khadem and W. Girgis
- Emmerich A.
- EV Yemm
- F Fischler
- F Lucius
- F Micheel
- F Mohr
- F Scheffer
- F Schneider
- F Schneider
- F Sohlet
- F Voorst
- F Voorst
- F Voorst
- F Voorst
- F Weehuizen
- FA Isherwood
- Fairbahcst
- FH Schmidt
- FHC Kelly
- FHC Kelly
- Fiere J.
- FJ Reithel
- FM Scales
- FW Zerban
- G Bertrand
- G Bertrand
- G Briihns
- G Briihns
- G Gorbach
- G Gorbach
- G Gorbach
- G Luff
- G Pastuska
- G Romijn
- G Steinhoff
- GC Bock
- GH Benham
- GH Benham
- GJ Haas
- GN Kowkabany
- Goss B.K.,Grassmann, W., and K. Hannig
- Goss B.K.,Micromethods of sugar analysis. J
- Grossfeld J.
- H Fincke
- H Gorr
- H Hadorn
- H Hadorn
- H Hadorn
- H Hadorn
- H Hadorn
- H Hörmann
- H Jäger
- H Klotzsch
- H Konrad
- H Miller
- H Molisca
- H Rentschler
- H Rftloff
- H Riffart
- H Rtggeberg
- H Streuli
- H Streuli
- H Sulser
- H Tauber
- H Thaler
- H Thaler
- H Thies
- H Wagreich
- H Wohnlich
- H-U Bergmeyer
- Hadorn H.,Studien über die Inversion der Saccharose mittels Salzsäure sowie über das Verhalten anderer Zuckerarten. Mitt. Lebensmitteluntersuch
- HC Hagedorn
- Helbert J.R., and K. D. Brown
- Heyrovsky A.
- HG Wager
- HSC Whalley
- iwai 5ky. H.
- Izoy..J.K.
- J Badin
- J Bougault
- J Bruckner
- J Dubourg
- J Grossfeld
- J Grossfeld
- J Grossfeld
- J Grossfeld
- J Grossfeld
- J Grossfeld
- J Williams
- Jayme. G. and H. Knolle
- JB Pridham
- JD Leerdes
- JD Phillips
- JH Kamer De
- JL Bryson
- Jones J.K.N., R. A. Wall and A.O
- Jorgensen. B.B. and O.B.Jgrgensen
- JR Adams
- JRJW White
- JRJW White
- K Heyns
- K Heyns
- K Miller
- K Miller
- K Myrbäck
- K Schoenemann
- K Sichert
- K Taufel
- K Taufel
- K Taufel
- K Taufel
- K Wallenfels
- K Wölfel
- Kcpferschmid. W.
- Kcpferschmid. W. Der Einfluß von Peptiden
- Kcpferschmid. W. Die Beeinflussung von Zuckerbestimmungen durch Proteine unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Methode nach Potterat-Eschmann. Mitt.-Bl. Gdch
- KH Meyer
- Khym J. X., and L.P. Zill
- Khym J. X., Kleber, W., and D. Runkel and I. Seyfarth
- Khym J. X., Separation of sugars by ion exchange. J
- koltnoff J.M., Die Anwendung der jodometrischen Aldosenbestimmung bei der Analyse kohlenhydrathaltiger Gemische. Z
- koltnoff J.M.,Die jodometrische Aldosenbestimmung. Z
- KT Williams
- KT Williams
- KT Williams
- L Acker
- L Acker
- L Hough
- L Jaenicke
- L Nijns
- L Robinson-Görnhardt
- L Rosentiialer
- L Sattler
- LC Mokrasch
- LE Hessler
- LH Koehler
- LJ Heidt
- LM White
- M Bial
- M Bial
- M Blecher
- M Meyer
- M Somogyi
- M Somogyi
- M Somogyi
- M.C. Farren, E.F.K., Brand and H. Rutkowski
- MA Capello
- MA Jermyn
- MA Jermyn
- ME Hobbs
- Mejbaum W.
- MicheeL F.
- MJ Blish
- ML Wolfrom
- MR Shetlar
- MRJ Salton
- MW Slein
- MWF Fuhru-Snethlage
- N Albon
- N Albon
- N Nelson
- N Schoorl
- N Schoorl
- N Schoorl
- N Schoorl
- N Schoorl
- N Schoorl
- Nef J.U.
- P Albers
- P Pfeiffer
- P Schwartz
- PA Shaffer
- Pan S.C., L. W. Nicholson and P. Kolachov
- Patmalnicks J., and S. Gardell
- Piiilippu A.J.
- R Illies
- R Johanson
- R Johanson
- R Willstätter
- RA Fairbridge
- Reichel L., and H. Schiweck
- RG Kulka
- RH Horrocks
- RJ Dimler
- RM Sandstedt
- RN Guldstrand
- Rotsch. A.
- RR Bridges
- RS Crowne
- RT Bottle
- S Gardell
- Schormüller J.,W.Andräss, H.-J. Lange H. K.-H. Müller
- SL Bonting
- SM Partridge
- SM Partridge
- SM Strepkov
- Somogyi M.,A new reagent for the determination of sugars
- Somogyi M.,Detection and determination of small amounts of glucose in mixtures containing maltose
- Somogyi M.,Determination of blood sugar
- STJ Patterson
- STJ Patterson
- Sumner J.B.
- SW Gunner
- Taufel K ., H. Ruttloff., and R. Friese
- TE Timell
- TH Fellenberg
- TH Fellenberg
- TH Fellenberg
- VD Haar
- VD Kamer
- Voorst F. Tx VAN
- W Braun
- W Chefurka
- W Diemair
- W Diemair
- W Diemair
- W Herb
- W Kempf
- W Scuocn
- W Scuocn
- W Thorn
- W Utermark
- WAL Evans
- Wallenfels K .,E. Beryt and G. Limberg
- Wanner. H.
- WE Trevelyan
- WH Wadman
- Whalley. H.s.c. DE
- Whalley. H.s.c. N.ALBON and D. Gross
- Wheeler. H.J.. and B.Tollens
- Whistler. R.L. and D.F. Ddrso
- Whistler. R.L. and J.L. Hickson
- Wolfrom M. L., and J. B. Miller
- WR Fearon
- WW Binkley
- Z Analyt
- Z Dische
- Z Dische
- Z Dische
- Zit
- Zit
- Zit
- Zit. Nach F.W
- Zit. nach F
- Zit. nach K
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1967
- Field of study